Of all the manufactured crises and outrages of the right during Obama’s first term, nothing was more painfully stupid than their freakout over Philadelphia’s three living members of the New Black Panthers. There really isn’t any such thing as the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia, and there never has been. You can’t call three dudes a “party.” In any case, it’s amazing that the Justice Department even got started accusing those clowns of violating the Voting Rights Act. The whole thing was so phony that it made Benghazi seem substantive. So, why is it a problem that the right is attacking Obama’s Labor Secretary nominee for dropping most of the charges in the case when that decision was made four months before he joined the civil rights division at the Department of Justice? Why should chronology be more important than the incident itself?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
It’s something to cling to gloss over any facts then spin into another Bengahzi type story to be trumpeted by the right wing noise machine for 48 hours to see what sticks. It also gives the mouth breathers in congress a story line to feed their sheeple, and make sure everyone is on the same made up script, facts be damned.
We just don’t have time for this BS.
It’s so that Jim Hoft can pretend that he’s outraged.
And grift, baby, grift!!
that’s right, GOP.
go after this highly qualified and distinguished Latino nominee.
that’s right…do what you do best….
how’s that Minority Outreach going?
I realize this is a two-edged sword, but maybe it is time for Democrats to start speaking up in the genteel halls of Congress whenever some damn fool gets up and starts blathering whatever asininity he heard on the way in to “work” from Drudge or Limbaugh or Hannity or any of those idiots, and say “With all due respect (and by that I mean none), what the esteemed gentleman/gentlewoman says is just plain stupid, monumentally stupid, inexcusably stupid, and is making Baby Jesus and all the Founders, including the Founding Mothers, cry as they spin in their graves, and the esteemed gentleman/gentlewoman owes this assembly, and our forebears, a total and sincere apology and a pledge to never open their stupid yap in this hall ever again.
I suspect when someone cracks open the vaults we’ll find out that The New Black Panthers Party was an FBI false flag operation. Really, what purpose does it serve besides getting right-wingers upset?
What did Susan Rice getting tapped to do the Sunday shows that weekend have to do with the talking points she was given to deliver? Otherwise our UN Ambassador had absolute zero to do with security in Benghazi.
I wonder when, if (or how) the Washington Press is going to become unwired for Republicans. Reince Prebius should have mentioned that part of their problem is the media enabling that allows his party to get away with such lazy rhetoric and policy.
Beecuz, ACORN, ACORN, ACORN !!111!!!!
“And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in, singin’ a bar of ‘Alice’s Restaurant’, and walking out. They may think it’s an organization.”
— Arlo Guthrie
There’s no such thing as ACORN (not any more). There’s no such thing as Friends of Hamas.
What’s that got to do with anything?
My workplace has had an auditor here for the last 3 months, he’s got a bit of a speech impediment. I thought, when he said to me “Outreach Expert” he said “Outrage Expert” and thought that was a perfect term for a lot of what goes on in the MSM and politics.
Contrived outrage. Expertly done.