Month: November 2012

How to Win a Ground Game

Campaigns have different ways of looking at voters that can also change over time. But a basic way of looking at a voter is to look at their voting history. For our purposes here, forget about people who were too young to vote...

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GOP Ritual Torture of Victims

Nick Thorpe reported for BBC on the response to the arrest of Mladic in Sarajevo last year. There is a lightness in the air, a mood of celebration among Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) about the arrest. But Muki – short for...

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Curb Your Enthusiasm

When I went to sleep on Election Night 2008, it looked like Al Franken had lost in Minnesota and Jeff Merkley had lost in Oregon, and Mark Begich had lost in Alaska. I was psyched about Obama winning, but I knew we were screwed...

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Even the Plutocrats Hate Mitt Romney

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has endorsed Barack Obama. While the endorsement is certainly half-hearted, it is nonetheless helpful. Every little bit helps. Probably more heartbreaking for Mitt Romney is the endorsement...

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