Donald Rumsfeld should keep his mouth shut and his head down. And he probably ought to avoid foreign travel unless he wants to be aggravated by shenanigans.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Catalogue of Friedman Units.
Political awareness started in high school years, the Kennedy-Nixon debate. My oldest brother had a fancy about California, gold dust mining in Mojave desert, a friend who was a priest and born in Southern California, so he supported Nixon. I had a clear favority in JFK and fell for all the charms put in the election campaign with Jackie along his side. The shock of the assassination, Civil Rights movement, build-up of US forces in Vietnam, McNamara, Gen. Westmoreland, Johnson, losing many friends because I opposed the war…
I started blogging specifically in 2004 to become aware of the possibilities on the Internet, started blogging on dKos as “creve coeur” and came over to BooMan’s pond early in 2005 and have never left.
Although the Iraq War was started for all the wrong reasons, the instigators by Republicans, Democrats, neocons, Israelites, propagandists in the media for war … most have not changed their opinion. I can’t watch these people in interviews and continue to spout the same lies, these traitors of American principles will always be there. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Bolton, Rice, Feith, Lieberman.
(PNAC policy on the Middle-East – signatories)
Unfortunately, the neoconservative plan for the Middle-East has continued to unfold under the Obama administration with Hillary Clinton. At first I could understand the overthrow of Gadaffi in Libya, however as the Arab uprising unfolded in a rapid tempo in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain and Syria I realized it was sustained by old-colonial powers of Western Europe in close coordination with the US, Turkey, Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia.
Especially the joint effort to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria by using foreign Arab fighters raised a red flag. The West is making the same mistake as was made in Afghanistan fighting the Soviet Forces. Now, the West is in fact overthrowing a regime by illegitimate means. The 70,000 deaths in a two year period and millions displaced is similar to the Iraq catastrophy. Funding and arming the foreign fighters was enabled by western powers. Fighting a proxy war against Iran will come at a great cost and unbelievable back-lash in the future. How dumb.
We have not learned the hard lessons of Iraq.
My recent diary – Tricky Dicky: The White House Tapes and Nixon’s Treason.
Why should he do that when all his Iraq war buds are out that braying that they were right? Plus, as he has no interest in what he calls “old Europe,” staying out of Germany or Spain is no problem for him.
He better than anyone else knows how to whitewash a war disaster because they did it with Vietnam. We’re now seeing round one of their propaganda campaign. Round two will be to blame “the left” for the disaster just as they did years after the end of the Vietnam War when they concocted the “stabbed in the back” excuse and the unknown “hippie chick” that spit on a soldier. And nobody thought to consider that women from that time didn’t spit on anyone.
One can pray that the new AG will make staying in the US equally problematic for him. And Wolfowitz and Bush and the rest of the Murder, Inc gang.
“Ten years ago today the work of liberating 25 million Iraqis began.”
That’s funny; I didn’t think the insurgency got going until the summer.
When Dubya’s paintings came to light, I kept having this dialog running in my mind, between Dubya and his sister, with him saying he was bored staying home and lamenting that he couldn’t travel abroad due to the risk of being arrested for war crimes.
So his sister says “Have you ever tried painting?”