Congress continues to poll only slightly ahead of gonorrhea, just a tad above its historic low. On the up side, self-identified Republicans doubled their approval of Congress from 6% in January to 12% this month. Amazingly, Democratic voters actually like our current Congress better than Republican voters, giving it a 19% approval rating.

In any case, it’s clear that rank-and-file Republicans don’t like current events on Capitol Hill. I suppose you could splinter that opposition into a few distinct piles. There are businessmen and CEO’s who think the Republicans are acting like children. There are partisans who want the Senate to act on House bills. There are Tea Party types who want even more gridlock and opposition. There are decent people who are tired of Benghazi and Hagel and the politicization of everything. There are those who are conservative but who also recognize that elections have consequences and the president should be allowed to govern.

You can make up more categories, if you have them.