We are done with the snow, but we are looking at some rain later this week. Kids are out of school…now if only they’d do their outdoor chores before the next rains hit. So it goes.
We had a great dinner & meet-up with an old BooMan Tribune charter member last night.
I`ll allow him to bring it forward. (with images, if he/she so chooses.
I had a nice photo session & tutorial with one half of the mystery couple.
I can`t reveal who came by.
Can you just imagine my being BANNED
Hey You, that`s not funny.
Good morning – we had about 17 deg and light snow this morning. But now, the sun is breaking through as we passed equinox about one hour ago. Daylight hours will rapidly increase at these latitudes 🙂
Equinox may arrive earlier than here but it sounds like spring won’t be arriving there any time soon either. The lows here are going to be below freezing 6 of next 10 days.
I think the actual hour for the equinox is the same around the globe. The sun passed the celestial equator at 11.02 am UTC (GMT) today, which I think was 6.02 am in your time zone.
I hadn’t thought about it being at the same time — for some reason, I always thought the time was affected by the distance from the equator. There’s one piece of wrong thought removed from my brain — just a few million more to go. 🙂
The weather oracles are predicting 2 – 4″ here beginning around daybreak Sunday. Today its sunny and chilly, but at least there’s no cutting wind like a couple of days ago.
I figured that no one wanted to hear me whine about how sick I am of the cold weather. What is it this year? I rarely feel this way about winter needing to end.
Heading to Florida mid month to escape and get warm at mom’s place.
Well, I’m getting ready to head out on business. It’s disappointingly cold where I live, and will be disappointingly cold where I’m going. If our climate system had a personality, I’d say it sure had a darned good sense of humor. Oh well. Could be worse.
Haven’t posted here in years, but am now teaching online and submit all student papers to Turnitin.com. Imagine my surprise when one student paper had a partial sentence that linked to Booman Tribune! I clicked on the link and it actually took me to my own diary posted years ago, “Don’t think about a troll.” Now how is that for a coincidence? Oh, and hello all! I hope you are all well and happy.
Spooky! Did you reveal your identity to the student? I hope such an event led to the best possible grade on that paper.
It probably means you need to come back.
Seriously. An A+! But the match was to a commonly used phrase posted in a comment in response to the diary “If you don’t have anything good to say don’t say anything at all.” LOL, no did not reveal secret mythmother identity! Best to keep that boundary.
Daytona broke the low record for high yesterday. Today…
…Wind gusts up to 20 mph and a low of 37 are expected early Wednesday in the DeLand area. Wind chill values in the area are predicted to reach a low of 33, according to the Weather Service.
Huh? It was 89 on Saturday. Interesting times for sure.
Jose Martinez won one for a lot of people today: A federal judge awarded the California man $8,000 in damages from Disneyland, after he had to sit in the “goodbye room”of the “It’s A Small World” ride for 30 minutes, while park officials repaired it.
TGIS! Why am I up while everyone else is still sleeping?
Guess I should make a grocery list for brunch tomorrow and Easter baskets…and boil the eggs for dyeing with the little man. He’s been calling himself a little rabbit and eating carrot sticks for a snack this week. Dude cracks me up.
Just arrived at the summer cabin. Not much summer outside. About a foot or more of snow still on the ground behind the cabin. Got a nice fire going on the WBS and the indoor temperature is rising.
Next project, dig out the snow over the location of the outside water valve (and I don’t know the exact location).
Very quiet here. The fjord is still ice covered, but the ocean beyond is open. Nice, sunny forecast for the next week, though still cool with highs in the low 40s.
Yesterday it was cold enough during the daylight hours that I got my driveway opened up. The snow blower chute on the the old 4020 JD plugs up when the temps are close to 32F. So I’ve been hiking in through nearly knee deep snow since last Thursday night.
This is the most snow on the level that I’ve ever seen in ND on an April 1. The local farmers are already saying they’ll be 2-3 weeks late getting this year’s crops in.
Well, I see there’s some vague references to errant travelers up above, so I’d better go reply to those comments… soon.
We toured Arches too, but the place was just swarming with people, so MsNDD was the photographer there. I’m too much of a purist I guess. So when I go back there again it will be the first week of March to avoid the crowds.
If you’ve got time to hike, it’s easy to get away from the crowds at Arches. Any hike longer than a mile (except for Delicate Arch) will have almost no one on it. I highly recommend the Devil’s Garden loop (using the “primitive” trail to make the loop).
Thanks for the tip. I can see where that would work out well, as long as it’s not too warm for the pup waiting in the auto. (Although I hear they have a doggie “hotel” in Moab.)
If you’re out our way sometime, check this one out. The northern end isn’t too far from our place (and Andi & Jim’s). We can provide hot tubbing therapy for those after-hiking aches and pains.
It’s been our experience that — no matter how popular the park — once you get more than a mile away from a trailhead, the crowds pretty much disappear. We’ve been all alone on trails in Yosemite, Yellowstone, Sequoia, the Smokies, etc.
Great shots. We were there a couple of years ago. I’d really like to get back to see the trails we missed. Looking forward to the other parks, particularly Bryce.
Yeah, next we’ll be hearing about outlaw lawyers burning up the highways around Vegas with trunkloads of questionable substances ala HST! Don’t forget to put the top up before entering bat country.
And yes, it’s a pretty amazing place. I’ve yet to visit one of our national parks that I didn’t like. (Although I preferred Yellowstone in ’60s and early ’70s to what it’s now devolved to, from a commercial perspective)
Hmm – 24 degrees this early morning and another great sunrise in the making (another half hour)…
It has been unseasonably cold lately and spring is overdue. Looks like a change is coming from tomorrow, only one more night with freezing temperatures in the forecast.
It feels like summer here since yesterday afternoon. Loving this!
I am so glad to be working from home today so I can take outdoor breaks and work with my windows open today. Time to switch basck to 100% work from home…
Still – a lovely walk despite the chill. Wish we could send you some of those springlike temps. Just ran some mail over to the post office and the car mirror told me it was 81.
No sinkholes around here but go west and south of us and you can worry about watching your step — karst topography abounds. Not only are there lots of sinkholes and caves but there’s even a river [LINK] that runs partially underground.
Lots of snow last night but all (thankfully) melting now on this day before spring.
Not much melting going on here. Only 16 deg this morning, we’re at 23 at present.
Its all the way up to the high 30s here and quite windy, but no snow!
The current temp here is 85F, so much for having a spring, hello a.c. bill.
Back when I lived along the Indian River, I would have the garden in by now. It never seemed natural, somehow.
Manatees were in Blue Springs last week. The overnight temps. were in the mid thirties.
The garden is being worked on in between filling orders.
Yeah I’m happy we don’t have any snow but I’m very bummed about a first day of spring with a high of 33 and a low of 18. 🙁
That reminds me, happy equinox everybody! At least there was sunshine;-)
We are done with the snow, but we are looking at some rain later this week. Kids are out of school…now if only they’d do their outdoor chores before the next rains hit. So it goes.
We had a great dinner & meet-up with an old BooMan Tribune charter member last night.
I`ll allow him to bring it forward. (with images, if he/she so chooses.
I had a nice photo session & tutorial with one half of the mystery couple.
I can`t reveal who came by.
Can you just imagine my being BANNED
Hey You, that`s not funny.
Oh boy, I love it when I know a big secret! 🙂
Glad you all had a great time.
Did you get to see the vacation photos? Mystery person told me had took “oodles” at Bryce.
Aw, c’mon. You can tell us. What happens at BMT stays at BMT.
Yah, vell den, here I am to fess up!
Ms NDD and I had some very tasty fish and chips with the KHs at Malibu Seafood, a venue I’d highly recommend.
Back in ’09 we saw a bunch of dolphins just off the coast, no luck with them this time, but still a very nice view of the ocean.
After the meal we toured the KH digs and MsNDD tried her hand at aquarium photography.
MsNDD has photos of our meet-up, but whether she allows publication remains to be seen.
We very much enjoyed our visit with the KHs! Too short though!!
… actually more a lump than a hump. 😉

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Good morning – we had about 17 deg and light snow this morning. But now, the sun is breaking through as we passed equinox about one hour ago. Daylight hours will rapidly increase at these latitudes 🙂
Equinox may arrive earlier than here but it sounds like spring won’t be arriving there any time soon either. The lows here are going to be below freezing 6 of next 10 days.
I think the actual hour for the equinox is the same around the globe. The sun passed the celestial equator at 11.02 am UTC (GMT) today, which I think was 6.02 am in your time zone.
Spring Equinox 2013
The sun gave up breaking through the clouds and we’re back to light flurries this late afternoon.
I hadn’t thought about it being at the same time — for some reason, I always thought the time was affected by the distance from the equator. There’s one piece of wrong thought removed from my brain — just a few million more to go. 🙂
The crickets have taken over here.
I’m too bummed by the not-spring weather to comment. 🙁
In further not-spring news, we have a snowstorm coming late Sunday.
The weather oracles are predicting 2 – 4″ here beginning around daybreak Sunday. Today its sunny and chilly, but at least there’s no cutting wind like a couple of days ago.
I saw 3-6 but I actually don’t care that much about how much; any amount of snow now is a craptastic.
The feral daffs out in the woods that flower buds look like they are going to succumb to all the cold weather.
So no morels for a few more weeks, I’m thinking.
I figured that no one wanted to hear me whine about how sick I am of the cold weather. What is it this year? I rarely feel this way about winter needing to end.
Heading to Florida mid month to escape and get warm at mom’s place.
Good morning!
Forecast for Oslo the next 8 days – Long term forecast for
Looking pretty good, though a bit on the cool side (temperatures in Centigrades).
Weather looks better there than it does here. I hope we both get warmer temps soon.
Well, I’m getting ready to head out on business. It’s disappointingly cold where I live, and will be disappointingly cold where I’m going. If our climate system had a personality, I’d say it sure had a darned good sense of humor. Oh well. Could be worse.
I hope it’s at least sunny where you are going … we’ve many more clouds/rainy/snowy days here than sunny ones.
Haven’t posted here in years, but am now teaching online and submit all student papers to Turnitin.com. Imagine my surprise when one student paper had a partial sentence that linked to Booman Tribune! I clicked on the link and it actually took me to my own diary posted years ago, “Don’t think about a troll.” Now how is that for a coincidence? Oh, and hello all! I hope you are all well and happy.
Spooky! Did you reveal your identity to the student? I hope such an event led to the best possible grade on that paper.
It probably means you need to come back.
BMT tentacles reach everywhere. Almost like the CIA.
Even unto the lofty pinnacles of local government 😉
See what I mean?
Seriously. An A+! But the match was to a commonly used phrase posted in a comment in response to the diary “If you don’t have anything good to say don’t say anything at all.” LOL, no did not reveal secret mythmother identity! Best to keep that boundary.
That’s spooky. Glad it brought you by for a visit!
Thanks! Nice to be back. Wondered how you were all doing.
Welcome back. Glad to “see” you and your freaky coincidence. 🙂
Nice to see you, too, Andi F! I use up most of my online energy teaching and there is not much left over for anything else these days.
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That’s lovely, but I’m ready for spring anyway.
Me too … but when the weather gods give you snow, take snow photos. 😉
Sort of the life gives you lemons/make lemonade approach to photography. I like it.
Yep. Exactly.
That’s a pretty shot.
Why isn’t my heart dancing?
You must believe in spring
Is it January again?
Daytona broke the low record for high yesterday. Today…
…Wind gusts up to 20 mph and a low of 37 are expected early Wednesday in the DeLand area. Wind chill values in the area are predicted to reach a low of 33, according to the Weather Service.
Huh? It was 89 on Saturday. Interesting times for sure.
30s here yesterday, predictions of near 60 by Saturday – go figure…
Yeah, I could probably listen to “Its a Small World” for 30 minutes for 8 grand. Not taking any waterboarding bets though.
TGIS! Why am I up while everyone else is still sleeping?
Guess I should make a grocery list for brunch tomorrow and Easter baskets…and boil the eggs for dyeing with the little man. He’s been calling himself a little rabbit and eating carrot sticks for a snack this week. Dude cracks me up.
Good for him! It’s only recently that the 14 year old b2 boy started eating carrots. But he doesn’t to be a rabbit. 😉
A good Easter to all who celebrate it.
My sister is making leg of lamb.
Two weeks of cool but sunny weather since I got in. Forecast is for the same for the foreseeable future.
Heading for the cabin tomorrow.
Had a big family brunch to continue the tradition of our parents, with kids, grandkids and brother’s bunch as well. Had a great visit with all.
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Just arrived at the summer cabin. Not much summer outside. About a foot or more of snow still on the ground behind the cabin. Got a nice fire going on the WBS and the indoor temperature is rising.
Next project, dig out the snow over the location of the outside water valve (and I don’t know the exact location).
Very quiet here. The fjord is still ice covered, but the ocean beyond is open. Nice, sunny forecast for the next week, though still cool with highs in the low 40s.
This late afternoon – the “usual” view from the veranda:
And for contrast; similar view in late August last year:
Gotta admit — I prefer this view to the current one. 🙂
That’s a beautiful view!
Yes, very nice contrast and views. Hope the cabin is now warmed up and cozy!
Wow, what a contrast. I feel like its been a long time since I’ve seen anything freeze over around here.
Yesterday it was cold enough during the daylight hours that I got my driveway opened up. The snow blower chute on the the old 4020 JD plugs up when the temps are close to 32F. So I’ve been hiking in through nearly knee deep snow since last Thursday night.
This is the most snow on the level that I’ve ever seen in ND on an April 1. The local farmers are already saying they’ll be 2-3 weeks late getting this year’s crops in.
Well, I see there’s some vague references to errant travelers up above, so I’d better go reply to those comments… soon.
Zion Nat’l Park 03 14 13



Gorgeous. Thanks for posting them.
Thanks AndiF!
I’m saving the Bryce Canyon ones for Friday.
We toured Arches too, but the place was just swarming with people, so MsNDD was the photographer there. I’m too much of a purist I guess. So when I go back there again it will be the first week of March to avoid the crowds.
If you’ve got time to hike, it’s easy to get away from the crowds at Arches. Any hike longer than a mile (except for Delicate Arch) will have almost no one on it. I highly recommend the Devil’s Garden loop (using the “primitive” trail to make the loop).
Thanks for the tip. I can see where that would work out well, as long as it’s not too warm for the pup waiting in the auto. (Although I hear they have a doggie “hotel” in Moab.)
And I bet that “primitive trail” aspect, would work in other parks too, when the “population” is a bit too high for my liking.
If you’re out our way sometime, check this one out. The northern end isn’t too far from our place (and Andi & Jim’s). We can provide hot tubbing therapy for those after-hiking aches and pains.
Really nice Zion shots!
Thanks, Indianadem.
Those trails sure look like fun. Thanks for the invite.
It’s been our experience that — no matter how popular the park — once you get more than a mile away from a trailhead, the crowds pretty much disappear. We’ve been all alone on trails in Yosemite, Yellowstone, Sequoia, the Smokies, etc.
Great shots. We were there a couple of years ago. I’d really like to get back to see the trails we missed. Looking forward to the other parks, particularly Bryce.
I’m hoping to return to Zion and ensconce myself in their campgrounds for a couple of days.
The geo structures are so high that the angle of the sun makes quite a difference, so it would be fun to shoot at various hours throughout the day.
When I tried shooting up, I was getting massive sunburst at times. I posted one such shot in the photo flog, time to drag it out again.
When I tried shooting up, I was getting massive sunburst at times.
OK, I had to check again what you were up to. At first read, it appeared you had access to some great substances I have been deprived from.
Lol! Poor phrasing. Taking pictures, not recreational pharmaceuticals.
Yeah, next we’ll be hearing about outlaw lawyers burning up the highways around Vegas with trunkloads of questionable substances ala HST! Don’t forget to put the top up before entering bat country.
Here’s one.
Love these – such dramatic scenery!
Thanks ask.
And yes, it’s a pretty amazing place. I’ve yet to visit one of our national parks that I didn’t like. (Although I preferred Yellowstone in ’60s and early ’70s to what it’s now devolved to, from a commercial perspective)
The return of winter. It’s back to the windy 30s here in the Hudson Valley.
click for larger
Tomorrow is the Flog, 4-6-13
Theme – Spring – New Beginnings
Bring whatever you’ve got.
I’ll be there!
click for larger
It is a beautiful day here in the Hudson Valley!
Here too – in the 70s!
Hmm – 24 degrees this early morning and another great sunrise in the making (another half hour)…
It has been unseasonably cold lately and spring is overdue. Looks like a change is coming from tomorrow, only one more night with freezing temperatures in the forecast.
We’ve got some trees showing leaf buds, the maples are flowering, and the toothwort are up — I’m beginning to think spring might show up after all. 🙂
It feels like summer here since yesterday afternoon. Loving this!
I am so glad to be working from home today so I can take outdoor breaks and work with my windows open today. Time to switch basck to 100% work from home…
We’re supposed to hit 80 today. It’s beach weather already.
I wore shorts and a tank top to take Finny to nursery school this morning. Awesome change from last week…
Yeah – rub it in!
On a walk on the fjord today:
Still – a lovely walk despite the chill. Wish we could send you some of those springlike temps. Just ran some mail over to the post office and the car mirror told me it was 81.
White beach sand?
It’s actually too warm for me — I’d love it if the temps never got above 75.
But still very nice to feel like winter is finally over.
but clearly not of today’s hump day with its high of 80°.

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I hope that’s not a sinkhole. 😉
Just erosion. 🙂
No sinkholes around here but go west and south of us and you can worry about watching your step — karst topography abounds. Not only are there lots of sinkholes and caves but there’s even a river [LINK] that runs partially underground.
Cool stuff!