I hope you all had wonderful holidays, with a few more days off to come.
I have finally managed to fight off a nasty cold that we’re assuming Finny brought home from nursery school to share with all of us, resulting in a postponed Christmas Eve dinner and the near-demise of his mother and CBtY.
On the upside, I now have a charger for my macbook and can more easily post a new cafe. 🙂
Got my exercise for the week shoveling out today. The neighbor says we got 14″ of snow as he headed out for Florida this afternoon. We’re just about over our chest infections too, but can’t blame the wee ones this time, as they are disgustingly healthy right now.
Thanks for the new cafe/lounge just in time for the new year and thanks to ask for the lovely winter landscape!
Happy Holidays to all.
I`ve been away for too long but I`m so busy on my ongoing job-site I barely have time for me & mine. If you remember an image from a few years ago on my Holiday table setting, I did up it a degree this year by building a large table for family gatherings.
I shall post it tomorrow evening.
In the meanwhile, I`m constantly upgrading my coral colonies in my large reef tank.
Here for your enjoyment is one of my new corals taken a few days ago.
I call it;
Good news — I got a call from Whit/Family Man. He is settled in a new apartment (following the fire that destroyed his trailer). George is living with his sister but he goes over to see him nearly everyday.
Oops — also forgot that he sends holiday wishes to everybody and misses us all very much.
Boran2, on the laptop — he doesn’t have and can’t afford to get internet right now so I don’t think there’s a lot of point in sending him yours. I’ll let you know if things change.
Thanks for the update, Andi. I’d still be more than happy to send it. He can always catch a wifi network at Starbucks or similar. It is literally collecting dust as we speak. And I could always use a good deed.
Good morning!
Returned safely to NYC late Wednesday night. Amazingly, also a few minutes before schedule, considering the heavy snowing in Oslo at departure and the windy/rainy conditions at JFK on arrival. Got soaked walking just a few feet from cab to entrance.
Absolutely. And hope that Errol is around. And we’ll need boran2 to come to the city and hope that other folks have an excuse to make a long or short trip to NYC.
The tradition of the Christmas buck (Julebukk) is believed to have originated in Norway, where pagans worshiped Thor, the god who traveled in his chariot drawn by two goats. During the Yule holiday, they would disguise their appearance by dressing in a goatskin and go from house to house carrying a goat head. [4]
Christian missionaries modified the tradition and divorced its meaning from Paganism. The Yule Goat became one of the oldest Scandinavian and Northern European Yule and Christmas symbols and traditions. In Scandinavia, the figure of the julebukk is used as a common Christmas ornament. It is often made out of straw, has a red ribbon around its neck, and is found under the Christmas tree. […]
It seems to be replaced by an imported foreign tradition. Halloween was an entirely unknown concept even in my youth, but trick or treating is becoming quite common these days.
That’s interesting, as my late father (born in 1911) told of Julebukking.
In his youth the winter conveyance was by horse drawn sleigh. Thus, according to him, our local Julebukking tradition consisted of sleighs traveling over the snow covered prairie from one homestead to another.
Upon arrival the travelers expected to be treated to a suitable “beverage”, and after consumption of same returned to their sleighs and on to the next farm.
The numbers in the entourage increased as the evening progressed – complete with episodes of the revelers falling from the moving sleighs.
Sorry to say the tradition only exists today in the memories of the sons-of-the-pioneers.
(I do not recall any mention of Thor or his goats associated with this form of Julebukk.)
County 911 just broadcast a winter storm warning with a prediction of 4 – 6″ of new snow. Our landscape is beginning to look a lot like ask’s home town – just not nearly as chilly.
I did say I`d be back with a picture of the new table I built for my client`s home.
Well I did slack a bit so maybe tomorrow night, but I did spend time on my deck at sunset this evening.
This is what it looked like.
You like?
Well here is the table & an update on the skyline.
The table I built of Alder & seats 12 comfortably.
I also built two matching benches that can be used in the entry hall.
I probably should have dusted it off before I took these images today.
But tonight I also took some shots of the embers in the western storm.
We’ve already got three inches…I think e will be exceeding our forecast snowfall here. Just in time for our BooMan clan Christmas celebration tomorrow. 🙂
We usually do an early Christmas with them, but I was traveling the first half of December, so we decided to go with between Christmas and Finny’s birthday this year.
I’m glad we finally have some snow cover this year to release moisture into the water table and mitigate a little of the drought deficit from last summer. Those trees of Andi’s will need it. Happy New Year to you and Mrs. BobX!
The new computer is actually working after trying my patience for a time. Note to anyone, don’t do a new build at Xmas, you’ll just get on everyone’s bad side.
Now, on to Grace, she is new rescue. She is a Tabby/half tail Manx mix.
Been away from politics and blogging for the most part and feel the need to find reasoned discussions on electing and working with the Democrats that we have.
Hope to drop in occasionally and participate some.
Wow! A powerful voice, good for you to drop by. A bit of green does make a difference. Enjoy and I hope you’ll stay a bit and meet old and new friends here at the pond. Yes, you and some other dear friends we have missed …
A river otter named ‘Sutro Sam’ carries seaweed back to its nest in San Francisco, taking up
residence in the ruins of the Sutro baths, seaside public pool facing the Pacific Ocean.
I hope you all had wonderful holidays, with a few more days off to come.
I have finally managed to fight off a nasty cold that we’re assuming Finny brought home from nursery school to share with all of us, resulting in a postponed Christmas Eve dinner and the near-demise of his mother and CBtY.
On the upside, I now have a charger for my macbook and can more easily post a new cafe. 🙂
What is everyone else up to?
Got my exercise for the week shoveling out today. The neighbor says we got 14″ of snow as he headed out for Florida this afternoon. We’re just about over our chest infections too, but can’t blame the wee ones this time, as they are disgustingly healthy right now.
Thanks for the new cafe/lounge just in time for the new year and thanks to ask for the lovely winter landscape!
Happy Holidays to all.
I`ve been away for too long but I`m so busy on my ongoing job-site I barely have time for me & mine. If you remember an image from a few years ago on my Holiday table setting, I did up it a degree this year by building a large table for family gatherings.
I shall post it tomorrow evening.
In the meanwhile, I`m constantly upgrading my coral colonies in my large reef tank.
Here for your enjoyment is one of my new corals taken a few days ago.
I call it;
Galaxy Cluster
So happy to hear from you and thanks for the splendid photo.
Good news — I got a call from Whit/Family Man. He is settled in a new apartment (following the fire that destroyed his trailer). George is living with his sister but he goes over to see him nearly everyday.
Glad to hear he’s doing okay and settled in to a new place, but sorry he is without George.
Oops — also forgot that he sends holiday wishes to everybody and misses us all very much.
Boran2, on the laptop — he doesn’t have and can’t afford to get internet right now so I don’t think there’s a lot of point in sending him yours. I’ll let you know if things change.
Thanks for the update, Andi. I’d still be more than happy to send it. He can always catch a wifi network at Starbucks or similar. It is literally collecting dust as we speak. And I could always use a good deed.
Good morning!
Returned safely to NYC late Wednesday night. Amazingly, also a few minutes before schedule, considering the heavy snowing in Oslo at departure and the windy/rainy conditions at JFK on arrival. Got soaked walking just a few feet from cab to entrance.
Now that you are back, perhaps we should make an effort to have some kind of BT meetup in the city.
That sounds good to me. Unless the job situation changes, I’ll be around until mid-March (except we’ll be away on vacation 1.31-2.10).
we’ll have to see when AG is available.
Absolutely. And hope that Errol is around. And we’ll need boran2 to come to the city and hope that other folks have an excuse to make a long or short trip to NYC.
Here’s another from that glorious day in the mountains:
Full series here: http://s198.photobucket.com/albums/aa269/ask1122/Kongsberg%20-%2020%20Dec%202012/
The trees with the snow remind me of coral. And everything looks so still and quiet.
An NYC meetup would be great.
I enjoyed the Kongsberg photo tour.
Were there any significant changes in how your countrymen celebrate the holidays?
Most aspects of it remain as I recall from childhood (foods, decorations, family).
But there is one part that is much less prevalent today than only a couple of decades ago.
It seems to be replaced by an imported foreign tradition. Halloween was an entirely unknown concept even in my youth, but trick or treating is becoming quite common these days.
When Christmas Begins with J
That’s interesting, as my late father (born in 1911) told of Julebukking.
In his youth the winter conveyance was by horse drawn sleigh. Thus, according to him, our local Julebukking tradition consisted of sleighs traveling over the snow covered prairie from one homestead to another.
Upon arrival the travelers expected to be treated to a suitable “beverage”, and after consumption of same returned to their sleighs and on to the next farm.
The numbers in the entourage increased as the evening progressed – complete with episodes of the revelers falling from the moving sleighs.
Sorry to say the tradition only exists today in the memories of the sons-of-the-pioneers.
(I do not recall any mention of Thor or his goats associated with this form of Julebukk.)
County 911 just broadcast a winter storm warning with a prediction of 4 – 6″ of new snow. Our landscape is beginning to look a lot like ask’s home town – just not nearly as chilly.
I did say I`d be back with a picture of the new table I built for my client`s home.
Well I did slack a bit so maybe tomorrow night, but I did spend time on my deck at sunset this evening.
This is what it looked like.
You like?
Very nice indeed and also very different than the outdoors here at the moment.
I like very much.
Well here is the table & an update on the skyline.
The table I built of Alder & seats 12 comfortably.
I also built two matching benches that can be used in the entry hall.
I probably should have dusted it off before I took these images today.
But tonight I also took some shots of the embers in the western storm.
Here we go.
Beautiful — both human-made and the nature-made.
Nice work on that table.
That’d be fun time to have 12 at one table.
Beautiful! It’s relentlessly gray here with more snow expected shortly. Sigh.
We’re sending you our snow from this morning, but we’re keeping the gray.
I’ve got your snow right now. Thanks for the “gift”.
We’ve already got three inches…I think e will be exceeding our forecast snowfall here. Just in time for our BooMan clan Christmas celebration tomorrow. 🙂
Aren’t you a few days late for Christmas? 😉
We usually do an early Christmas with them, but I was traveling the first half of December, so we decided to go with between Christmas and Finny’s birthday this year.
Did you get much snow up your way?
Splendiferous! I’d say!
click for larger
I think that they’ve found some truffles, not 2013.
Be nice if they would go hunting for something valuable but it’s way more likely to be mice or chipmunks or moles.
Happy 2013!
Seconded by the “F” who went to be bed as soon as 2013 arrived.
Happy 2013 to all!
IIRC, there’s a birthday at the Boo household today. Happy Birthday Finn!
Birthday cake has been baked this morning, time for a quick shower before we decorate it and celebrate with the grandparents.
I hope everyone is having a lovely day!
Happy Birthday to Finny. I’m sure he had a great one.
click for larger
Desolate, yet full of potential. Great way to start a new year. Happy new year!
I’m glad we finally have some snow cover this year to release moisture into the water table and mitigate a little of the drought deficit from last summer. Those trees of Andi’s will need it. Happy New Year to you and Mrs. BobX!
There’s water flowing in the creeks around here for the first time since spring. There’s even enough flow that they haven’t frozen over yet.
Happy belated to Finny!
The new computer is actually working after trying my patience for a time. Note to anyone, don’t do a new build at Xmas, you’ll just get on everyone’s bad side.
Now, on to Grace, she is new rescue. She is a Tabby/half tail Manx mix.
Great flog too BTW.
Good luck with both!
Thanks b2.
What a cutie!
Hey, great snow shots from the trip.
Great photos, especially love the top one.
Her cute short tail.
Saying Howdy….
Been away from politics and blogging for the most part and feel the need to find reasoned discussions on electing and working with the Democrats that we have.
Hope to drop in occasionally and participate some.
Always did like Green!
Well hello and welcome back! Long time no see.
I still need political blogging – just need to deal with reality.
Glad to be back…may see others coming along to check out Green as well. :^)
Wow! A powerful voice, good for you to drop by. A bit of green does make a difference. Enjoy and I hope you’ll stay a bit
and meet old and new friends here at the pond. Yes, you and some other dear friends we have missed …
That was a fun blast from the past!
I forgot to add this line to above comment – a critter’s return!
I may as well reveal it’s content …
A river otter named ‘Sutro Sam’ carries seaweed back to its nest in San Francisco, taking up
residence in the ruins of the Sutro baths, seaside public pool facing the Pacific Ocean.
Welcome back stranger!
Well, hey there!
Welcome back!
Welcome back!
Our snow from 12/27 is hanging on and the nearby camp’s lake is mostly frozen.

This was shot on New Year’s Day.
Now that really is like a painting.
That really is a beautiful shot.
It would make a lovely watercolor.