How do these people sleep at night?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
“On top of a pile of money, with many beautiful women”.
In a just world, there would be real consequences for what Flake did. But I guess we will have to wait for Karma to do it’s did
They count all the money in their PACs, that is how.
With appropriate appologies to the late Janis Joplin (RIP).
Oh Lord hope they buy me a Mercedes Benz;
My friends all drive Porsches and I must make amends;
Worked hard all my lifetime for my richest friends;
So Oh Lord hope they buy me… a Mer…ce…des Benz
May he develop genital warts.
On his tonsils.
OT, but Lord I see Tweety pushing the “enemy combatant” line. I’m no fan of Johnathan Turley, but in this I agree. Turley telling Tweety, there are war time consideration, but this is not the case, Turley rightly asked, “who are we at war with” that the bomber is associated with. Tweety was like “well aren’t we at war”. Turely asked Tweety, “well we do have a war on terror, but who exactly are we at war with” Tweety says “well we are at war with Al Queda”. As Turley pointed out, there is no evidence that the Boston bomber was associate with Al Queda.
Tweety seemed to be thirsty for blood and tried to make Turley seem naive and too pacifist, IMHO.
It was disgusting.
I turned it off quickly.
He supported background checks right up until the time he didn’t.
…as part os a post titled “Another Serious Question”…
They hook up a tentacle-like thingy that comes out of their ass to a central command outlet in their bedroom and immediately drift off into a peaceful sleep full of talking point-image dreams. They awake refreshed and ready to go out and do the PermaGov’s bidding.
That’s how.
What’d ya think, Booman?
They don’t. They’re vampires.