Like the Westboro Baptist Church, Orly Taitz persists in her obsession to demonstrate that Zombies are real and walk among us. How she continues to get courts to give her a hearing on her thoroughly discredited “birtherism” conspiracy claims is beyond me. That she continues to pursue her farcical crusade to remove President Obama from office, however, is hardly shocking.

The 52-year-old lawyer-dentist-real estate agent from Laguna Niguel brought her years-long battle to oust Barack Obama from the presidency to a federal courtroom Thursday in Sacramento. […]

She failed. Again.

But the hearing before U.S. District Judge Morrison C. England Jr. was hardly routine. […]

In an argument that England noted Taitz has pursued 13 previous times in court, she sought to present evidence that the president’s birth certificate is a forgery. […]

She added that the president is using a stolen Social Security number, that Obama may not really be his last name and that, basically, he has no right to serve, “not (as) president, not a janitor in the office of president.”

“Why do you keep filing these lawsuits when they keep getting rejected?” [Judge] England asked at one point.

Taitz responded by comparing herself to Thurgood Marshall and his persistence in filing suits to fight segregation. She explained that one of the plaintiffs is a Republican elector for Mitt Romney, who came in second to Obama in November.

“But second,” England countered. “What part of ‘second’ don’t you understand?”

Actually this was quite a routine outcome for Ms. Taitz. I just want to know who’s still funding her unique brand of performance art. Too bad Ed Wood isn’t around to film “The Orly Taitz” story. I bet it would do more box office than the stupid Atlas Shrugged movies, if only for its sheer over the top campiness.