Do you get the feeling that the Republicans in Congress aren’t feeling a whole lot of urgency about getting the victims of Superstorm Sandy some relief? I hear that Boehner is going to get to it in a few days, perhaps with a small bill followed by a much bigger one a week or so later. But, you know, it’s freezing cold out right now and people don’t have homes. So, maybe it would be better to act like you give a damn.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Boehner wins back Peter King by promising Sandy relief vote in 2 weeks
Two weeks, huh?
I guess he has electricity and heat, unlike some ppl
Watching Bashir and there is a rumor that Boehner is going to resign.
Resign from the house? Or resign as speaker?
Resign as Speaker.
I don’t see Boehner resigning as speaker unless it’s a defensive move, as in “you can’t fire me, I quit”.
If Boehner does resign, I think Cantor’s too smart to take the job. But Ryan’s not. Interesting times.
It was a Rightie speaking so pour some grains of salt on the comment. Bashir asked for sources and the guy just blinked.
Thanks for the heads up. I don’t even know who Bashir is, so I take it all with a grain of salt. But with as crazy as everything is right now, I also think anything’s possible.
Boehner spox says he’s not resigning.
and I see from TPM that Al Jazeera is buying Current TV?
Thats going to go over well…
Maybe it would be better to actually give a damn. Nevermind what it looks like.
Urgency is beyond the pale for some people.
“Your time is up” as the GOP dimmed the lights as Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) spoke in anger the vote on the Sandy Relief bill was delayed.
GOP revenge on NE Liberal Democrats, Gov. Christie and of course “God Sent” hurricane Sandy itself …
Not only Peter King is furious with the GOP, also other lawmakers and both Gov. Coumo and Christie have spoken out.
Cross-posted from my diary – Peter King Furious Over GOP, Boehner and ‘Stab In the Back’
king is already over it now that Boehner says it’s up for a vote in 2weeks
Apparently, Chris Christie isn’t so easily rolled.
Holy bleep.
“There’s only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims,” said the Republican governor, “the House majority, including its Speaker, John Boehner.”
Well, damn. There are times when I need to remind myself why I don’t like this guy.
Can’t ask for more than that.
I love to watch his tirade destroying the GOP as party, his colleagues and the back-stabbing by Boehner. The Senate bill on Sandy Disaster Relief will never be voted on
in the House without amendments and further delay by the new Congress.
Backlash follows House delay on Sandy relief vote (53 min. ago) and more fireworks.
God sent Sandy. God sends “gifts” to rape victims. God hates gays. God seems like a real M-F.
The haters like their God to be a mofo to “those” people.
Forgot that God wants those sluts to die rather than an abortion. But God wants us to have lots of guns to protect us from socialist Muslims.
Isn’t their God a lot like Osama bin Laden’s God?
To the best of my knowledge, I’ve never before defended Boehner, but really guys? Do you think the Sandy Bill would have made it thru the house after the arm twisting it took to get the cliff bill thru? Really?????
Boehner did the MidAtlantic a favor this time. I’d like to think he did it out of experience and political acumen, but it was probably out of pique and “fuck you anyway”.
Whatever, I don’t think it would have passed, and if it did fail to pass I think pigs would play hockey in hell before they could get anything passed on it forever.
reporting is that Boehner didn’t put up the bill to spite Cantor.
Also, Boehner could have at the very least answer the calls of Congressmen and apparently GuvChristie to say why he felt bring it up last night wasn’t a good idea. Instead, just as with POTUS calling sometime ago, Boehner. & his peep “ignored” or wasn’t available to take calls from them.
this is a shitstormofBiehners own making
As long as the Hastert rule wasn’t in effect, Sandy relief would have passed with Gulf States’, NE states’, and Democratic votes from every region.
Boehner pulled the bill for his own sake, not to protect the people suffering in the NE. In fact, if he thought allowing the vote would mean that the GOTP would have sunk it, it seems pretty clear to me that he was protecting the GOTP, not the NE.
If he had allowed the vote, it would have passed, pissing off the hard-core TP even more than they already were pissed off by the tax vote. Boner’s up for election for Speaker.
Maybe this was the one chance that Ryan or even Cantor might challenge him, namely, if he allowed the Sandy relief vote.
After he’s reelected Speaker, he won’t care.
That would also explain why he didn’t want to talk to Christie or King about it. Awkward.
This post and the comments support my point:
Video of Christie telling Fox friends he could care less of Romney comes to NJ OTOH Obama has been v. helpful