Do you know anything about Steve Deace? Simply put, he’s nuts. But he’s taking on Karl Rove in today’s Politico, which is noteworthy only because he’s far from alone in being highly displeased with Turdblossom.
Karl Rove was once known as the “architect” but now a more appropriate nickname might be “demolition man.”
Give Rove credit for one thing. He knows how to coalesce the conservative movement. He was the master strategist credited with getting the movement on one page to propel George W. Bush to eight years in the White House. But conservative dissatisfaction with Bush’s big government policies grew, and then eventually boiled over in the Obama years to what we now know as the tea party movement.Now Rove has succeeded in uniting the conservative grassroots yet again, but this time by becoming the face of the loathed Republican Party establishment. Rove’s prominent and annoying display on Fox News as the Republican ruling class’ mouthpiece and his new effort aimed at defeating the tea party makes him the point man for destroying the very conservative movement that made him a national name in politics in the first place.
There is now an out-in-the-open civil war within the Republican Party, and most of the grassroots patriots I talk to are just fine with that. The GOP establishment is so hated by its own base that increasingly more and more of its grassroots have decided they might be better off with Democrats in charge rather than Rove’s kind of milquetoast, John Boehner-type of Republican. In an all-out fight for freedom and liberty these types of Republicans have proven to be about as useful as lipstick on a pig.
The main thing is that the GOP is distracted by a growing civil war. It’s now more important for a lot of activists on the right to attack the Establishment (Rove, McConnell, Boehner) than the president or the Democrats.
It’s a relief.
I am investing heavily in popcorn futures.
Words of wisdom from Mr. Deace:
“[I]n the end these people want to pillage and plunder the public trough every bit as much as the Democrats do. They just want the check from the U.S. Treasury made out to their cronies instead. The leadership of the Democratic Party wants to run a country. The leadership of the Republican Party wants to run a party.”
Look, they’re campaigning for us now.
Perry and Gingrich campaigned against Romney for us too. (Bain, etc.)
This is what we’ve all been waiting for; what we seemed on the cusp of when Obama was first elected but the Republicans managed to hold off by focusing on a now-discredited strategy. Obama was correct that his reelection would disarm much of the crazy.
This is why Rove was so loathe to take on the base for so long. He could see they were out of control a long time ago. In 2006 and 2007 when they went batshit crazy over his immigration reform efforts, he already knew he was losing control of this Frankenstein monster. His shock troops of 2000 were turning and now they’re coming for him. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
I’m a little less optimistic than you on this, but I hope you’re right.
“But conservative dissatisfaction with Bush’s big government policies . . .”
First they need to stop lying and admit that Conservatives were the 27% that supported Bush until the very end and that the moment Obama won they started pretending they had been dissatisfied with W for a long time.
Conservatives need to go through an Assholes Anonymous program before they can truly reform. But they’re still struggling with Step 1.
They aren’t lying. But neither are you.
Ah yes, and Boehner is staking out the voice of reason by giving nod to logic of Dream Act vs Cantor’s digging in his heels.
If they were smart they’d turn into their shtick but they’re not capable of it. Before long, the Tea Partiers will take about taking THEIR party back even if that means a 2nd Amendment solution.
Yes, but what nobody’s mentioning is, there’s a back story, except I don’t know what it is. I keep wondering where the Koch Bros. fit into all this. You usually hear that the Bushes and the Kochs are great buddies. But there’s a big fight going on here. It’s not just the establishment against the lunatics. Koch & Co. are financing the lunatics. So how can they be great buddies with the Bushes.
I don’t get Karl. Is it ego, greed, or is he afraid of someone? With all the money he’s got, you’d think he would be somewhere enjoying his millions…touring Australia/New Zealand, gambling in the far east, or eating real sushi in Japan. Why is he here picking a fight with the yahoos he sent to DC?
Because the money interests which gave him tons of dollars for 2012 are really pissed. If he went off to Japan to eat real sushi, it is the fish that would be getting fat. Really, I think the moneyed folks are pissed at him and telling him he better straighten it out or else.
This is probably it. Trotsky had nowhere to run, and neither does Rove.
Rove’s enemies aren’t very likely to murder him though.
I don’t think they have anybody else that can do what he can do. Except he can’t do it.
grift, baby.
Karl once got beat up by a girl so he can never, ever rest.
I think you’re all right, but perhaps he cares about his legacy too. * snerk *
Deace seems to be describing a fight between relatively accommodating and relatively intransigent conservatives.
So it really doesn’t matter.
When you get down to it, they want the same thing.
Ultimate, total repeal of every bit of the progressive legacy, beginning as far back as Roosevelt.
Teddy, I mean.