For a new cafe. Or maybe it was my guilty conscience.
Sorry about the long term neglect; I’ve been feeling politically burnt out lately. Tired of the same-old, same-old. When will these whacks ever go away? (Please don’t answer that.)
And I forgot how much energy 3 year olds can absorb from the adults around them. 🙂
I was surprised the school closed today instead of doing a 2-hour delay — I guess the highway department told ’em it was just going to let the sleet and ice melt off.
Dear Cabin – if I should find myself in Philadelphia, would you take me to that Indian restaurant? It might be fun to bring a 3-year-old along too, if I can play grandma.
Thanks, but not yet. When it gets too cold to go out, I like to look at my travel options. The museum of art almost got me there a while ago with their Van Gogh show. I’ll be watching what they plan for this summer, along with whatever meetups you guys announce. Spending time with a toddler just sounded so tempting.
I do that too. So far this month, I’ve looked into Jackson Hole for a summer trip, the Adirondacks, various music festivals around the country, and Charleston, SC in March.
Glad to hear it. Our Verizon DSL sucks, but I believe that we are intentionally being pushed toward Fios. On the day when the last copper lines fall from the poles, we will migrate to cable. Our cable teevee has been mostly reliable.
I, too, am pining for spring. The current state of politics and a very dreary winter has me in a really bummed frame of mind. I’m so ready for these little guys.
Nice moss…you can keep the snow, though. I’m ready for spring!
Exciting day here – daddy took Finny to the Children’s museum today, where he did NOT like the carousel, but recovered enough to enjoy the other stuff. It sounds like it was fun, I think we’ll have to all go sometime.
I am so happy to see the end of this week and the start of the weekend. Finny and I are starting back to music circle tomorrow morning – big fun! And I guess I’ll be moving on with a little more of my pre-spring spring cleaning (I want to be done with by the time the weather gets nice). And then there’s planning for CBtY’s 18th birthday next weekend. Where did the time go?
Our youngest turned 40 last week, so we can certainly ask that “where did it go” question! I’m up for election to the county central committee tomorrow for the first time ~ studying Kevin Spacey’s character in House of Cards for inspiration..
Thanks b2! I’m a shoo-in. Thus the beneficent tentacles of leftiness shall creep silently through the bucolic environs of rural Indiana, spreading entitlement, subsidy and fiber to every hamlet, until the fascist purveyors of dialup are banished from the land and the people are freed to download at warp speed.
Received a unanimous yea vote this morning, as did my running mate, who is now the first ever female chair of the county central committee. She’s a veteran OFA regional organizer with unbelievable energy and absolutely no fear. Should be interesting.
Jane Stout’s winning image of basic cell divbision to light up Times Square
Sometimes its really fun living near a research university with things like this showing up on the front page of the local newspaper instead of the usual murder and mayhem.
We had the cold rain and snow yesterday and early this morning. But it turned out not to be as bad as predicted. And much warmer temps are coming so the snow won’t be around for very long — hope it’s the same for you.
It has been snowing here since about 8 last night with the end projected about 3:30PM today. Had it been colder we might have had serious problems. It has stayed at 32 degrees throughout.
For a new cafe. Or maybe it was my guilty conscience.
Sorry about the long term neglect; I’ve been feeling politically burnt out lately. Tired of the same-old, same-old. When will these whacks ever go away? (Please don’t answer that.)
And I forgot how much energy 3 year olds can absorb from the adults around them. 🙂
Well, I don’t think of my photos as desperate but if that’s what it takes to get you to come back to see us, then call it whatever you want. 🙂
We should name it “Portrait of Nessie” in honor of ask’s comment in the last cafe.
I like that better than desperate. 😉
I was surprised the school closed today instead of doing a 2-hour delay — I guess the highway department told ’em it was just going to let the sleet and ice melt off.
Dear Cabin – if I should find myself in Philadelphia, would you take me to that Indian restaurant? It might be fun to bring a 3-year-old along too, if I can play grandma.
Desperado with cold winter feet.
We’d be delighted to see if you come to Philly! Are you planning a trip?
Thanks, but not yet. When it gets too cold to go out, I like to look at my travel options. The museum of art almost got me there a while ago with their Van Gogh show. I’ll be watching what they plan for this summer, along with whatever meetups you guys announce. Spending time with a toddler just sounded so tempting.
I do that too. So far this month, I’ve looked into Jackson Hole for a summer trip, the Adirondacks, various music festivals around the country, and Charleston, SC in March.
I just need to work on the affordability piece. 🙂
Brrrr. This is a chilly cafe.
Let’s warm it up a bit.

This one’s for you b2.
Ooh, I think I will replace Nessie with this – hope for spring!
Thanks Bob!
CabinGirl, please hold Nessie in reserve for those 100 degree days to come this summer. Meanwhile, thanks BobX, I feel much warmer now!
The sun is out and DSL is back after nearly a day without. Life is good.
…and DSL is back after nearly a day without.
I’d break out in a rash…
I hope the sun you have is a sign of what is to come here. Overcast with rainy forecast today.
Glad to hear it. Our Verizon DSL sucks, but I believe that we are intentionally being pushed toward Fios. On the day when the last copper lines fall from the poles, we will migrate to cable. Our cable teevee has been mostly reliable.
Glad your DSL is back up and the sun is out! Now if the sun would just make an appearance here…
If only I had real high speed internet so I could miss it when it went out too. 😉
C’mon, Andi. It’s not like you live in the richest country on earth or anything.
I, too, am pining for spring. The current state of politics and a very dreary winter has me in a really bummed frame of mind. I’m so ready for these little guys.
For warmer weather and sunshine. It does look like we’re getting sun here today, after a day so gloomy it felt like the sun never came out.
Hope you get some nice wether soon!
It will be here soon. It’s actually a nice day here in the Hudson Valley.
Not half bad here, either. Partly sunny and 46 degrees. But I’m inside doing a bunch of paint prep. Good times.
Ugh. I’d rather do almost anything other than paint the house.
curly is scheduling me for painting the bed room…
Interesting the difference an indefinite and a definite article makes.
boran2 likes “painting a house.”
boran2 dislikes “painting the house.”
Well observed.
Perhaps if we lived in one of those nice Victorians, and not our little modified 1934 cottage. 😉
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Or going with the flow.
He never goes with the flow, much to my disappointment — I don’t have single picture of him somersaulting down a creek. 🙂
He probably does it when you’re not looking.
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Love the texture!
I propose “Stalking the Wild Chia Pet” as a title;-)
A hedge hog caught out in summer camo?
Nice moss…you can keep the snow, though. I’m ready for spring!
Exciting day here – daddy took Finny to the Children’s museum today, where he did NOT like the carousel, but recovered enough to enjoy the other stuff. It sounds like it was fun, I think we’ll have to all go sometime.
Is it Friday yet?
He’s got to be here somewhere?
‘Been x-c skiing around the farmstead the last couple of days as we’re having temps in the high 20sF,
Yesterday was calm, which made for a nice outing down the coulee for a 2 mile round trip.
Sounds fun. Haven’t been on my skis since moving into town away from the state forest. Come to think of it, #2 son borrowed them some time ago.
I should add “temps in the high 20s” is considered a heat wave for this time of year.
Love the happy dog but could do without the snow — I’m way beyond ready for spring.
I had not previously considered how much the British Royal Family has in common with panda bears.
It’s a real life zoo.
I am so happy to see the end of this week and the start of the weekend. Finny and I are starting back to music circle tomorrow morning – big fun! And I guess I’ll be moving on with a little more of my pre-spring spring cleaning (I want to be done with by the time the weather gets nice). And then there’s planning for CBtY’s 18th birthday next weekend. Where did the time go?
What are you all up to?
Our youngest turned 40 last week, so we can certainly ask that “where did it go” question! I’m up for election to the county central committee tomorrow for the first time ~ studying Kevin Spacey’s character in House of Cards for inspiration..
Best of luck!
Thanks b2! I’m a shoo-in. Thus the beneficent tentacles of leftiness shall creep silently through the bucolic environs of rural Indiana, spreading entitlement, subsidy and fiber to every hamlet, until the fascist purveyors of dialup are banished from the land and the people are freed to download at warp speed.
Awesome! You’re a shoo- in, I’m sure!
Good luck today!
Received a unanimous yea vote this morning, as did my running mate, who is now the first ever female chair of the county central committee. She’s a veteran OFA regional organizer with unbelievable energy and absolutely no fear. Should be interesting.
Congratulations, ID!
Thanks! More work, but it keeps me out of the bars;-)
But I’ll bet it won’t keep you out of the Nashville House and away from fried biscuits, apple butter, and sassafras tea. 🙂
Bar hopping will now be safer for the rest of us. 😉
At least the moss is greening.
I love this!!!! Now if only the trees would follow suit.
Sometimes its really fun living near a research university with things like this showing up on the front page of the local newspaper instead of the usual murder and mayhem.
Very cool. Thanks for the link.
That was cool. Thanks for sharing.
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Very effective with the V made by the shadow.
More snow coming. You folks out west keep sending us these “gifts”.
Ours didn’t turn out too badly — looks to be about 3 inches here. Hope you get off as lightly.
It’s here!
I hope it wasn’t too bad.
I hate it admit but our snow was really pretty.
Just some flurries now. Nothing at all last night. Gof figure.
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Good morning!
Central Park yesterday afternoon:

Today and tomorrow will be quite different; cold rain or even sleet/snow in the forecast.
We had the cold rain and snow yesterday and early this morning. But it turned out not to be as bad as predicted. And much warmer temps are coming so the snow won’t be around for very long — hope it’s the same for you.
Yes, we seem to be following in your path. Great forecast for the weekend.
We got nothing but rain here yesterday, the sun is out this morning, and Saturday looks to be sunny and in the 50s. Yay!
I am so ready for some warm weather.
No snow, and barely any rain yesterday, but light snow/sleet coming down now.
Marc Stier is all-aboard the Allyson Schwartz bus.
Come visit the Foto Flog [LINK] and say your good-byes with words and/or pictures.
The theme is Endings.
Thanks to BobX who has decided to take over the Flog, this will NOT be the last flog.
It has been snowing here since about 8 last night with the end projected about 3:30PM today. Had it been colder we might have had serious problems. It has stayed at 32 degrees throughout.
Our snow is almost all melted now. Hope you have the same good luck.

Around noon today
Last Monday (more or less the same vantage point)
We don’t have that skyline here but the gray, ugly weather has been nearly constant. 🙁
It’s a beautiful day here in the Hudson Valley. Warm and sunny. 🙂
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