See if you can spot the problem with where the Republicans chose to hold a conference in which improving their outreach to African American voters and other minorities is one of the prominent topics they will discuss:

After its general election battering, the Republican party has retreated to lick its wounds and ponder what went wrong – on the leafy grounds of a luxury golf resort in Virginia.

And what better place for today’s GOP to hold strategy sessions titled “Successful communication with minorities and women” than on the grounds of a former plantation in the south?

“When the first English foot was placed in Virginia, it was here on these grounds that once served as a central part of the area’s plantation life in the 1600s through 1800s,” boasts the website of the Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg, which draws a discrete veil over whatever events in the 1800s may have caused that to end.

Even better. Guess where the forums on minorities and women are to be held. If you guessed the “Burwell Plantation Room” you were right. More evidence that the GOP is dedicated to putting “The Onion” out of business.