If you hold a hearing about financial regulators’ and the Justice Department’s refusal to throw bankers in jail for money laundering for Mexican drug lords and ignoring sanctions against Iran, Libya, Sudan, Myanmar, and Cuba, the only Republican who will show up is a recent stroke victim who can barely speak.

Now, these regulators work for Obama, and it’s Eric Holder’s Justice Department that ultimately decided that prosecuting HSBC officials or revoking their charter would cause too much financial ruin for innocent parties. Too big to fail has become too big to jail.

Hell, I know it’s a judgment call, here, but the problem is real. If we can’t hold people accountable because it would screw up the economy, we need to fix something. It’d be nice if the Republicans wouldn’t boycott any committee hearing that is critical of this situation.

It’s kind of amazing that the GOP passes up chances to politicize stuff like this to talk about domestic drone strikes and Benghazi.