Just use the oil Our Loving, Sensitive Creator gave us and quit whining about global warming why don’t you.

That’s my shorter version of the message of Brian Fischer of the American Family Association, a Christian Fundamentalist organization, mostly known for its anti-gay crusades that led to it being labeled a a hate group by the Southern Poverty law Center. Well , now they have a new issue they are burned up about and it is all because we aren’t burning enough – oil, gas and coal. In fact, we’re giving our Lord and Savior a sad when we don’t use dirty black energy sources that he put in the ground for us. It’s as if we are flipping God the bird when we even consider clean renewable energy instead of using more coal, oil and natural gas.

Until now, I never knew God was so sensitive because we weren’t burning enough fossil fuels. Watch the video and be prepared to weep (either from laughter or from the realization that there are millions of Americans who actually believe the crap he’s promoting):

Who knew that developing clean energy was all a part of the war on Christmas/Christians? Or that buying an electric car or installing solar panels was a sin? The things you learn …

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