John McCain demonstrates his passion to pursue the truth of Benghazi, no matter where it leads him:
Most of the Republican members of a Senate committee investigating the terrorist attack at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, skipped an classified briefing by administration officials on the incident Wednesday, CNN has learned.
The missing lawmakers included Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who at the time of the top-secret briefing held a press conference in the Capitol to call for the creation of a Watergate-type special Congressional committee to investigate how and why the attack took place.
In a rare display of journalism, CNN actually dared to press the American Hero on the reasons for his absence:
When CNN approached McCain in a Capitol hallway Thursday morning, the senator refused to comment about why he missed the briefing, which was conducted by top diplomatic, military and counter-terrorism officials. Instead, McCain got testy when pressed to say why he wasn’t there.
“I have no comment about my schedule and I’m not going to comment on how I spend my time to the media,” McCain said.
Asked why he wouldn’t comment, McCain grew agitated: “Because I have the right as a senator to have no comment and who the hell are you to tell me I can or not?”
When CNN noted that McCain had missed a key meeting on a subject the senator has been intensely upset about, McCain said, “I’m upset that you keep badgering me.”
Sounds like someone needs his blankie and a good nap.
Along with his four comrades that were similarly derelict in their Senate committee duties. From my comment in Oui’s diary:
Well, I know from the CNN story that Rand Paul was among the missing also, you betcha. Dunno whether my soon-to-be-ex-Senator, Truckie McBarnjacket, was also a no-show.
Truckie McBarnjacket (love that) could have any number of better excuses than McPOW. From post-election-shell-shock to tied up with Senate personnel working out all his “retirement” benefits.
I stole the epithet from some blogger — too good to leave it where I found it!
The real story here is that the media actually called out McGrumpy on his hypocrisy. Maybe it’s just a one-off because it was such good theater, but wouldn’t it be great if this is a sign that the media might begin to push back on the bullshit spewing from the Republicans?
Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?
Has CNN decided to let Soledad O’Brian be Journalist Soledad O’Brian? Second time of late where she gently kicked some GOP butt.
Wow. Wish we’d see a lot more of that.