Obama’s Newtown Speech

I am continually astounded by Barack Obama. Is he the world’s greatest political actor? A totally blind America-firster? The canniest and most in control of his emotions U.S. politician since FDR or Abraham Lincoln? Certainly the speech that I just witnessed contained real emotional content. He is horrified by the murderous impulses and tendencies of the American underbelly and he is torn up by the death of Newtown’s innocents. Torn up.

But at the same time, he only mourns the lives of American children. Of American innocents. (Publicly.) How many more innocents’ blood is on his hands from the drone war and the other U.S. military adventures upon which he has signed off? Is he that blind? That line-level stupid? I refuse to believe it. His depth of emotion and obvious understanding on many levels belie that idea. So where does that leave us?

I really don’t know.

Do you?

What a Sphinx.

Is a puzzlement.


Author: Arthur Gilroy

Born. Still working on it.