The New York Times’ obituary of Yvonne Brille really touched a nerve. I understand why, but I am a little surprised at the intensity of the reaction. I think part of the point of the obituary was to emphasize that although she was an accomplished scientist, she managed to balance that out with being a mother at a time when that made her something of a pioneer. Obviously, it was kind of jarring to talk about her “mean beef stroganoff” before her actual scientific accomplishments and I’m not surprised that the Times has deleted that part of the article. But I don’t think there was anything really wrong with the overall point they were trying to make, which was to highlight some of difficulties she faced as a woman working in a man’s world. Naturally, that kind of emphasis would never be put on a man’s obituary, but that is the nature of the thing. There are quite a few 88 year old women who have similar stories about how they blazed the path for working women in the middle of the 20th Century. You can’t write the same stories about 88 year old men.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Speaking of women in a man’s world, Ashley Judd is going to run against Rand Paul for Senate instead of against turtle. I say this because she showed up at my church today – the largest Black Church in the state of Kentucky – to talk about why she decided not to run this time (“too much (divorce, campaign), too soon”), and that God’s word to her was not now. It was obvious pandering to the politically astute – which would be the overwhelming majority of the church – but appreciated pandering since politicians usually only pander just before the election.
What she’s doing is establishing and securing a base for her 2016 run against Aqua Buddha – it’s smart, and I believe it’ll be effective in the Democratic primary at a minimum, possibly clearing the field of serious primary challengers come 2016.
I just have one question. Does she think running against Aqua Buddha will be easier than running against Yurtle the Turtle? Or is she going to run in ’16 because she let “the good ol’ boys” have ’14? Anyway, ’16 is probably better for Judd anyway. Higher turnout for a Presidential election.
It’s a great idea; yes indeed, should be easier. More time for Aqua Buddha to show who he is, more time for Ashley Judd to build her base of support.
It will be easier for a few reasons – Judd has more time to build a true base (vis a vis AstroTurf), the off-year electorate in Kentucky is ruby-red and favorable to Yurtle, and most importantly, Aqua Buddha is the emerging leader of a faction in the coming GOP civil war – when Rand wins the primary there will be GOP that stays home (or votes for Judd) come general election time.
wonderful news, please keep us posted!!
Stupid Question…
Does society and/or The State exist for the sake of the individual…
Or does the individual exist for the sake of society and/or the State?
Are you able to answer Either/Or on this very basic question?
Just what I thought…
A cowardly ideology cannot intellectually justify their world view…
A world view that cleverly claims its opponents of being “racist”, “sexist”, “homophobic”, etc , while relying on racism, sexism, and homophobism to retain power…
Shame on you…but who can blame you? You rely on a poorly educated society, encamped with “American Idol” and “Dancing with the Stars” to keep you in power.
You know that most people now identify with their gang, oops, I mean “demographic”, not with their individuality…
The United States used to be the collective manifestation of the idea that the Stare existed to serve the rights of the individual…
That’s gone…we’re Cyprus and Greece now…thanks, collectivists…
Us individualists devoted to freedom, and the dignity of the individual, must move on to next society devoted to this noble idea…
Good luck, Statists!
The United States used to be the collective manifestation of the idea that the Stare existed to serve the rights of the individual…
Individual white men who owned land. Fixed.
And to a very substantial degree, little has changed. Why are you crying so hard?
You just played the race card again!
To quote one of our top three Presidents..
“There you go again…”
Oh Steve, or should I say Liberty, I thought you’d be around more often if the president won. You seemed to have slunk away for months on end. The extra chump change you’ll need to pay as a result of the tax deal on New Year’s must have left you in a thumb-sucking stupor for a while, huh?
Somehow the powers that be had blocked my IP address from posting…today was different…wonder how?
The “chump change” cost me about 150k so far…enough to open another gym and employ 30 people…not ennogh to affect my standard of living…
Every cent you take from me….doesn’t effect me at all…only slows the rate at which I can grow my business, hire people, and expand the ranks of the middle class…
Good Work!
Let’s see if the “powers that be” have the guts to let me post with impunity…
What are y’all afraid of?
I though he was going to leave us alone after Obama won; but maybe he’s been hitting the substances on this holiday weekend. the post above is certainly strange
No he was supposed to go away if Romney won, but he promised to hang around if the result went “our” way (if you define it going our way). However, he seems to have been gone for a while, popping up only once before this.
yes, it’s what I thought, holiday substances. Likes to drop by here, spin fantasies and insult us when he’s been partaking
Anyone who knows anything about Jesus knows that Good Friday is the true holiday.
Y’all are Humanists…primacy on HUMANS…
This man consciously chose to accept death to overcome his Humanity…in exchange for his Divinity…
Since y’all are secular humanists who believe we are all just matter, with no spirit, just all “Dead Men Walking”, what are you counting on? You’re already dead!
Wake Up!
What touched a nerve was not that she was an accomplished cook and a good mother, it was that it was the lead paragraph in the obituary. Down the line was mentioned that she created the propulsion system which is used by every satellite today.
Imagine if I wrote something like that for a man. Let’s say Kary Mullis:
“He enjoyed experimenting with psychedelic drugs, surfed constantly, and believed in UFO’s. Frequently expounding theories at odds with scientific studies, he developed a reputation as a serious crank.
Oh, and he developed the key technology in biotechnology, the polymerase chain reaction earning him a Nobel Prize.”
All true, but I doubt you’ll ever see the first paragraph as the lede in his obituary.
Don’t forget his AIDS and climate change denialism.
yes, I know. My point is that you won’t see family life put ahead of career accomplishments for a man ever, but it isn’t quite the double standard people are making it out to be because she’s 88 years old. One of the most significant things about her is that she was so early in being a professional scientist.
I acknowledged that the construction of the obituary was offensive, I just didn’t think it was that big of a deal.