I don’t know how you carry out a hit on a guy who is walking with his 5 year old son. And that happened in my old neighborhood. It’s a shopping area I actually used. Then there’s the guy who opened fire in a nightclub last night because he was angry about being sprayed with champaign. There’s the kid in Louisville who was gunned down today “like a dog.” There’s the cops killed today in Houston and Milwaukee. There’s a couple of victims in Minnesota who got shot on Saturday. There’s four people who got shot in Chicago tonight. Can’t forget the firefighters who were shot and murdered in upstate New York today. A guy got shot at a bar in Bellevue, Washington. Don’t forget Las Vegas. No one notices when people die in Baltimore. A man lost his life in York, Pennsylvania yesterday. Look, another club shooting, this one in Memphis. People were too drunk to remember this Alaska shooting.

I could go on, and on, and on, and on.

Merry Christmas.