David Brooks should never, ever, consent to be questioned by Ezra Klein again. Holy mother of Jesus did he make a jackass out of himself. And Ezra is so polite and well-mannered; it could have gone much worse if he’d wanted to take a tone with Bobo.

I mean, Ezra invited Brooks to respond on the record to the observation that he had just published the most deceitful horseshit in the paper of record, and Brooks (after agreeing to post a correction) proceeded to peddle more confused and misleading horseshit.

The best part? It’s hard to choose. Was it when Brooks said Obama should be more like Robert Rubin and Ezra pointed out that Obama was asking for less revenue than Rubin? Was it when Ezra mentioned that the Simpson-Bowles plan had more defense cuts and higher taxes than what Obama is asking for, and Brooks said that he’s no longer a fan of Simpson-Bowles? Was it the part where Brooks tried to explain what a good deal would look like, gave up, and referred us all to a column written by Yuval Levin?

What a bunch of gobbledygook Brooks spewed in that brief interview!

What a clown he is.