and yet, I am dying to knit myself a nice cozy, warm sweater to prepare for February! Probably due in part to my overly stressful work life. This job would be so much better without clients. 🙂
Oh well, at least I’m getting done early today so I can do something with CBtY. A major bonus!
Shoveling snow due to an unusual heavy snowfall (8″) yesterday, a couple stumbled across a slippery city street due to icing conditions with risk of life and limb. Man and woman were a TV cameraman and reporter looking for a brief interview in the hardship of the wintery conditions. The two minute interview about civic duty, deicing the sidewalk and the burden for city goers. In the evening, the phone starting ringing and I received sms messages. Apparently on Dutch national television there was a report about the city of The Hague with a 5 second clip of the interview. I mentioned the winters in my memory with snowfall up to several feet has not been seen for decades. My brief interlude about climate change. I didn’t wear my wooden shoes yesterday although they are ideal to prevent cold feet.
Fireplace Surround,
I`m about finished with it.
Not pictured are the double doors on the two lower cabinets on both sides of the fireplace, although I`ve already built them. Then I`ll put down the dark maple flooring & start the stone around the fire box & the area above the mantle
Hi folks, nice to be here. I just fulfilled a long-time dream and registered and absolutely accept restrictions as a newbie but does anybody know how I can change my password? Thanks!
On top of the page, in the middle, you’ll find a link saying “yastreblyansky’s Page” (if logged in). Chose “Settings” in the pull-down menu there. Scroll down to the bottom of that page to set new password.
Thanks, ask! but there’s nothing there at the bottom. Also “permission denied” is at the top (I can change interface preferences and comment preferences but cannot get to user info).
Hmm – that’s strange, you’re obviously logged in since you can comment. Try logging out and then go back in.
Also, if I recall correctly, the automated email you got when you registered contains some info on this.
But I’m no expert – last resort is to email Booman (contact link in the Menu at the top of the right column), though he may not read this mail account every day.
I’m having the same issue, but I guess I can live with bLrgXuL as a password for another day or five. (I’m joking about the actual password, of course.)
Snow’s long gone here — we had a warm-up and a bunch of rain. And now the warm-up is also long gone and we’ve got cold air from the Arctic — temp is 6° right now.
We’re expecting a high of 21 today. No playground time at nursery school today, so guess we will be heading over to the Y this afternoon.
We got an unexpected dusting of snow last night too.
I am glad I’m working from home today…trying to enjoy as much of that as I can before I have my next student intern at work and need to be at the office every day. Not sure I’m going to continue the program long term because of the impact on my personal life.
Bummer on going to the office everyday. I’m afraid I’d find that way too big a sacrifice and have chucked the student intern right out the window. Well maybe not the intern but definitely the program. 😉
The sad thing is that having my first student (in November and December) was one of the more satisfying things I’ve done at work all year. It felt good to be able to provide the learning experience and mentorship to someone after having had good internship experiences as a pharmacy student myself.
Hopefully this student will also be motivated, and I can let him work from home on Fridays like I did with the last one, which made things a little easier. And it’s only 6 weeks…
Ooh, that looks so nice. I know I’ll regret saying this, but I was actually enjoying my brief encounter with the cold weather this morning. I think it’s because I’m happy to have a chance to wear some of my knitted favorites.
My parents subscribed to Life when I was growing up and I devoured anything in print that came through the door at our house. These really take me back.
It’s been in the – F ranges without windchill all week.
But — on the up side, the snow has stopped falling! 😀 (It was over my head at the end of the driveway before the city came around with a front loader and scooped half of it away.)
The temp here has been way above average by 8-10 degrees and not forecast to come down anytime soon, I’ve never seen temps this high in January (75-80+). Trees that don’t leaf until March are budding now. Dry to boot, looks like we’ll have a hell of a fire season.
There is a football (soccer) phenomena, the famous Ajax of Amsterdam has a lot of support from the Jewish community and the supporters are all called ‘Jews’. In home games the Israeli flag is most common, however when playing by their competitors Feyenoord in Rotterdam or PSV in Eindhoven, the slogans of their supporters can be quite offensive and often anti-semitic. This gives the Dutch a poor rating from the ADL community.
I finally signed on to BooMan after umpteen years of lurking. I finished up my PowerPoint early for my team presentation tomorrow, and I’m feeling downright leisurely, so new account it is.
Me: Liberal on the Dali Lama quadrant of the spectrum, older grad student trying to keep up with the digital age whippersnappers, currently fending off Totoro earworm from my toddler. I keep coming back here for the political analysis and civil, thoughtful discussions. I’ve got nothing on ya’ll, but I’ll try to keep up. Oh, and we had sleety snow, then ice, then back to cold sunshine. * waves at TarheelDem *
Bend, don’t break. In conjunction with the previous post, grass always wins.
I had taken a bunch of shots years ago of a bamboo that grew into and through a large boulder, splitting it in half. Lost them when the cf card went poof, never could recover it.
Jim and I read about the trapped hikers in Bear Canyon. As much as we wouldn’t have wanted to be stuck like that, we couldn’t help but think that the waterfalls must have looked amazing.
I had the walking ick for the first half of January, so now that I’m feeling better, there’s a spring in my step. I blame the weather for it all. One day it’s 80 degrees, and the next there’s a hard freeze warning and snow flurries (i.e. yesterday).
The mountains look beautiful with their dusting of the white stuff but it makes for treacherous flash flooding when it gets dumped all at once. I couldn’t believe how many hikers got stranded over the weekend. Hope all is well with the Fs!
Sorry to hear you weren’t feeling well but glad you’re doing better. Saw below that you have some exciting travels planned. I’ve been to Sweden but it was in a smallish town and for work so I don’t have anything much to say about that but I got to spend a ocuple days in Copenhagen as part of the trip and I really loved it.
hi ask! I was thinking about you the other day. My former exchange-student sister splits her time between Finland & Sweden and I’m starting to plan for a Scandinavian multi-stop trip next summer. Hope all is well!
Wacky weather continues for us in southern Indiana. It was 55 F when we went to bed last night, the 911 center broadcast a tornado warning at 1 am and we’ve had so much rain, the big moisture deficit left over from last summer has finally been satisfied. Now the weather oracle is predicting low temps of around 9 F Friday and snow on Saturday. Lots of wind came along with the weather front at 1, but no tornado, as far as I could tell. Very strange, but I’m pleased the drought is over for now.
Its 10 F at our house this morning. We experienced a harrowing drive home last night from the Indianapolis north side in near blizzard conditions. I don’t remember how many times we pulled off the road to let the moron tailgaters go by. There were cars in ditches wherever we went. We would have spent the night in Indy, except for the weather prediction of “just flurries” and being a third of the way home before I realized it wasn’t getting any better, only worse.
I hate white-knuckle driving. I guess you understood why so many schools in the area were on 2 hour delay. I think what a lot of people forgot was that at temps under 20°F salt or brine doesn’t work on the roads and the 1/2 inch or so we got just compacted to ice with traffic. Glad you got home safely.
Funny the way a casual Google search winds up in the sidebar here. For instance, we watch a Martin Sheen movie and the next day I look for the setting, since we were quite close to it when we were in Spain and presto! Travel ads in the sidebar. I wonder if this could be developed into a form of sidebar enhancement pop art?
Looks like you may have double trouble headed toward you if the one coming by us and the one from the southeast coast converge later. Right now its quite springlike here, with sunshine and mid 40s temps. Soon to change, I’m sure.
Heh – I have a good number of new beach shots, but only a few uploaded as the wifi is iffy and slow. Also, the Photobucket app for iPad seems to swallow new albums whole… I spent a couple of hours the other night making a new album which is now nowhere to be found ??
Looks like NYC, LI and southern Connecticut are really getting the snow right now now, if the dark blue radar image is any indication. I’m sure native Scandinavians will feel right at home 😉
Wouldn’t that be nice. But we seem to be on schedule to make it to Miami, at least. A place which falls far from my definition of paradise. We shall see…
The New York Times | BREAKING NEWS ALERT | Video
BREAKING NEWS Friday, February 8, 2013 5:01 PM EST
New York Governor Declares State of Emergency Over Winter Storm
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York declared a state of emergency as a winter storm descended on the Northeast on Friday evening.
We’ve had several spates of warmish (temps in the 40/50s) weather so we’ve been without snow of and on throughout January and February so there have been lots of opportunities to take snowless photos. Around here, it’s typical that there are more days in winter without snow on the ground than with.
Reviving a 30-year-old controversy, Berkeley scientists have pinned down the precise time when a monster comet or asteroid slammed into Earth and, they say, wiped out the dinosaurs in a global mass extinction.
Paul Renne, a physicist at the Berkeley Geochronology Center, and his colleagues reported Thursday in the journal Science that with new and highly advanced dating technology they have calculated the impact to 66,038,000 years ago, give or take only 11,000 years.
Thanks, Bob. I’ll look forward to seeing what your photo(s) for the last flog next month.
BTW, Olivia checked to see how long we’ve been doing this and the first flog was August 28, 2008. I was really surprised we had been doing it that long.
A beautiful winter morning at the river over the hill from the house. A favorite walking spot. Kind of different, though, without my old dog tagging along. She loved this river. It was her favorite place. We had a lot of good times down here. Rivers were meant for a man and his dog.
Back when I was a teenager, this river was pretty nasty. Ecologically, it was dying. Then those silly liberals and tree huggers came along, formed a committee to save it, and it is now a state and national scenic river. There are 87 species of fish, as well as many species of turtles, frogs, water snakes and birds. The river contains 36 species of mussels, including two threatened and one endangered species. Last year, a bald eagle nested just a couple miles down the river from this spot. Forty years ago it was full of tires, cans and bottles, old cars, washing machines; you name it, people dumped it in the river. Now, it is a gem.
Well good for those silly liberals and tree huggers! We have a similar, but somewhat smaller stream a few blocks from our house. A local coalition is about ready to build a walking trail along three or four miles of it and our access will be just down the street. I feel lucky to have it close by.
A wood stove day for sure! It may make it into the 50s here today, but its back to the 30s tomorrow. We had robins in the yard Friday, so I’m thinking spring is close. Stay warm!
and yet, I am dying to knit myself a nice cozy, warm sweater to prepare for February! Probably due in part to my overly stressful work life. This job would be so much better without clients. 🙂
Oh well, at least I’m getting done early today so I can do something with CBtY. A major bonus!
What are you folks up to?
Shoveling snow due to an unusual heavy snowfall (8″) yesterday, a couple stumbled across a slippery city street due to icing conditions with risk of life and limb. Man and woman were a TV cameraman and reporter looking for a brief interview in the hardship of the wintery conditions. The two minute interview about civic duty, deicing the sidewalk and the burden for city goers. In the evening, the phone starting ringing and I received sms messages. Apparently on Dutch national television there was a report about the city of The Hague with a 5 second clip of the interview. I mentioned the winters in my memory with snowfall up to several feet has not been seen for decades. My brief interlude about climate change. I didn’t wear my wooden shoes yesterday although they are ideal to prevent cold feet.
click for larger
That looks like 3 ice cream sandwiches.
Maybe that explains why the dogs like eating snow so much.
5-6 inches of snow here in the Hudson Valley overnight. And we just lost our snow cover a day or so ago. Sigh.
No snow here but plenty of mud from the melting of 16 inches and then all that rain. I think I’d rather the snow.
Twin Horizons Tonight
Fireplace Surround,
I`m about finished with it.
Not pictured are the double doors on the two lower cabinets on both sides of the fireplace, although I`ve already built them. Then I`ll put down the dark maple flooring & start the stone around the fire box & the area above the mantle
That’s fireplace is looking good (the sunsets always look good). Can’t wait to see how it looks when it’s completely finished.
I`ll be back after supper to show you a few “After” images of the kitchen.
Gorgeous sunset and very nice work on the fireplace surround. I’m anxious to see what you do with the flooring around that curved hearth.
You do beautiful work!
For christmas, my client published a hardcover book of my work for her.
Here is an image from that book of the kitchen I put together for her.
That gorgeous. I am so jealous of that giant island.
It’s more like a continent than an island.
That is gorgeous! Makes me want to see the whole book…
For Caturday, Grace
Looks very comfy. 🙂
Looks like somebody wants to play.
Here’s a bloom to brighten your January day. Also the Mardi Gras parades start tomorrow in NOLA. Lots of color to be seen there.
Really pretty. Nice change from brown and gray.
That’s a fine bloom.
Hi folks, nice to be here. I just fulfilled a long-time dream and registered and absolutely accept restrictions as a newbie but does anybody know how I can change my password? Thanks!
Welcome on board!
On top of the page, in the middle, you’ll find a link saying “yastreblyansky’s Page” (if logged in). Chose “Settings” in the pull-down menu there. Scroll down to the bottom of that page to set new password.
Thanks, ask! but there’s nothing there at the bottom. Also “permission denied” is at the top (I can change interface preferences and comment preferences but cannot get to user info).
Hmm – that’s strange, you’re obviously logged in since you can comment. Try logging out and then go back in.
Also, if I recall correctly, the automated email you got when you registered contains some info on this.
But I’m no expert – last resort is to email Booman (contact link in the Menu at the top of the right column), though he may not read this mail account every day.
If all else fails, BooMan can reset your password. You can email to straighten it out.
Welcome to the pond!
Thanks all, I guess I just had to give it a rest overnight. all is well.
I’m having the same issue, but I guess I can live with bLrgXuL as a password for another day or five. (I’m joking about the actual password, of course.)
Welcome on board.
I actually never changed the one I was assigned many years ago. Memorized it and still use it.
click for larger
That is some burden!
Now I miss the snow…
Snow’s long gone here — we had a warm-up and a bunch of rain. And now the warm-up is also long gone and we’ve got cold air from the Arctic — temp is 6° right now.
Ugh-6 is brutal.
We’re expecting a high of 21 today. No playground time at nursery school today, so guess we will be heading over to the Y this afternoon.
We got an unexpected dusting of snow last night too.
I am glad I’m working from home today…trying to enjoy as much of that as I can before I have my next student intern at work and need to be at the office every day. Not sure I’m going to continue the program long term because of the impact on my personal life.
Bummer on going to the office everyday. I’m afraid I’d find that way too big a sacrifice and have chucked the student intern right out the window. Well maybe not the intern but definitely the program. 😉
The sad thing is that having my first student (in November and December) was one of the more satisfying things I’ve done at work all year. It felt good to be able to provide the learning experience and mentorship to someone after having had good internship experiences as a pharmacy student myself.
Hopefully this student will also be motivated, and I can let him work from home on Fridays like I did with the last one, which made things a little easier. And it’s only 6 weeks…
I hope it turns out that way (both the satisfaction with the mentoring and the work-at-home on Fridays).
Great shot!
Nature’s cantilever. From an engineering standpoint that’s some load. And a great shot.
I was surprised the snow stayed on like that instead of either just blowing/falling off or its weight bending over the whole stalk.
Barack Obama is still our president. yay!
Unfortunately, my evil corporate overlords do nt believe this is a holiday, so I had to put in a full day on the job today. Sigh.
That’s the upside to civil servitude. Holidays galore.
Maybe in my next life…
click for larger
Lovely light and shadow. I’m almost sorry the snow is gone (for now).
Well done. What I’ve sometimes done with shots like this is set the adjustment for interior lighting. Then the shadows appear as blue.
Ooh, that looks so nice. I know I’ll regret saying this, but I was actually enjoying my brief encounter with the cold weather this morning. I think it’s because I’m happy to have a chance to wear some of my knitted favorites.
Cool photos from Nazi-occupied Warsaw and Poland.
Time has an awesome repository. Every so often they release a few no one has seen in quite a while.
My parents subscribed to Life when I was growing up and I devoured anything in print that came through the door at our house. These really take me back.
Looks more like they are waiting for something potentially scrumptious to come into view. 🙂
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It’s 9 degrees here in the Hudson Valley. No wind presently but it’s expected later on. Sigh.
That sounds downright balmy b2!
It was -40 F with windchill last night.
It’s been in the – F ranges without windchill all week.
But — on the up side, the snow has stopped falling! 😀 (It was over my head at the end of the driveway before the city came around with a front loader and scooped half of it away.)
Yikes! That is serious weather. Feel free to drop by if you want to “warm up” for a few days.
Hudson Valley = The New Florida! 😉
Yep. We’re into the double digits today!
You win!
Ha. It’s been a frosty week. Will be happy when it settles down a bit.
Me too. It’s been like a real winter here this week, and they’re promising some snow tonight. Next week, highs near 60. Crazy.
I need some more yarn. 🙂
The temp here has been way above average by 8-10 degrees and not forecast to come down anytime soon, I’ve never seen temps this high in January (75-80+). Trees that don’t leaf until March are budding now. Dry to boot, looks like we’ll have a hell of a fire season.
20 F and light snow here, with only 1 – 2″ predicted. Good luck with the fire season from this old Indian River County firefighter.
There are quite some Jewish slang words in the Dutch language. This one is new to me …
‘Jew’ Is Now Slang for ‘Cool’ in Dutch
There is a football (soccer) phenomena, the famous Ajax of Amsterdam has a lot of support from the Jewish community and the supporters are all called ‘Jews’. In home games the Israeli flag is most common, however when playing by their competitors Feyenoord in Rotterdam or PSV in Eindhoven, the slogans of their supporters can be quite offensive and often anti-semitic. This gives the Dutch a poor rating from the ADL community.
I finally signed on to BooMan after umpteen years of lurking. I finished up my PowerPoint early for my team presentation tomorrow, and I’m feeling downright leisurely, so new account it is.
Me: Liberal on the Dali Lama quadrant of the spectrum, older grad student trying to keep up with the digital age whippersnappers, currently fending off Totoro earworm from my toddler. I keep coming back here for the political analysis and civil, thoughtful discussions. I’ve got nothing on ya’ll, but I’ll try to keep up. Oh, and we had sleety snow, then ice, then back to cold sunshine. * waves at TarheelDem *
Welcome to BT.
Welcome to the pond.
Many thanks for the welcome, all. I’m enjoying splish splashing around.
In other news, we have monsoons and a high of 74(!) predicted for Wednesday. I’d better fix my rain barrel before the deluge.
click for larger
Bend, don’t break. In conjunction with the previous post, grass always wins.
I had taken a bunch of shots years ago of a bamboo that grew into and through a large boulder, splitting it in half. Lost them when the cf card went poof, never could recover it.
It’s almost like this was posed. Well done.
Another in the Zen Pup series! Love it!
there is no
spoontree.[waves hi to all]
Howdy. How are things going?
Jim and I read about the trapped hikers in Bear Canyon. As much as we wouldn’t have wanted to be stuck like that, we couldn’t help but think that the waterfalls must have looked amazing.
I had the walking ick for the first half of January, so now that I’m feeling better, there’s a spring in my step. I blame the weather for it all. One day it’s 80 degrees, and the next there’s a hard freeze warning and snow flurries (i.e. yesterday).
The mountains look beautiful with their dusting of the white stuff but it makes for treacherous flash flooding when it gets dumped all at once. I couldn’t believe how many hikers got stranded over the weekend. Hope all is well with the Fs!
Sorry to hear you weren’t feeling well but glad you’re doing better. Saw below that you have some exciting travels planned. I’ve been to Sweden but it was in a smallish town and for work so I don’t have anything much to say about that but I got to spend a ocuple days in Copenhagen as part of the trip and I really loved it.
Hay stranger!
hey back, amigo! Hope all is well.
Hey there, Manny!
hi ask! I was thinking about you the other day. My former exchange-student sister splits her time between Finland & Sweden and I’m starting to plan for a Scandinavian multi-stop trip next summer. Hope all is well!
Sounds like a great summer adventure coming up! Let me know if you want some pointers.
A good place to start is here:
Visit Norway
Lots of info, videos, etc.
We’re tired of crappy winter conditions here (though, today wasn’t too bad) and head for Costa Rica on Thursday for an escape.
I promised you guys an occasional b&w, so here’s one.
Very nice detail, BobX
Gorgeous — the b&w, besides highlighting the veins, really brings out the patterns on the leaves.
click for larger
Hockey anyone.
Wacky weather continues for us in southern Indiana. It was 55 F when we went to bed last night, the 911 center broadcast a tornado warning at 1 am and we’ve had so much rain, the big moisture deficit left over from last summer has finally been satisfied. Now the weather oracle is predicting low temps of around 9 F Friday and snow on Saturday. Lots of wind came along with the weather front at 1, but no tornado, as far as I could tell. Very strange, but I’m pleased the drought is over for now.
We’re right behind you. The same weather pattern is heading here today,including t-storms, after what is predicted to be a 60 degree day. In January.
Keep your head down when that front passes through. I’m grateful all our trees are still standing this morning.
It’s passing here tonight, temps are expected to return to normal, whatever that passes for these days.
That temperature drop was pretty impressive — the rain on our deck took just a few minutes to go from wet to frozen.
Good morning!
Off to the air port!
Have a good flight!
Bon voyage ask!
In Miami now and our connecting flight seems to be on schedule.
I wonder if this loon would feel better or worse knowing that I can’t watch Girls because it is a cesspool of triviality and narcissism.
Back in the freezer here in the Hudson Valley. Brrr. It was almost 60 yesterday.
Its 10 F at our house this morning. We experienced a harrowing drive home last night from the Indianapolis north side in near blizzard conditions. I don’t remember how many times we pulled off the road to let the moron tailgaters go by. There were cars in ditches wherever we went. We would have spent the night in Indy, except for the weather prediction of “just flurries” and being a third of the way home before I realized it wasn’t getting any better, only worse.
Wow. I had no idea it was that bad. Glad you made it home okay.
I saw on the Indy news sites there was a 40 car pileup on I-70 west of town. Glad we weren’t part of that!
Definitely something to be glad about.
The snow that’s coming down now looks much more friendly — none of it is going horizontal.
Even better – we’re not out trying to drive in it!
I hate white-knuckle driving. I guess you understood why so many schools in the area were on 2 hour delay. I think what a lot of people forgot was that at temps under 20°F salt or brine doesn’t work on the roads and the 1/2 inch or so we got just compacted to ice with traffic. Glad you got home safely.
Heh – its should be a clue when your anti-lock brakes let go even with just a gentle pat. Very scary!
I’m glad that you made it home okay.
Thanks boran2! I normally don’t go out at all in that stuff anymore, since I stopped driving fire engines. Guess I’m a little out of practice.
I’ll keep quiet!
Arrived the Pacific coast aw couple of hours ago at 9 deg latitude.
Tell the Southern Cross that we say hi.
Funny the way a casual Google search winds up in the sidebar here. For instance, we watch a Martin Sheen movie and the next day I look for the setting, since we were quite close to it when we were in Spain and presto! Travel ads in the sidebar. I wonder if this could be developed into a form of sidebar enhancement pop art?
click for larger
Very inviting!
Looks like a warm spring morning.
Pre-op today, surgery Thursday. Septoplasty, looking forward to breathing again, in about two weeks.
Hope all goes smoothly and you’re all healed up soon.
Good luck!
Thanks, guys!
Sending positive vibes your way, Bob.
Not to rub it in 😉 – but the Pacific waters are too warm. Had to head up a little creek to cool down in a real frog pond.

Meanwhile it’s about 20 degrees (without the wind chill) here in the Hudson Valley. But that was practically Summer weather to my Ukranian ancestors.
That’s a lovely spot ~ enjoy!
Here’s the missing image. I rearranged my albums, so the link was lost.

Wow. For the first time in over a century, the Dutch will have a king.
click for larger
Very peaceful.
Tomorrow is Friday Foto Flogging and the theme is Winter Scenes (beach pictures accepted with pleasure).
We’ll have plenty of subject matter here with the Storm of Doom on it’s way.
Looks like you may have double trouble headed toward you if the one coming by us and the one from the southeast coast converge later. Right now its quite springlike here, with sunshine and mid 40s temps. Soon to change, I’m sure.
Heh – I have a good number of new beach shots, but only a few uploaded as the wifi is iffy and slow. Also, the Photobucket app for iPad seems to swallow new albums whole… I spent a couple of hours the other night making a new album which is now nowhere to be found ??
That’s a bummer on the photobucket. I hope you get it figured out as beach pictures would be lovely.
I think this is satire.
Come on over to Friday Foto Flogging and Winter with us.
The blizzard of doom has started. We may get 2 feet in our little microclimate.
Oh you east coasters and your little esoteric weather events
I must be channeling the super-sized gov. of NJ.
It would be much appreciated if you could have it all cleaned up by the time we return late Saturday evening…

Too much contrast to this:
Looks like NYC, LI and southern Connecticut are really getting the snow right now now, if the dark blue radar image is any indication. I’m sure native Scandinavians will feel right at home 😉
Given the number of flights that have been cancelled already, I think you might be spending some extra time in paradise.
Wouldn’t that be nice. But we seem to be on schedule to make it to Miami, at least. A place which falls far from my definition of paradise. We shall see…
I’ll get right on that.
Hope you are nice and snug in the house and keeping your power.
“The blizzard of doom has started.”
Apparently with a vengeance! Stay warm, boran2.
click for larger
No snow! That must have been a while ago.
We’ve had several spates of warmish (temps in the 40/50s) weather so we’ve been without snow of and on throughout January and February so there have been lots of opportunities to take snowless photos. Around here, it’s typical that there are more days in winter without snow on the ground than with.
Jealous? 🙂
Maybe I’ll have to move out to Brown County.
We’ve got those luscious fried biscuits, too!
Gonna book my flight today.
Bebo & I have no problem with this, but Sniff wants to know if you have a model release for using him.
I think he’s holding out for an extra biscuit.
It was probably a Monday.
All kidding aside, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all the great photos from everyone over the last few years.
Thanks, Bob. I’ll look forward to seeing what your photo(s) for the last flog next month.
BTW, Olivia checked to see how long we’ve been doing this and the first flog was August 28, 2008. I was really surprised we had been doing it that long.
Off today. Sometimes it pays to be a civil servant.
Click for larger
Snow in the forecast here; 2-3 inches accumulation tonight 🙁
A beautiful warm and sunnny day here in the Hudson Valley! Last night’s snow is melting quickly.
Large panoramic of Florida Bay from Flamingo, Everglades National Park.

(13,000x2000px.orig, compressed to 5200x800px.)
How wide is the arc?
You would make me get out a protractor. It’s about 120 degrees or so. 10 6mp images at 70mm(105mm on DX equivalent).
A beautiful winter morning at the river over the hill from the house. A favorite walking spot. Kind of different, though, without my old dog tagging along. She loved this river. It was her favorite place. We had a lot of good times down here. Rivers were meant for a man and his dog.
Looks like a great spot to visit. I usually find the shallow spots where I can hear the stream singing.
Back when I was a teenager, this river was pretty nasty. Ecologically, it was dying. Then those silly liberals and tree huggers came along, formed a committee to save it, and it is now a state and national scenic river. There are 87 species of fish, as well as many species of turtles, frogs, water snakes and birds. The river contains 36 species of mussels, including two threatened and one endangered species. Last year, a bald eagle nested just a couple miles down the river from this spot. Forty years ago it was full of tires, cans and bottles, old cars, washing machines; you name it, people dumped it in the river. Now, it is a gem.
Well good for those silly liberals and tree huggers! We have a similar, but somewhat smaller stream a few blocks from our house. A local coalition is about ready to build a walking trail along three or four miles of it and our access will be just down the street. I feel lucky to have it close by.
Looks like a wonderful place to go walking.
So sorry about your dog — they are great companions. You can our dogs (and my husband) up above on one of our walks (we live in the woods).
click for larger
Beautiful but c-c-cold. Temps have taken a nosedive here with lots of wind.
Current Temp 4.0 °F
Blowing Snow
Windchill: -20 °F
Humidity: 96%
Wind: 34.0 mph from the NNW
Wind Gust: 52.0 mph
Blizzard Warning in effect until 6 PM CST this evening…
Think I’ll be hanging out next to the wood stove today.
PS. I have 3-4 dozen customers at the bird feeders today, redpolls, nuthatches, chickadees, gold finches
A wood stove day for sure! It may make it into the 50s here today, but its back to the 30s tomorrow. We had robins in the yard Friday, so I’m thinking spring is close. Stay warm!
That’s brutal with such wind conditions.
I was cleaning out some old papers yesterday and wadda ya know!
Anyone else geezer enough to remember this?
That might actually be valuable.
Yup, looks familiar all right.
Next time you’re in Las Vegas you could bring it in to that pawn shop, (Pawn Stars, as seen on TV)and have your spot in the limelight!
That’s a good excuse to head down there.
Ha ha! I have zero desire to be on TV. Have already had all the limelight I can take for one lifetime;-)
Holy crap.
Looks like it might be an interesting class. Bet nobody snoozes through his lectures.
‘You suppose the youth of America will do any better than we did at figuring out”What’s happening? What’s happening?” ?
I’m sure that it was a metaphor of Feynman diagrams.
Even the economy can be explained with Feynman diagrams.
click for larger
I didn’t know that the Loch Ness monster was so skinny…
Interesting composition, static of the ice/fluidity of the branches. Nice.
There’s a hidden message there somewhere.
Yep – good spot to hang up your favorite fishing lure if you’re not careful.
What caused such an interesting ice pattern? As in was it thawing or freezing and is that common to your area?
A combination of freezing and thawing and a very windy day make lots of ripples in the lake — maybe.
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