While the president is trying to do a full-court press to rally support for sensible gun legislation, the right is caught up in internecine warfare. Erick Erickson, writing as a voice of the Tea Party, is blasting back at Karl Rove and American Crossroads, who started the fight by announcing that they would be doing everything they could to crush the Tea Party. Meanwhile, National Review Online is blasting Ron Paul for his insufficiently patriotic tweeting habits, and highlighting John McCain’s egregiously racist tweeting habits. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is justifiably worried about a primary challenge from his right.
They are just one big harmonious family.
Does anyone else find it funny that the GOP elite are still throwing money at Turdblossom? And that he’s going to be the GOP enforce to decrease the influence of the Teahadists?
Sad funny.
sad trombone funny, for that matter.
also appropriate for the look on Hagel’s face during his confirmation hearing.
Posted in my diary – McCain won’t go along with possible Hagel filibuster.
there’s one born every minute.
I shake my head at the thought of after he blew 300 million – and didn’t get shyt in results…
that folks are still giving him checks.
I hope the sob’s have a flat tire on the way home from root canal after having voted for losing candidates … and then find out their membership to AAA has elapsed.
What will the TParty look like without money?
Maybe like the grass roots organization that they started out as before the Republican Party hijacked them. Maybe all that anger can then be channeled into true populism.
From my vantage point way down South, I never saw a Tea Party that was truly rooted in populism. Rooted in racism, yes. All that ” I want my country back” and talk about government spending had not an iota of sincerity, given that there was nary a peep from that quarter, not here anyways, during the Bush years.
Proof positive that it was and is all about the color of the President’s skin. Let’s see what sort of staying power they have after Obama leaves the Presidency. Better yet, and God Forbid this happens, let’s see how they behave during a Republican Presidency.
If you wait long enough by the river, the bodies of your enemies will float by.
sun tzu
Paul’s right on every front. Why is this dude treating PTSD with a firing range? And I have no sympathy for a SEAL who murders 160+ people and writes a book about his escapades. It’s one thing to be a grunt with no life choices and being thrown into a war you don’t support. Being a SEAL is a whole other game.
Cross-posted from my diary – The Lawless Old West – Navy Seal Sniper Chris Kyle Shot Dead.
Thanks for the links. Will check them out.
Pass the popcorn, man.
Buy popcorn futures!
Couldn’t happen to a nicer party.