My favorite time of the yer -when I suddenly have to get up in the Dark again. Blecch.
We had a gorgeous day yesterday, but woke up to gray mist for CBtYs first day on his new (outdoor construction) job. He’s not back yet, so I guess they’re working. 🙂
I’m off to pick up my new glasses this morning…kind of looking forward to seeing a little better…
He said the guys were pretty nice, and he came home sore and tired (they were ripping off an old cedar roof today). I am hoping he gets an appreciation for the need for college from this….
Both my boys had construction jobs for awhile at that age. The learned some great skills that helped when they became homeowners. Best of luck to CBtY!
Raining here and I just finished running on the treadmill. But it does give me a chance to watch the early morning news, most of which involved stories about goings on in Rome.
I totally sympathize — it’s been gray here nearly everyday. The few the sun has appeared, my poor geezer brain gets so confused because it can’t remember what that bright thing is. We even had snow overnight. 🙁
Ugh, snow. I think I must be entering geezer hood too, because I’m always so surprised to see that weird bright thing in the sky hat lightens up the house. Makes me feel like I moved to a new house….
Here’s an interesting question for historians to ponder.
The guy who filmed the 47% video was a bartender for a high-end catering company who had done a previous event where Bill Clinton appeared. After that event, Clinton went back in the kitchen and thanked the catering staff.
At the Romney event, the Mittster arrived late, thanked no one, and left abruptly.
Obviously, the bartender was appalled by what Romney had said, but the contrast between how Clinton treated him and how Romney never gave a thought to him appears to have played a part in his decision to leak the tape.
What if Romney had made the same speech but remembered to thank the staff? Would the tape still have come out?
Everything here is fine with the exception of the owners not taking pets. So my b-i-l and sister took him. George in a short time turned into an outside dog. He doesn’t like it, and he lets me know everyday.
Hope you’ve been doing good and are still painting. BTW could you drop me your painting blogspot. I’m afraid it got lost in the fire.
What Fire!!!!???
I shouldn`t be so scarce around these parts even though tomorrow afternoon I`m meeting up with an old BooMan Tribune member.
He`s been to my place before, a few years ago but this time I`ll be Happy to meet his better half.
I have really missed all of y’all. I hope everything is going well for you.
Things are going fairly well for me. Obviously, they could go better, but I’m not complaining. I’m just glad I can get back in touch with all of you again.
I’m glad to be back. I don’t think y’all have any competension from TV. When the trailer burned I could only get George and Me out, so basically everything was lost. I’m just lucky I have such good brothers and sister.
I hope you have a great time in Norway and that the spring carresses you with warm breezes (I don’t know but does Norway have warm breezes.:) I always wanted to go there but never could.
Hi FM,
I fear that warm breezes may be weeks away. Here’s the long term forecast for Oslo – temperatures (in Celcius) will barely break the freezing point over the next 10 days…
I’ll have internet pretty much all the time. Last year I got a modem/router for the cabin which accesses the mobile network. It can run on a built-in battery, so it is also good for boat trips, car rides or hikes anywhere in Scandinavia.
Hi Jim F,
Reading my Time mag today, I see that in the “Crime” section, thieves stole 16,000 barrels of maple syrup in Quebec last year.
Value; $18 million.
Enjoy your pancakes.
Massive amounts of sticky substances have never been the same since I read and then heard about this. How the Boston Molasses Flood Worked (17:minute 30 second audio file)
Before I go to the link, I read about this in the very early 60`s & was the recipient of the annual prize for current events & important “stuff” to the surprise of the older contestants who did not get awarded the $10.00 prize.
Now, I`ll go to the Molasses Flow link, hoping I didn`t jump the gun.
Surprisingly Team USA, Cuba and Japan all are heading home … the Dutch in the semi-finals tonight. Puerto Rico beat Japan to gain its place in the finals.
Hope everyone is fine today. I’ve been shopping around for some memory (organic). It seems I can’t remember how to do anything on the computer. It gets very frustrating sometimes.
My favorite time of the yer -when I suddenly have to get up in the Dark again. Blecch.
We had a gorgeous day yesterday, but woke up to gray mist for CBtYs first day on his new (outdoor construction) job. He’s not back yet, so I guess they’re working. 🙂
I’m off to pick up my new glasses this morning…kind of looking forward to seeing a little better…
Wish CBtY the best of luck on his job!
He said the guys were pretty nice, and he came home sore and tired (they were ripping off an old cedar roof today). I am hoping he gets an appreciation for the need for college from this….
Both my boys had construction jobs for awhile at that age. The learned some great skills that helped when they became homeowners. Best of luck to CBtY!
Thanks! I’ll tell him the folks on the blog were happy to hear about his new adventure!
Maybe he can do some work around here….
Good luck to CBtY — and congrats to you as you should be getting your very own onsite fixer-upper. 🙂
He made it through day one, and it’s raining today so he’s aready got a day off (they’re roofing).
I hope it’s sunny the rest of the week. 🙂
World Baseball Classic 2013 played in Japan. Sending the Cubans home is unbelievable. Home favorite Japan is a tough challenge. Team USA with manager Joe Torre will play on Tuesday.
Playlist videos and venues of next rounds.
That’s pretty surprising to think that the US team has a battle ahead in the All-American sport…
Richard Gere visits Dutch university, of course a student asks him about his talents for acting.
Could we please just have 5 days in a row with warm sunshine? I’m not even asking for a full week of it…
I’m trying to get back to my running routine, and this means the treadmill at the Y today. blech. This better be good for the daffodils. 🙂
Raining here and I just finished running on the treadmill. But it does give me a chance to watch the early morning news, most of which involved stories about goings on in Rome.
I totally sympathize — it’s been gray here nearly everyday. The few the sun has appeared, my poor geezer brain gets so confused because it can’t remember what that bright thing is. We even had snow overnight. 🙁
Ugh, snow. I think I must be entering geezer hood too, because I’m always so surprised to see that weird bright thing in the sky hat lightens up the house. Makes me feel like I moved to a new house….
I’m hoping the upside of all the gray days of rain and snow is an abundance of wildflowers.
Hilarious. British style.
click for larger
Here’s an interesting question for historians to ponder.
The guy who filmed the 47% video was a bartender for a high-end catering company who had done a previous event where Bill Clinton appeared. After that event, Clinton went back in the kitchen and thanked the catering staff.
At the Romney event, the Mittster arrived late, thanked no one, and left abruptly.
Obviously, the bartender was appalled by what Romney had said, but the contrast between how Clinton treated him and how Romney never gave a thought to him appears to have played a part in his decision to leak the tape.
What if Romney had made the same speech but remembered to thank the staff? Would the tape still have come out?
Nice and fairly sunny here in the Hudson Valley for the first day in many days.
Hi ya doing Boran. It has been hot down here. I’ve been having to turn on my A/C. Wish I could have some of your mild weather.
Here’s hoping warm weather finds you this weekend.
Good morning!
Warmth would be nice.
I’m getting ready for a trip to Norway – leaving tomorrow. According to the online forecasts it will be in the 20s for the foreseeable future :/
Have a good flight!
Have a good flight! Sorry about the cold, but I bet it will be beautiful anyway.
Bon voyage!
Stay as warm as you can. And take pleanty of things to keeep you warn (you know what I mean). Have a good time.
Good morning, FM!
What a lovely surprise to see you come by in the cafe.
Hoe it will be a frequent, or even regular occurrence!
Hay FM! I hope that all is well with you and George!
Hiya Boran
Everything here is fine with the exception of the owners not taking pets. So my b-i-l and sister took him. George in a short time turned into an outside dog. He doesn’t like it, and he lets me know everyday.
Hope you’ve been doing good and are still painting. BTW could you drop me your painting blogspot. I’m afraid it got lost in the fire.
Take Care,
What Fire!!!!???
I shouldn`t be so scarce around these parts even though tomorrow afternoon I`m meeting up with an old BooMan Tribune member.
He`s been to my place before, a few years ago but this time I`ll be Happy to meet his better half.
Stay tuned.
Halloo Family Man! Its good to see you here at the pond! We’ve been saving some of the best flies for you.
Hey ID I hope you’re keeping everything running right in Brown County.
Take care,
Yep, my winter project is nearly done – an addition to the local fire station.
Glad to see you figured out how to get on Boo, even if you couldn’t get to my place.
I have really missed all of y’all. I hope everything is going well for you.
Things are going fairly well for me. Obviously, they could go better, but I’m not complaining. I’m just glad I can get back in touch with all of you again.
Take care,
FM in the cafe! We’ve missed you!
I hope things are going well for you and we’ll be seeing more of you around here.
Hi CG,
I’m glad to be back. I don’t think y’all have any competension from TV. When the trailer burned I could only get George and Me out, so basically everything was lost. I’m just lucky I have such good brothers and sister.
I hope everything has been going good for y’all.
Take Care,
Off to Norway today.
First a couple of weeks in Oslo, then to the cabin for a month to watch the spring (hopefully) progress.
Hiya ask,
I hope you have a great time in Norway and that the spring carresses you with warm breezes (I don’t know but does Norway have warm breezes.:) I always wanted to go there but never could.
Anyway have a good time and take care.
Hi FM,
I fear that warm breezes may be weeks away. Here’s the long term forecast for Oslo – temperatures (in Celcius) will barely break the freezing point over the next 10 days…
Oslo long term forecast
Enjoy! We’ll expect lots of photos when you have inernet access.
I’ll have internet pretty much all the time. Last year I got a modem/router for the cabin which accesses the mobile network. It can run on a built-in battery, so it is also good for boat trips, car rides or hikes anywhere in Scandinavia.
Hope you have a great trip (and an early spring).
Looking forward (as always) to seeing your pictures.
furthest along
We’re having freezing nights and days in the 40s. Should be good for anyone making maple sugar.
That looks like great progress!
Hi Jim F,
Reading my Time mag today, I see that in the “Crime” section, thieves stole 16,000 barrels of maple syrup in Quebec last year.
Value; $18 million.
Enjoy your pancakes.
Clearly not all stolen at one time. 😉
Mmmmmne, mmmnm mmmn.
Massive amounts of sticky substances have never been the same since I read and then heard about this.
How the Boston Molasses Flood Worked (17:minute 30 second audio file)
Before I go to the link, I read about this in the very early 60`s & was the recipient of the annual prize for current events & important “stuff” to the surprise of the older contestants who did not get awarded the $10.00 prize.
Now, I`ll go to the Molasses Flow link, hoping I didn`t jump the gun.
And girlfriend off to NYC to see the Allman Brothers at the Beacon theater…their first big adventure there on their own.
NIce day here in the Hudson Valley after our dusting of snow last night. Happy Sunday to all.
click for larger
This is perfect. We got slush lat night…
Can Netherlands shock again or will Dominicans avenge?
Surprisingly Team USA, Cuba and Japan all are heading home … the Dutch in the semi-finals tonight. Puerto Rico beat Japan to gain its place in the finals.
Good morning.
Hope everyone is fine today. I’ve been shopping around for some memory (organic). It seems I can’t remember how to do anything on the computer. It gets very frustrating sometimes.
Have a good one today.