Month: February 2013

The Talent Deficit on the Right

Erick ‘Son of Erick’ Erickson left CNN to go to an outfit more suited to his ideology and skill level. So, now, Mr. Erickson is writing columns for Fox News. His first column demonstrates everything you need to know...

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It is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand…

I don’t know who David Brooks is trying to convince with his article on immigration reform, but telling conservatives that our immigration policies should be based on Canada’s is probably about as compelling to them...

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Saturday Painting Palooza Vol.390

Hello again painting fans. This week I will be starting an entirely new painting.  The photo that I will be using is seen directly below. The photo depicts a section of a 1949 Packard, a subject that I have covered once...

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The Wilderness

That the Republican Party is demonstrating fractured views on foreign policy is only one small part of a much greater state of generalized disarray. The most obvious problem is that they have no leader. Not only is there no...

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Why Sean Hannity is a Coward

I can save Sean Hannity the agony of following through on his promise to be waterboarded for charity. Before he died, Christopher Hitchens actually followed through on his promise to willingly submit to waterboarding. Here is...

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