President Obama not only took the highly unusual and totally unprecedented step of appearing on 60 Minutes with his out-going Secretary of State, but he also instructed some of his best fundraisers to find the money to pay off Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign debt. That’s quite a one-two punch, or gift, or something. He has certainly repaid Clinton’s loyalty, and that of her husband who was so helpful on the campaign trail last year. I don’t see it as an endorsement of a Clinton comeback in 2016. I think it has more to do with solidifying his own legacy. If Clinton is going to run for president in 2016, Obama doesn’t want her running against him and his record. He wants a united front. And I don’t think he wants to sabotage the ambitions of his fun-loving vice-president, either.
What do you think Obama is up to?
Wasn’t help with the repayment of Hillary’s campaign debt part of a deal struck when she dropped out of the primary? Or was that just a rumor?
I don’t think he’s “up to” anything.
Hmmmm. I think one of the big goals for Obama is to try and restore some level of respect for Government by the voters. Interviews like that are an attempt to demonstrate accessibility (orchestrated, of course). It’s the antidote to everything is broken in Washington.
…I think it is Hillary to the SCOTUS and Biden in 2016.
…I like that scenario
Both are too old. Not a good idea.
I agree that the ideal would be much younger people. But Obama’s going to have a rough time getting any real liberals onto the Court. Perhaps he’s bolstering Hillary in hopes that her popularity and potentially shorter time on the bench would allow the GOP to accept her. Maybe fifteen years with someone who is really on our side would be better than thirty with someone more moderate. I have serious doubts about the GOP accepting her, but it might be worth a try.
I agree. As much as I like the idea of Clinton or Biden as president I think it is past time for them in terms of age. Too hard physically.
Loyalty. That is what he is up to. Hillary was a ‘good soldier’, and he his paying that back. People only wonder what is up because the idea of a POTUS actually being loyal, and paying that loyalty back is so GD shocking after Bush. And Bill, for that matter.
Could be. I’m not typically cynical, at least by conventional standards. But wasn’t it pretty much an open secret that Obama had promised to help Hillary retire her campaign debt when she got on board to support his candidacy in such a full throated way in “08?
Retiring campaign debt I do remember that, but I think he is also thanking her. Hillary and William Clinton came through in a big way for Obama. In his cabinet and in this last election. I have a suspicion Hillary Clinton is more devastated by Stevens death then we know. She needs support and confirmation of her worth right now and Obama is giving it. I think there is a human factor here too.
Some obvious points.
CBS 60 Minutes wanted the interview to pull ratings with two big political names.
Hillary Clinton is retiring as Secretary of State and the White House is making it a BFD, considering the 2008 primary. Classic “we can all get along” story.
Does not promote but does not undercut. Allows Hillary to make her own decisions.
Tea leaf readers are having a field day. Better than speculating about other things. Nice distraction.
I think this is about right. It gives a couple of good news cycles to the White House, frames Clinton’s exit in the way that makes all involved look good. Briefly pauses “Hillary 2016” speculation at a good moment for her.
That said, I am curious whether Clinton has privately told Obama what her 2016 plans are. My standing prediction is that she does not run.
I think he is trying to build her up, get on her good side, and mend bridges from the 2008 primary. It’s in Obama’s interest to have a likeminded successor, and Hillary seems to qualify. Biden would too, of course. But regardless of whether he’d prefer her or Biden to be the nominee, he has to realize Hillary easily defeated Biden in 2008 and would likely beat him even more thoroughly in 2016, given that Biden would be the oldest major party nominee ever (a few months older than Reagan in ’84, even).
No doubt there is genuine goodwill also. Obama and Hillary were very close on policy in 2008 and she’s been great at State. She has really been there for him and he’s returning the favor. And if she doesn’t run, it still looks good to get along so well with a highly respected and influential Democrat.
Maybe he just likes her and wanted to thank her for her loyalty and hard work. Maybe he really is just a very good man doing the best he can under difficult circumstances.
Maybe I’m hopelessly naive, but I think he feels respect and gratitude towards her, and wants to help her out however he can.
This woman rushed back to work too soon from an illness for him, and suffered serious medical consequences as a result – and that’s just the cherry on top of a four grueling years keeping her head down and working her ass off. I’d go the extra mile for someone who did that for me.
Whatever he wants. I think Obama is acting like the Godfather.
He’s trying to get her to run in 2016. He’s picking a successor. And he’s one helluva smart guy.
I case you didn’t notice, the Obama and Clinton political operations were virtually merged in 2012.
It shows united Dems can work together and are willing to achieve goals soon instead of later versus a fractured Republican’ts and their Tea sipping do nothings.
I see it as a “no lose” deal for Obama. Hillary and Bill are highly respected these days, both among Democrats and Independents. By going on 60 Minutes with her, he makes himself look good. The only people it rubs the wrong way are those who don’t support him anyway.
I seem to recall rumors that felt like more than rumors that he had agreed in 2008 to help her retire her debt. Now seems the time to step up on that. If they wait another 8 months, it will begin to step on midterm reelection campaigns.
It’s already paid off, I think it happened last week or the week before.
You are right that this is nothing new.
I think that, fairly or not, Hillary’s public standing took a hit with Benghazi. It put a stain on her otherwise shining record at State. Going on 60 Minutes with her is a public demonstration of support and affirmation as she leaves the administration.
I honestly believe they like and respect one another and this is a show of gratitude from Obama to Hillary for her work, which has been highly regarded. Maybe he was pissed at how she was treated during the Benghazi hearings.
Maybe because they both put up with a boatload of shit from all sides when they were campaigning, too. First woman, first black man: it got ugly and the gloves were off. Maybe they’re just making peace.
Whatever, it was a good showing and I don’t think they were faking their feelings, which seemed to show in their expressions and gestures. I like to think they’ll be friends.
A really nice going-away present. He is a man of style and good manners.
As to whether she wants to run in 2016, that’s not up to him, it’s up to her.
What about Michelle Obama? Do we know if she has any political ambitions? I’m not suggesting this has anything to do with the appearance on 60 Minutes, but it is something I’ve wondered about.
I don’t know if she has future ambitions, but if the gossip is to be believed, I doubt it. Obama’s advisers apparently didn’t like her because she “clouded” his political judgement with calls for higher forms of social justice (especially on immigration).
Which advisers? I think this is some more BS speculation. Two Senators marched for immigration reform in 2006–Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama. The first big conflict between Obama and McCain was over immigration reform in the Senate. It was a nasty and public fight after the two had been working together on the subject. In all my work with OFA since the first transition we have been discussing when and how to accomplish immigration reform.
The delay in passing the PPACA had more to do with it than supposed advisers.