I not only won my NCAA basketball office pool. I crushed it. I picked the most games correctly by a wide margin and I picked the champion, Louisville. A lobster dinner is in my future. Still, I was having trouble not rooting for Michigan where both my grandfather and great-grandfather got their medical degrees. I am bleeding blue and maize tonight, but I’ll take my winnings.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I didn’t really watch too much college hoops this year .. so .. in honor of something else happening today:
The officiating was straight up crap. Embarassing.
And I hated watching my Wolverines screw up something as fundamental as passing the ball. Ridiculous.
I thought the refs swallowed their whistles in the first half.
Your father and grandfather got medical degrees from Michigan, Booman? Must be nice to come from such affluence. No complaints here though. Everyone born in this country won the genetic lottery. One third of the world lives in abject poverty.
Physicians have only been really wealthy in the last 30 years, and if they are specialists who are cardiologists or oncologists.
GPs have not been weealthy. Comfortable, usually.
I was so devastated by the Wichita State loss, I couldn’t bear to watch.
I have always wanted to see Pitino lose.
but a team that can come back over and over and over from double-digit leads and win is a team that deserves the championship.
I agree. Pitino is a great coach. There are lots of other teams I would have preferred to see win — most of all my beloved Arizona Wildcats. But Louisville deserved it, beating the more talented team with tremendous effort and energy, plus great coaching.
Since this is an open thread, does anybody know wtf is up with N Korea? My wife tells me the main Taiwanese news channel just said they’re “probably” going to attack S Korea sometime tomorrow. This is the latest story on NK that I can find, and it reads more or less like everything else from the last 2 weeks or so.
I don’t know wtf is up with North Korea, but I am hoping that they are just bluffing. I hope ignoring them is the right strategy, too.
“Does anyone know WTF is up with N. Korea?” Your question made me laugh out loud. That’s precisely the 64,000,000,000,000 question. To me it looks like the mouse that roared, desperately grasping for ways to make itself relevant. Of course everyone worries if the dear leader is insane enough to lob a nuclear warhead over it. But isn’t that what we always wondered about those behind the various iron curtains. When I was a child, we were scared of the Soviets but terrified of the Chinese because, as everyone knew, they were crazy and would start a nuclear war just as soon as they had the means.
I tend to think a more realistic view is it’s bluster, mostly for domestic consumption, intended to come across as unhinged because what other leverage does North Korea have?
I probably should have said, “wtf is up with North Korea today?” Obviously there are problems, but somehow it became received wisdom on the various TV shows here that most likely an actual attack (nuclear or not, I didn’t catch) is going to occur beginning sometime around about within 12 hours from now. I’ve read and heard lots of speculation in the past few weeks about what NK might do if they had a mind to it, but nothing up to today that they were really going to do it.
It’s Taiwanese news. They’re probably exaggerating. But I wanted to check.