I can save Sean Hannity the agony of following through on his promise to be waterboarded for charity. Before he died, Christopher Hitchens actually followed through on his promise to willingly submit to waterboarding. Here is what happened:
You may have read by now the official lie about this treatment, which is that it “simulates” the feeling of drowning. This is not the case. You feel that you are drowning because you are drowning—or, rather, being drowned, albeit slowly and under controlled conditions and at the mercy (or otherwise) of those who are applying the pressure. The “board” is the instrument, not the method. You are not being boarded. You are being watered. This was very rapidly brought home to me when, on top of the hood, which still admitted a few flashes of random and worrying strobe light to my vision, three layers of enveloping towel were added. In this pregnant darkness, head downward, I waited for a while until I abruptly felt a slow cascade of water going up my nose. Determined to resist if only for the honor of my navy ancestors who had so often been in peril on the sea, I held my breath for a while and then had to exhale and—as you might expect—inhale in turn. The inhalation brought the damp cloths tight against my nostrils, as if a huge, wet paw had been suddenly and annihilatingly clamped over my face. Unable to determine whether I was breathing in or out, and flooded more with sheer panic than with mere water, I triggered the pre-arranged signal and felt the unbelievable relief of being pulled upright and having the soaking and stifling layers pulled off me. I find I don’t want to tell you how little time I lasted.
This is because I had read that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, invariably referred to as the “mastermind” of the atrocities of September 11, 2001, had impressed his interrogators by holding out for upwards of two minutes before cracking. (By the way, this story is not confirmed. My North Carolina friends jeered at it. “Hell,” said one, “from what I heard they only washed his damn face before he babbled.”) But, hell, I thought in my turn, no Hitchens is going to do worse than that. Well, O.K., I admit I didn’t outdo him. And so then I said, with slightly more bravado than was justified, that I’d like to try it one more time. There was a paramedic present who checked my racing pulse and warned me about adrenaline rush. An interval was ordered, and then I felt the mask come down again. Steeling myself to remember what it had been like last time, and to learn from the previous panic attack, I fought down the first, and some of the second, wave of nausea and terror but soon found that I was an abject prisoner of my gag reflex. The interrogators would hardly have had time to ask me any questions, and I knew that I would quite readily have agreed to supply any answer. I still feel ashamed when I think about it. Also, in case it’s of interest, I have since woken up trying to push the bedcovers off my face, and if I do anything that makes me short of breath I find myself clawing at the air with a horrible sensation of smothering and claustrophobia. No doubt this will pass. As if detecting my misery and shame, one of my interrogators comfortingly said, “Any time is a long time when you’re breathing water.” I could have hugged him for saying so, and just then I was hit with a ghastly sense of the sadomasochistic dimension that underlies the relationship between the torturer and the tortured. I apply the Abraham Lincoln test for moral casuistry: “If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.” Well, then, if waterboarding does not constitute torture, then there is no such thing as torture.
Hitchens wrote that in 2008, which is a year before Sean Hannity promised to be waterboarded for charity. He knows that he’d do no better than Hitchens, and he knows his audience would never forgive him for it. But he made the promise anyway, knowing that he’d never honor it.
I had never read that before. I am blown away.
Ye gods. How I have several Hitchens loving friends and did not know this, I am unsure. But it’s quite amazing. Thank you.
It’s the one thing I actually respect Hitchens for.
I respect Hitchens as a great wordsmith. A great book reviewer. I respect him for having the balls to take on Mother Teresa, even if I never quite got the point. I respect him for sticking up for the Kurds long before anyone else would do so. I respect him for the courageousness of his atheism. I respect him for declaring early on that Kissinger is a war criminal. I respect him for having himself waterboarded and being totally honest about being wrong about whether or not it constituted torture.
9/11 worked in a strange way to play on a bunch of his better instincts and turn them into bad instincts.
His complete disrespect for religion and especially religious fanatics caused him to a very unhealthy thirst for revenge.
His hatred of Saddam for slaughtering the Kurds in the 1970’s and 1980’s led him to support his ouster, even though it empowered the religious fundamentalists he so loathed, including the Iranians he hated so much for the Salmun Rushdie affair.
He basically got himself in a mood to go on a crusade without looking around to see who would be waging it on his behalf. I can understand how it happened.
On the whole, he was a brilliant man who fought most of his life for the underdog. His instincts led him astray.
His instincts led him astray, and his ashtray led to a sadly early death.
At the time I never got Alexander Cockburn’s vicious assaults on CH at The Nation. (Speaking of people who could rub folks the wrong way.) This was in the 90s, long before 9/11. But events proved Cockburn an astute judge of character. Hitchens was an iconoclastic and tremendously talented writer who always fought for the underdog, except, later on, when it involved his friends on the Georgetown cocktail circuit.
Did you read “The Clinton Wars”? I dunno, being in cahoots with the Ken Starr crowd was kinda weird.
Read more:
The title should read… “Yet Another Reason Why Sean Hannity is a Coward”
Hannity’s bro Mancow already did it:
I haven’t dug in, but apparently there’s some evidence that he faked it, even though he was one of those “what pouring water on someone is torture?” guys.
We may never have known about waterboarding were it not for John Kiriakou. More upsetting to me than Hannity’s welching on a stunt is the Obama administration’s prosecuting Kiriakou for revealing it and no one else for performing it .