Thank you ask. Not family, although one was a high school classmate, the others were acquaintances in the community. Actually there were 4 over the New Year holiday, ranging in age from 44 to 93.
Those leaves on young beech trees don’t fall until the new leaves start appearing in spring … which is nice because it means the woods aren’t completely bare and monotone during winter.
Finny let me sleep in this morning. So nice, after he kept waking up with itching from nursery school giving him goldfish instead of his nondairy snack yesterday. Why can’t they listen time when I tell them exactly what he can and can’t have, and stock them up with the alternative?
They are getting a list of “can” and “can’t” have snacks on Tuesday morning, accompanied by a firm reminder that if they can’t accommodate his dairy allergy, we will have to find a school that can…the worst part is that I saw the goldfish out in snack cups, reminded them that he can’t have those, and he still got them.
What a beautiful picture. Good Morning all! I know I have been away forever but I do think of the cafe often. I have gotten so I spend way too much time on Facebook rather than blogs. I am friends with lots of you folks on Facebook and you know I am addicted to it.
I am very busy with school and trying to get my photography business up and running. After spring term, I have 7 or 8 classes to take to get my two Associate of Science degrees in photography. My web site for my photography is
It is very much a work in progress. LOL
I hope everyone is doing great. I will try and stop by a little more often.
Thanks! Considering where I was a few years ago, I am thrilled with life. I couldn’t have made it without the support and love form all my family and friends. The online community was a blessing beyond belief during my darkest days.
Good to see you again rf, and very much enjoyed your website. I’m particularly intrigued by the restorations.
I’ll save your website link in case I need your services on a restoration. (I have to find the piece first, before even thinking about doing anything with it, hah!)
That brought back sweet memories of our dog Giddy — she was a malamute mix not a Pyr but she did that all the time. She never went back for hers, even after the snow had melted.
With a pair of penalties in the final against Nigeria, Argentine starlet Lionel Messi sealed the adidas Golden Shoe award as finals top scorer. He was followed by Spain’s Llorente and Ukrainian sensation Aliiev. Also receiving the adidas Golden Ball as top scorer with a superior goals tally of six, the Argentine teenager marked his arrival on the international scene with a bang. Behind him for finals second and third-best players are Nigerians teammates John Obi Mikel and Taye Taiwo.
Mrs. ID is looking forward to the upcoming Winter Wellness Weekend (yoga workshops) organized by a dear friend of ours. She has circled on the program a session entitled Honoring Our Hungers, apparently in the belief the three hours will be mostly devoted to everyone’s favorite munchies. Hope she is not too terribly disappointed 😉
I got to hang out with a group of aging print journalists last night as they bid farewell to one of their own. He was also a friend and fellow political traveler. It was more a good-natured roast than a wake and many of the jibes were directed at one another, rather than the departed. It struck me that there seems to be little similarity between my companions last night and their contemporaries who inhabit The Village and other outlets of the MSM.
and the last weekend of my vacation. Sigh.
I am not looking forward to going back next week, it’s been so nice to be home and ignoring work. 🙂
I don’t have much planned, just some knitting and reading and tea at the bakery with a friend on Sunday. Oh, and grocery shopping…
We have a funeral today and one tomorrow, but that’s normal for people our age, I suppose. Just happy its not us.
BTW, that beautiful winter scene looks oddly familiar 😉
Sorry to hear that, ID. Still too early.
Thank you ask. Not family, although one was a high school classmate, the others were acquaintances in the community. Actually there were 4 over the New Year holiday, ranging in age from 44 to 93.
Beautiful photo CabinGirl. I love the serenity of the white and the touch of the late leaves yet to fall.
Here’s a link to the 1200 X 800 pixel version. Glad you enjoyed it.
I wish I had taken it, but it is JimFs. 🙂
I probably should have credited it in the header – sorry JimF!
Those leaves on young beech trees don’t fall until the new leaves start appearing in spring … which is nice because it means the woods aren’t completely bare and monotone during winter.
Finny let me sleep in this morning. So nice, after he kept waking up with itching from nursery school giving him goldfish instead of his nondairy snack yesterday. Why can’t they listen time when I tell them exactly what he can and can’t have, and stock them up with the alternative?
We had a similar issue with the b2 boy back in the day. I hope that the school gets the message.
They are getting a list of “can” and “can’t” have snacks on Tuesday morning, accompanied by a firm reminder that if they can’t accommodate his dairy allergy, we will have to find a school that can…the worst part is that I saw the goldfish out in snack cups, reminded them that he can’t have those, and he still got them.
How did you folks solve the problem?
Sad to say that we eventually changed schools.
Warm,sunny here in the Hudson Valley! Our snow cover is starting to melt!
Yup – pretty nice out, 37 and sunny.
curly’s birthday today. We’re heading out to bring her mother for brunch.
Pass on my good birthday wishes to curly!
Happy Birthday, curly!
Belated birthday wishes to curly. Hope you all had a great celebration.
Super-belated happy birthday wishes to curly! Hope she had a great day!
click for larger
What a beautiful picture. Good Morning all! I know I have been away forever but I do think of the cafe often. I have gotten so I spend way too much time on Facebook rather than blogs. I am friends with lots of you folks on Facebook and you know I am addicted to it.
I am very busy with school and trying to get my photography business up and running. After spring term, I have 7 or 8 classes to take to get my two Associate of Science degrees in photography. My web site for my photography is
It is very much a work in progress. LOL
I hope everyone is doing great. I will try and stop by a little more often.
Nice site, like the throwaways, good luck on the degree and business.
Thank you.
Hey refinish – good to see you and also to see that things are looking up!
Kahlil Gibran (check spelling)
Thanks! Considering where I was a few years ago, I am thrilled with life. I couldn’t have made it without the support and love form all my family and friends. The online community was a blessing beyond belief during my darkest days.
Great have you back and very glad that things are looking up for you! Perhaps you will share more of your work in the next Foto Flog?
I will if I can remember how to do it. LOL
So happy to hear that things are going well for you. I really enjoyed your photography website — especially the section called ‘throwaways’.
Thanks. I am loving life and that is so much better than it was just a few short years ago.
Good to see you again rf, and very much enjoyed your website. I’m particularly intrigued by the restorations.
I’ll save your website link in case I need your services on a restoration. (I have to find the piece first, before even thinking about doing anything with it, hah!)
That’s a sweet photo.
Canine contemplation ~ love it!
He does that all the time. I’ve got so many photos of him in similar poses all that Olivia calls him “Zen Sniff”.
I’m sure it was here!
That brought back sweet memories of our dog Giddy — she was a malamute mix not a Pyr but she did that all the time. She never went back for hers, even after the snow had melted.
Yeah, but, what were the conclusions which emanated from this contemplation?
Same one as always: take the load off me and put the load right on fanny.
Unprecedented, the fourth consecutive Ballon d’Or for Lionel Messi, player at Barcelona and Argentina national team.
25 cold degrees here but at least it’s sunny with no breeze. And no rain/snow in sight.
The big winter warm-up is on the way. Temps here are predicted to be close to 60 by Saturday. Will send in your direction when we’re done with them.
Looking forward to that!
Sounds like a plan!
(or maybe yet another turkey day)

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Warm/sunny here today in the Hudson Valley. The big melt is underway.
Light rain with melting here. Temp is in the low 40s. A rare good checkup at the dentist this morning. I’m greatly pleased.
Mrs. ID is looking forward to the upcoming Winter Wellness Weekend (yoga workshops) organized by a dear friend of ours. She has circled on the program a session entitled Honoring Our Hungers, apparently in the belief the three hours will be mostly devoted to everyone’s favorite munchies. Hope she is not too terribly disappointed 😉
The theme is Trees and you can walk among them or plant your own here [LINK].
Thanks Andi!
I got to hang out with a group of aging print journalists last night as they bid farewell to one of their own. He was also a friend and fellow political traveler. It was more a good-natured roast than a wake and many of the jibes were directed at one another, rather than the departed. It struck me that there seems to be little similarity between my companions last night and their contemporaries who inhabit The Village and other outlets of the MSM.
Just thought I’d share something personal. It means alot. No further comment.
Well done!
Excellent, RandyH! You will be amazed before you’re halfway through;-)
Infinite loops have only turning points. No end, no halfway.
Thanks everyone.
Good job!
That is awesome.
click for larger
Your snow looks almost inviting. Almost.
Cold….mmm. I’m enjoying our respite from winter. Even though it seems to be over before it began.
It warmed up and rained almost 4 inches in 3 days so it’s all gone now. Then the temps dropped and now we have ice puddles.
We had sleet last night. It was pinging all over the house. Tonight 4 inches is predicted. Fun stuff.