Month: January 2013

What’s So Hard to Understand?

Quite often I feel like I am one of the few people in the country for whom the President of the United States is not an inscrutable personality. I never feel like I don’t know where he stands. He almost never surprises me....

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Wanker of the Day: Kathleen Parker

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Kathleen Parker, arguing against allowing women to serve in combat situations: My favorite bumper sticker remains: ā€œIā€™m out of estrogen and I have a gun.ā€ That’s her favorite bumper...

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Israel Threatens Attack on Syria

Not sure why Israel’s Vice Premier went public with a threat that his country may attack Syria if Israel determines that the Assad government is about to lose control over the chemical weapons in Syria’s arsenal. But...

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Paywall Killed the Op-Ed Star

Remember when people used to read about and write about what New York Times columnists had to say? Remember all those snarky takedowns of MoDo and The Mustache of Understanding? Remember when people linked approvingly to the...

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Special Mali Report

. French, Malians secure Timbuktu in rebel-held north (Reuters) – French and Malian troops were restoring government control over the fabled Saharan trading town of Timbuktu on Sunday, the latest gain in a fast-moving...

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