David Sirota’s provocative column that openly hopes the Boston bomber turns out to be a white man is at least worthy of discussion. The right-wing reaction is also interesting. Take Myra Adams, who served on Bush’s 2004 and McCain’s 2008 campaigns. She has two blatant misreadings of what Sirota wrote.
She makes the point that if the bomber was “influenced by foreign radical Islamic forces” then the president will have failed to protect the country against them, handing the right an effective way to criticize the administration. But Sirota did not mention that as a reason to hope that the bomber is a white man. Sirota is much more issue-oriented than that. He is no cheerleader for the president or the Democratic Party. It’s pretty clear that he is just as concerned about how the administration will act (or feel compelled to act) as he is about how the right will act.
The second misreading is this:
But if the Boston bomber is revealed as a right-wing nut job, then the mainstream media has a more explainable, less feared villain. And that would make similar attacks easier to prevent in the future by just rounding up all the right-wingers and taking away their pressure cookers.
Again, Sirota did not make anything resembling that argument. He didn’t say what we should or shouldn’t do if the bomber turns out to be a right-wing nut. However, we can infer that he would disapprove of any effort to round up all the right-wingers because he’s being extremely critical of the heavy-handed ways Muslims are treated in this country and abroad. He’s saying that there is a double standard, where white men are immune from being stereotyped in a way that Muslims are not. But that doesn’t mean that he thinks the solution to this hypocrisy is to stereotype white men. Presumably, the solution is to stop stereotyping everyone else.
These two misreadings are telling. The first tells us that the right would use evidence of an Islamic-inspired bombing to score political points. The second shows projection. Ms. Adams cannot even imagine a response to a right-wing nut that doesn’t result in a dragnet against innocent right-wingers.
As to Sirota’s point, I can certainly understand what he is saying. He does a good job of forcing people to think about the double standard. I think that’s a good thing. There are a lot of people out there right now hoping that the bomber isn’t a Muslim, including nearly all Muslims, and there are people hoping that he isn’t a right-wing nut job, including nearly all right-wingers. But how many non-right-wing whites are hoping it isn’t a white person? I know that I haven’t even thought about it. And Sirota’s right. The fact that I don’t have to think about it is a sign of my privilege.
So, I guess he’s provoked a useful conversation.
On the other hand, the key here is that regardless of who did it, we should not use it as an excuse to increase people’s anxiety, or to pit one group against another, or to ramp up the level of hate, or to go overboard curtailing people’s civil liberties, or to misuse resources, or to make an excuse for more endless war. Listen to the president. We will not be terrorized. We will not be afraid. We will catch who did this and bring them to justice. Cool, calm, determined.
That’s all we need.
We don’t need to score political points. We need justice.
IF it’s a White man…
He won’t be labeled a TERRORIST…
He will be ‘ disturbed’….
They will look for any reason to make him a ‘ lone wolf’…
what he read, watched and listened to will not be of importance….
just watch.
I guess that’s what all this media agonizing over whether to say “terrorist” is all about: Bbut what if it turns out to be a white guy? We might have to do a retraction!
My ex-girlfriend has a pressure cooker, but she’s half Chinese. I hope crockpot owners don’t get indicted.
Might as well go big then! I hope it’s a non political, married, white, upper income, suburban mother of two.
That would put a severe dent in the criminal profiling handbooks.
You mean like Patty Hearst?
Or this gal.
Sirota merely pointed out the historical truth.
After all the murders and attempted murders of abortion providers and the destruction of women’s health clinics by WHITE, Christian men, their groups of fellow travelers can continue spouting their hateful and violent rhetoric in public. And only have to temper their glee in public when one of their own succeeds in murdering a good man like Dr. Tiller.
Charles P Pierce once again delivers a gem We are the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
“Ms. Adams cannot even imagine a response to a right-wing nut that doesn’t result in a dragnet against innocent right-wingers.”
Even though this never actually happens.
It’s kind of likr the mass disarmament of gun owners by Democratic presidents: all you can conclude from the fact that it never happens is that it’s going to happy any day now.
That’s a good point. I don’t worry about it being a white person. That won’t reflect poorly on me. I do hope it’s not a raging liberal, but I suspect I’m safe on that count.
As a crazy person I resent that all crazy people are viewed as dangerous. Plenty of us crazy people are just content to sit at home and scribble on the walls all day and would never think of bombing people. Being crazy does not make you violent!
There is no group of people that doesn’t end up being scape goated when this sort of crap happens.
The saddest thing here is the ease with which shitheads like Myra Adams can jump on a tragedy and trivialize it with the pettiest political dogwhistling. Nobody rounded up wingnuts and their trucks after Oklahoma City, etc. She’s jumping in to preemptively blame Obama for an improbable outcome, setting the tone for future propaganda IF it turns out to be a foreign plot. In the midst of tragedy, in the midst of investigation, she’s already laying down her petty political bets in hope that the “right kind of people” are arrested. Beyond contempt.
After 50+ years of continuous media misdirection, y’all still believe that whatever the PermaGov comes up with is true!!!???
What’s wrong with you folks?
Here’s what will happen:
1-The largely incompetent federal investigative forces and their buttboys the local police will bumble around and either:
A-Not get much in the way of hard evidence.
B-Be fed some line of bullshit by the only real pros in the room, the secret military/intelligence people. A line of bullshit that most closely fits the talking points that the PermaGov thinks will best fit its own aims.
Such as:
a-They want a war w/North Korea? It wuz them Commie North Koreans whut did it!!!
b-They want a war w/Iran? It wuz them crazy fundamentalist Iranians whut did it!!!
c-They want to control the radical right in the U.S.? (My own bet.) It wuz them crazy white supremacist Christian fundamentalist ‘Murricans whut did it!!!
And so on and so forth.
And the tempest will eventually subside.
Until the next act.
Station WTFU signing off yet again.
Wake the fuck up!!!
Poor poor Arthur,
so many voices in his head,
so little time to type what they say.
You can yell all you want “It’s the same, it’s the same.”
But it’s not the same.
It’s different, and calls for different coping measures.
social anxiety support