I feel like I’m fading fast. I am really glad that the Christmas holiday is coming up in a few weeks, and with it a big chunk of time off. This has been a long year, work-wise…
Oh well, at least I have a business trip and pedicure in Vegas to look forward to…
Yes, very nice and a familiar scene to those of us lucky enough to live in the midst of an arts community. Most of our landscapes are a little darker and mistier than sunshiny Florida, though. Thanks for the glimpse, BobX!
If you need to get away from The Meadows, there are a couple of areas nearby that can make you forget the siren song of the slots.
Red Rock Canyon was designated as Nevada’s first National Conservation Area. Red Rock Canyon is located 17 miles west of the Las Vegas Strip on Charleston Boulevard/State Route 159. The area is 195,819 acres and is visited by more than one million people each year. In marked contrast to a town geared to entertainment and gaming, Red Rock offers enticements of a different nature
A little farther away is and closer to Lake Mead is another Las Vegas get away.
Valley of Fire is Nevada’s oldest and largest state park, dedicated in 1935. Ancient trees and early man are represented throughout the park by areas of petrified wood and 3,000 year-old Indian petroglyphs.
Sunny skies are about to get scarce, judging by the forecast but after all the dry days this year, I’ll be pretty happy if we actually get several days of rain in a row.
To you and Jim as well! This may be the last year we give the b2 boy 8 small gifts. He will be 14 later this month. There really is no “small” for a teenager.
We’ve been wet here for the last couple of days. That’s ok with me, we can use the moisture. Looks as if our big sogginess might be headed in your direction now.
Muddy – haha. Here, everything is frozen solid. About 12 deg F today, 6 in the forecast for tomorrow. But we can apparently expect a balmy 35 over the weekend and most of next week. Sun up a little after 9, down just after 3.
Probably… however, at the moment there’s an “open spot” in the wallet due to recent purchase and installation of new propane furnace, and ducting, etc. So I’ll have to keep all framing and matting costs on the back burner for a few months.
A low angle photo of a motherboard with cables all over the place would make a nice shot — especially with some light and shadows. Maybe you should take the ‘puter apart again. 😉
It is quite posh. All the Nobel Peace Prize winners are lodged there.
The windows on the left (with the wreaths) belong to the famous Grand Cafe. It was playwright Ibsen’s regular hangout, as well as much of old Oslo’s other cultural and bohemian elite 100-120 years ago.
Friday is looming on the horizon; gateway to 2+ weeks of nonworking bliss…and I just had my first normal paced workday in months today. Left at 4 because there wasn’t anything else I could work on. So nice!
Pretty rare in these parts too for several days. We even have a chance of snow later today (but after last year’s snowless winter, I’ll believe it when I see it).
Wow! That’s a heart stopper. I was living in south Florida when my kids were small and worried about the gators that would snatch small dogs on occasion. Kept a very close eye out when we were outdoors.
Stunning video from Canada purportedly shows a Golden Eagle snatching a toddler sitting in a park, but questions over the clip’s authenticity grew as quickly as its online views.
Now, it appears the amazing scene at Montreal’s Mont-Royal Park was indeed fake.
A design school in Montreal called Centre NAD (also known as the National Animation and Design Centre) posted on its website Wednesday that both eagle and baby were “were created in 3D animation and integrated in to the film afterwards.”
Its currently 48F in Indianapolis and we had thunderstorms this morning, but I see a large blue mass on the radar headed in our direction. Wind advisories out too.
My wacky cousin, the Cape May Seashore Lines’ Santa! He really gets into the part. If you run into an elf by the name of Hollybottom around Philly, its probably him.
We got a little bit of snow last night on top of a thin layer of ice.
I have been tutoring some bright 9 year-olds a couple times a week at my old school. The teachers told me that parents were taking their kids out of school or not sending them because several social media sites had rumors that the schools would be attacked because of the TEOTWAWKI. At least one nearby high school was on lockdown yesterday.
Local schools are closed today starting winter break one day early. I feel sorry for the teachers who are now facing holiday parties after they come back from break. That happened one time during my career – not fun.
Parents are a wee bit crazy these days…and finishing last years parties seems like a lousy way to start the new year.
I am finished work for the year, and not heading back until January 7. Yay! And of course, i’m starting my break by waking up repeatedly last night with a fevered Finny, who is now resting quietly and playing with Plants vs Zombies on the iPad. I’m hoping he doesn’t throw up again….
We’ve got a foot of snow, and it isn’t done coming down yet. Winds are still over 20 mph with gusts in the mid 30s. Our county has restricted travel to emergency needs only. I was outside a few minutes ago sweeping snow off of our TV satellite dish, and 20-30 Sandhill cranes flew over our house just above tree top level. I was shocked that they hadn’t headed south before now. Stay warm & safe if the storm heads your way.
Okay CabinGirl, it’s time. Something seems to have stymied you around December 21. Me too, and maybe everybody else as well. Holidays are supposed to do that. As usual, no matter how grand it’s been, I’m ready for a change.
and her fading woods…
I feel like I’m fading fast. I am really glad that the Christmas holiday is coming up in a few weeks, and with it a big chunk of time off. This has been a long year, work-wise…
Oh well, at least I have a business trip and pedicure in Vegas to look forward to…
Good morning.
Pampering in Vegas sounds good.
Love the photo. I also think it might be a doubling as schematic of how conversations with my mother go. 🙂
It’s curly’s favorite tree in the park. It’s huge.
Pretty gnarly, but looks brainy.
Early this fall, left of centre. Pretty majestic.
I love that tree too. 🙂
Snow/slush/rain day here today…
That is a wonderful tree — definitely worthy of being curly’s (or most people’s) favorite.
Do you mind if I try painting this image?
Not at all!
Right click, then ‘Open Image’ for larger version.
Thanks ask!
Which one of them, BTW, I assume the East Meadow with trees/skyline in the background?
Yes. The trees look great and I particularly like the building in the background. I know that it is famous but can’t remember the name.
The Eldorado
Not to mention other Vegas attractions. 😉
We’re looking at perhaps 4 inches of snow here. And I’m still in the midst of searching for another more suitable vehicle. Sigh.
Need new transportation for the winter?
Except that we don’t have a dog. I’d have to hook up our turtle.
If yours is a relative of this one, it ought to work out just fine (if a bit slow).
No, ours is like twice the size.
Um, twice? I’m not sure if I’m impressed or terrified.
Makes me wonder where he’s finding enough flies to keep it satiated.
Come winter, a lot of them will move inside our house and do their very irritating buzzy-spin-of-death.
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Brrr…chilly. 🙂
We have a good covering of snow all over everything at the cabin. My favorite! It makes everything seem so cozy.
Did you take pictures?
We still have a little snow around. But I missed my opportunity for a good photo.
You need some sort of camera mounted on your car to get all those great photo ops on your way to work. 🙂
A CafeCam as it were.
That would be cool.
Ooh, nice. Love all the colours. 🙂
Yes, very nice and a familiar scene to those of us lucky enough to live in the midst of an arts community. Most of our landscapes are a little darker and mistier than sunshiny Florida, though. Thanks for the glimpse, BobX!
Ooh — like that photo a lot.
Very nice!
I love this picture!
striking image
Hey, thanks guys, thought this was a good one.
Thinking about the first Netroots Nation when we met so many people, like Marybeth and boran2. Good times.
Vegas is a bizarre place, though.
If you need to get away from The Meadows, there are a couple of areas nearby that can make you forget the siren song of the slots.
A little farther away is and closer to Lake Mead is another Las Vegas get away.
Cool. I wasn’t aware of either one.
Whenever we’ve flown into Vegas, our goal has been to leave ASAP.
Agree on that. We are not Vegas people. It’s just a jumping off point for us.
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Our trees are bare. :::sniff:::
They’ll come back, I promise. 😉
This is what keeps me from fully despairing during the long winter months. ;D
Ours are too, except for the younger beech trees which always keep most of their leaves through the whole winter.
Now with ice.

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Quite a contrast compared to those nice warm looking, bright beeches above!
Sunny skies are about to get scarce, judging by the forecast but after all the dry days this year, I’ll be pretty happy if we actually get several days of rain in a row.
C-c-cold here in the Hudson Valley. 20s but going up to the balmy 40s. Break out the bathing suits.
Happy (almost) Hanukkah. May your latkes be crispy and light. 🙂
To you and Jim as well! This may be the last year we give the b2 boy 8 small gifts. He will be 14 later this month. There really is no “small” for a teenager.
Pencils with our name on them — my least favorite of the the “little” gifts we got. 😉
Wait, your name isn’t No.2, right? 😉
Ticonderoga was her first name.
hah hah, you guys got a chuckle out of me on that one!
Good morning!
Off to Norway this pm. It will be my first Christmas there in 14 years. Looking forward to it.
Have a great trip, ask! And a good holiday!
Bon voyage, ask!
Lykkelig reiser.
…at least I think that translates to something like Happy travels or Happy journey. Forgive me if it means something terrible. I tried. 🙂
Most common is “God reise!” = (Have a) good journey!
“Lykkelig” translates as “happy”, but is more like ecstatic. A more common word for happy would be “glad”.
And I arrived in Oslo this morning after a smooth journey. The Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony is happening here today.
Glad you’ve arrived safely! Looking forward to seeing pictures,
Have a great trip!
I am looking forward to being home for a while….
Have a great time Ask. (I’ll be waiting with baited breath for the lutefisk report)
Not among my favorites (lutefisk).
But my sisters are good on other traditional foods.
Here’s an overview.
Pinneribbe is my favorite.
Hope you greatly enjoy the family, food, and festivities!
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Blocked is that pic, I’ll have to check it later. Wet Monday here but it’s better than snow.
We’ve been wet here for the last couple of days. That’s ok with me, we can use the moisture. Looks as if our big sogginess might be headed in your direction now.
Wasn’t all that rain lovely. I don’t even mind the dogs’ muddy feet. 🙂
I wouldn’t mind several more rainy days, now that the roof on the firehouse addition is finally done.
Muddy – haha. Here, everything is frozen solid. About 12 deg F today, 6 in the forecast for tomorrow. But we can apparently expect a balmy 35 over the weekend and most of next week. Sun up a little after 9, down just after 3.
Brrr. Stay warm.
Yikes on both the temps and the short days.
That’s not much sun, and you’re still 9 days away from the solstice. Take lots of vitamin D.
Yesterday was the first day that felt like winter was setting in. It was sunny, but the temp didn’t rise much above freezing.
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Very nice!
I’m craving those lovely sun rays already, especially after ask’s Norway report.
Fractal Lightbeams
Fractal Trees
Fractal Shadows
My oh my are you tempting me with an enlargement!
Got an open spot on the wall? 🙂
Probably… however, at the moment there’s an “open spot” in the wallet due to recent purchase and installation of new propane furnace, and ducting, etc. So I’ll have to keep all framing and matting costs on the back burner for a few months.
Tomorrow is FFF day and the theme is Chaos — a spin-off from NorthDakotaDem’s idea of Entropy which everyone is also welcome to do.
Easily found in today’s world.
Darn it! I don’t have any shots of county commissioner meetings. I’ll have to rectify that when the new camera arrives.
I should have taken some over the weekend tearing apart my old computer and building a new one, now that was chaos.
A low angle photo of a motherboard with cables all over the place would make a nice shot — especially with some light and shadows. Maybe you should take the ‘puter apart again. 😉
Here’s the link!
Looking forward to it.
An ugly gray cold rainy day here in the Hudson valley.
That’s been my mood all weekend.
We got 8 inches of beautiful, fluffy snow on Saturday.
Today, drizzle which turned it all into icy slush.
Still, had a nice walk downtown Oslo tonight.
Skating rink, right in the center of town.
That’s a very pretty spot. Too bad the drizzle spoiled all that snow.
Then you were walking in a Christmas card!
It looks wonderfully peaceful and quiet.
Very quiet on a Sunday night around 8.30.
Turn 180 deg. on basically the same spot and you get this:
The Grand Hotel on Oslo’s main street.
That looks lovely!
Very elegant.
It is quite posh. All the Nobel Peace Prize winners are lodged there.
The windows on the left (with the wreaths) belong to the famous Grand Cafe. It was playwright Ibsen’s regular hangout, as well as much of old Oslo’s other cultural and bohemian elite 100-120 years ago.
Ibsen at the Grand
(Check the other links on the left.)
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A pretty relaxed week 🙂
Most of my X-mas shopping done.
Young asklet coming to Oslo tomorrow night after finishing first term.
It looks cold in that picture.
Sounds like a very fine week.
It was in the upper 20s — would that be considered a heat wave this time of year in Oslo? 😉
Actually, it’s going to be a hell week here as the court is extremely busy. But that is a cool photo.
It’s always nice when the dogs pick just the right spot (and light) in which to pose.
Friday is looming on the horizon; gateway to 2+ weeks of nonworking bliss…and I just had my first normal paced workday in months today. Left at 4 because there wasn’t anything else I could work on. So nice!
2 weeks off! That should make the holiday season very merry.
Lucky you!
How sad, universal healthcare in Britain?
Jennifer & David Wederell, The Lawn Rochford
16 months later … Jennifer Wederell dies of lung cancer R.I.P.
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Wow. Actual sunshine!
Pretty rare in these parts too for several days. We even have a chance of snow later today (but after last year’s snowless winter, I’ll believe it when I see it).
Wow! That’s a heart stopper. I was living in south Florida when my kids were small and worried about the gators that would snatch small dogs on occasion. Kept a very close eye out when we were outdoors.
It’s a fake.
What a shame, excellent shooting and nice while it lasted. Impressive, it can snatch a small goat. Speed up to 150 mph …
Golden Eagle
I was glad it turned out to be CGI. I can’t imagine how terrifying it would have been for a real child.
Best of luck to all those getting the midwest blizzard.
Its currently 48F in Indianapolis and we had thunderstorms this morning, but I see a large blue mass on the radar headed in our direction. Wind advisories out too.
My wacky cousin, the Cape May Seashore Lines’ Santa! He really gets into the part. If you run into an elf by the name of Hollybottom around Philly, its probably him.
Had a great day trip to my home town yesterday. Here’s a shot from the mountains, right west of town:
On the chilly side at -16 C (+3 F).
Gorgeous, and perfect for the new cafe I’ll be posting after a cup of coffee. 🙂
How cold is it there?
See caption.
It is actually a bit milder today, around 22 at the moment.
It was pre-coffee when I made my comment. Just sayin’. 🙂
That is cold!
Lovely scene, ask! We finally received weather more seasonal last night and its looking Christmasy at last.
Glad for you. There is something missing if there is no snow on the ground for X-mas.
Yes, I guess that’s no small part of the reason I left south Florida and a great job after 14 years to return to the land of occasional ice and snow.
Of course now, IIRC, is about the time to run over to the Atlantic shore and surf-cast for Pompano and Bluefish… never satisfied 😉
Wow! Quite spectacular landscape you’ve got there. I think I’d like to see Norway in winter, once at least.
Say, are you going to strap on the Bonna’s while you’re there?
This is the terrain around the town where I grew up.
My Bonnas are long lost, though.
We got a little bit of snow last night on top of a thin layer of ice.
I have been tutoring some bright 9 year-olds a couple times a week at my old school. The teachers told me that parents were taking their kids out of school or not sending them because several social media sites had rumors that the schools would be attacked because of the TEOTWAWKI. At least one nearby high school was on lockdown yesterday.
Local schools are closed today starting winter break one day early. I feel sorry for the teachers who are now facing holiday parties after they come back from break. That happened one time during my career – not fun.
Parents are a wee bit crazy these days…and finishing last years parties seems like a lousy way to start the new year.
I am finished work for the year, and not heading back until January 7. Yay! And of course, i’m starting my break by waking up repeatedly last night with a fevered Finny, who is now resting quietly and playing with Plants vs Zombies on the iPad. I’m hoping he doesn’t throw up again….
Poor Finny. Hope he has a speedy recovery.
Hope young Finny recovers soon.
Plants vs. Zombies, LOL – I had the game on my iTouch. My little niece is now an addict.
Give him a hug for me!
Thanks, everybody. He is sleeping now, so I’m hoping this is just a 24-hour thing. He does have a fever of 102, so I’m hoping no one else gets it…
Ours is a family of many teachers, so I expect things will be a bit somber this year. My heart aches for you all. (((Hugs)))
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Just gorgeous!
I’d wish you a happy day off, but you don’t need that wish any longer, so I’ll give it to b2 instead;-)
Happy holidays to one and all.
And to you, Don Durito and all the other Froggies here as well!
Hear, hear! Mewwrry Xmas!
Reminds me of one of my kitties. 🙂
Same to you and to all the BT Folk.
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Beautiful frost flower!
Well, off to the airport. Hope the weather cooperates, if so, back in NYC late tonight.
Good luck on your travels.
We won’t be doing any traveling for a good while as we are in the midst of a blizzard.
Our street is strangely silent and serene. No tourists about the place.
We’ve got a foot of snow, and it isn’t done coming down yet. Winds are still over 20 mph with gusts in the mid 30s. Our county has restricted travel to emergency needs only. I was outside a few minutes ago sweeping snow off of our TV satellite dish, and 20-30 Sandhill cranes flew over our house just above tree top level. I was shocked that they hadn’t headed south before now. Stay warm & safe if the storm heads your way.
It’s like a sculpture. Very beautiful.
Okay CabinGirl, it’s time. Something seems to have stymied you around December 21. Me too, and maybe everybody else as well. Holidays are supposed to do that. As usual, no matter how grand it’s been, I’m ready for a change.
It appears the snowstorm has moved on. It also appears we’re not going anywhere for awhile.
I’ve found your missing snowstorm. It’s in my front yard right now, dumping several inches of snow. Take it back.
Nah, let the north Atlantic have it. I hear Greenland could use the ice.
It’s gone now, thankfully. Just some winds and lingering drizzle.
There’s a bit of sunshine peeping around the clouds. Hopefully some of that’s headed your way now as well.
Hope you get dug out soon because looking at the temps in the forecast, it sure isn’t going to melt away for a long time.