It seems to me that CPAC does some cosmetic purging every year, but they really can’t keep the racists out because the conference wouldn’t have many attendees if they were meticulous about purging racists. Even Donald Trump used his time to complain that we don’t have more European immigration.
So, they can keep Pam Gellar kind-of sort-of out, and they can ban any official role for the John Birch Society and they can cherry-pick a couple of notable white power folks to exclude, but there’s a reason all those folks are attracted like flies to CPAC. The conservative movement is a racist movement, and has been since forever.
The headlines on TPM kind of sum up the clusterfuck that is CPAC.
CPAC Attendees: No Consensus on Why Romney Lost in November
Palin Says Right Needs Fresh Rhetoric In Familiar Speech
Try as they might, they are just incapable of any kind of self reflection. They really do believe that it is not the message, but the messenger. Seeing such a massive exhibition of denial and dissonance is really quite jarring. After watching some interviews with the people there, some video snippets from the panels and seeing how they continue to frame this whole problem confirms the danger that this group is to the future of the country. Anyone who is or wants to be a moderate Republican had better make up their mind to either mount a charge against these people, or find another team to become allied with. Because these people will settle for nothing short of head on pikes displayed on the Washington Mall.
How far they’ve come from:
John Chamberlain
By the way:
James J. Kilpatrick
Russell Kirk
Norman Podhoretz
And even;
Jerry Falwell
And then there’s today’s:
Michael Mukasey
Da grift goes on…
One of the kids I grew up with who is a big CPAC sort of Republican is convinced that austerity policies are not to blame for the economy in England–diversity is.
the truth is the light.
Don’t forget Phyllis Schlafly. It was kind of shocking to see her wobble out in her exteme dotage at CPAC today and croak out so many despicable views on so many subjects. The Eagle Forum is NOT down with the need for immigration reform, is what I’m saying.
On the positive side, Phyllis does have a white-hot hatred for Karl Rove and is fine with shouting that hatred from the rooftops. So, stopped clocks.
Then there were these wacky hijinx that happened at CPAC’s minority outreach seminar:
“After the presenter, K. Carl Smith of Frederick Douglass Republicans, answered by referencing a letter by Frederick Douglass forgiving his former master, the audience member said “For what? For feeding him and housing him?” Several people in the audience cheered and applauded Terry’s outburst.
After the exchange, Terry muttered under his breath, “why can’t we just have segregation?” noting the Constitution’s protections for freedom of association…
ThinkProgress spoke with Terry, who sported a Rick Santorum sticker and attended CPAC with a friend who wore a Confederate Flag-emblazoned t-shirt, about his views after the panel. Terry maintained that white people have been “systematically disenfranchised” by federal legislation.
When asked by ThinkProgress if he’d accept a society where African-Americans were permanently subservient to whites, he said “I’d be fine with that.” He also claimed that African-Americans “should be allowed to vote in Africa,” and that “all the Tea Parties” were concerned with the same racial problems that he was.
At one point, a woman challenged him on the Republican Party’s roots, to which Terry responded, “I didn’t know the legacy of the Republican Party included women correcting men in public.””
What a swell, swell guy. Way to grow the base, CPAC!
At fifteen or sixteen I read Schafly’s “A Choice Not An Echo.” It turned me into a raging liberal and have never seen any reason since then to turn right and join the hypocrites. Reading and thinking is undoubtedly rare among the CPAC folks.
Well you know, in the minds of the attendees there’s a very simple explanation for this incident……….The guy was a plant by the liberals to make it look like CPAC is full of bigots.
It doesn’t appear, though, that we liberals need to set aside any of our own personal time to try and help these people look like racists. They’re doing just a fine job without us.
But hey, it’s not the message, right??? It’s just the messengers.
That’s always the refrain: PLANT!
but if you go on his blog, it’s clear he believes and promotes the shit he espoused.
One would have to believe all that crazy shit in order to be able to tolerate being immersed in it for several days. Normal humans with working and thinking brains would have gouged their eyeballs out after their first day there.
Remarkably, they’re currently pursuing the exact opposite of claiming “LEFTIST PLANT!”.
Here’s the African-American who ran this CPAC minority outreach meeting:
K. Carl Smith, the panelist from Fredrick Douglass Republicans, released a statement following the media storm related to the racist outburst in his panel. Astonishingly, he reserves the brunt of his criticism for the female reporter who raised objections to the comments being made in the room:
“I was invited by the Tea Party Patriots to conduct a breakout session entitled: “Trump The Race Card” and share the Frederick Douglass Republican Message. In the middle of my delivery, while discussing the 1848 “Women’s Rights Convention,” I was rudely interrupted by a woman working for the Voice of Russia. She abruptly asked me: “How many black women were there?” This question was intentionally disruptive and coercive with no way of creating a positive dialogue.
In addition, a young man who wasn’t a Tea Party Patriot (Mr. Terry), made some racially insensitive comments, he said: “Blacks should be happy that the slave master gave them shelter, clothing, and food.” At the conclusion of the breakout session, I further explained to him the Frederick Douglass Republican Message which he embraced, bought a book, and we left as friends.”
Now, that is the very definition of an “Uncle Tom” statement. Or, modernizing the reference, Uncle Ruckus:
Well!!!….if he bought a book!!!….then I guess that makes everything that happened all okey-dokey in their view. No harm, no foul.
And there’s the rub. Lots of money to be made. It’s a male Star Parker!
Check out Hunter’s picture of Brent Bozell wearing the most bizarrely ill-fitting suit of all time. There’s at least ten major things wrong with it.
Rand Paul won the CPAC straw poll.
Back in 2009, Romney won it. So, guess we shouldn’t dismiss Rand. If the big money boys don’t revolt, he could be their strongest candidate.
And in 2010 and 2011, Ron Paul crushed Mitt Romney:
Considering my demographic was over-sampled, and the fact that he barely bear Rubio…I’d say he has zero chance (from the outset).
Wasn’t considering the plausibility of nominating Rand as much as I played with the idea. Ignoring his lack of charisma, the idea has more to recommend it than I’d previously considered.