Something really crawled up Bill Daley’s butt. It’s kind of rich of him to accuse a sitting senator of ignoring the voters and listening to corporate donors. Of course, he’s still correct. When you vote against what 94% of your constituents want, you are advertising for all to see that your vote is for sale to the highest bidder.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
At thus point, I detest them all, D and R alike. We have a saying in the blue grass world: “we eat our own.”
I love seeing it play out in politics.
Something really crawled up Bill Daley’s butt. It’s kind of rich of him to accuse a sitting senator of ignoring the voters and listening to corporate donors.
Did the irony meter explode when he said that?
The American public really needs to learn the concept of “astroturf.”
The NRA is probably the ultimate “astroturf” organization: after their 1979 power struggle, the views of the “voting members” became entirely irrelevant and their policy was determined by an impenetrable “black box” governing board comprised entirely of big donors and weapons manufacturing executives.
Next up is the “tea party” — similar remarks. Created to give the impression of a popular movement.
The more people see concrete examples of their will being suborned — the more they see themselves as, essentially, window-dressing — the better off this country will ultimately be.
How about the AARP? As soon as you’re old enough to want to buy insurance you get a membership card in the mail.
Where did you get that 94% figure, Booman? From The Hill, a neo-liberal political
cheatshit…err, ahhhh…chatsheet.And from whom did “The Hill” get it?
From this article in The North Dakota Free Press, more than likely.
94% of all North Dakotans want gun control legislation similar to the proposal that went down in flames this week?
So says the organization “Mayors Against Illegal Guns,” whatever that is. (I’d like it better if the name was “Mayors Against Gun Use” or “Mayors Against Shooting People,” but I guess you can’t have everything. How about “Mayors Against Corruption?” Dream on, son, dream on.) I am sure that a poll taken by the NRA would contradict that finding. Polls lie. Everywhere and always. So do White House Chiefs of Staff and Secretaries of Commerce. (Daley’s political posts, among many others) That’s their job. Common sense, however doesn’t lie. My own common sense suggests to me that “94%” of any largely rural population in the U.S. does not want gun control legislation of any kind. Maybe 50% or 60%? Maybe, maybe not.
Now I am all for gun control, myself. Especially in the hands of our armed forces. But that’s another matter entirely.
Or is it?
Oh well…
Poll on.
P.S. Here is Senator Heitkamp’s statement on the matter from the same newspaper:
Is she in the pocket of the NRA? Maybe. It takes lots of money to get elected to the U.S. Senate. What U.S. Senator is not “in the pocket” of one or another big money organization>?
Name one, please.
And while I am at it…in whose “pockets” does Bill Daley reside?
Nice bloodline, eh?
He’s a bigtime corporate banker and lawyer.
He’s a legal thief, part and parcel of the system that has bankrupted this country.
He’s a one-percenter’s one-percenter.
Something crawled up Bill Daley’s butt?
Bet on it.
The PermaGov.
Frankly, I’d rather take my chances with Heidi Heitkamp. At least she a relative small-timer.