‘Confusion and inconsistencies’: How US plans to distract public from real truth about Boston
(RT.com) – The United States is having to quickly wake up to the possibility that Chechens are not the ‘freedom fighters’ Western media has been categorizing them as, especially when it came to the Republic’s relationship to Russia. But even the newly formed perceptions may not be enough when it comes to investigating the motives and planning behind the Boston bombing, according to Sibel Edmonds, who is also a founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition.
RT: We’ve learned in the last hour that Russia warned the FBI about the older Tsarnaev brother and his potential links with radical Islamists, but the FBI found nothing suspicious. How is that possible?
Sibel Edmonds: We have too little facts, too much false information and speculations. But just look at the period they are talking about. When you listen to the suspect’s mother, she’s talking about a period of three to five years. According to FBI officials, they received this information, this warning, in 2011. So we have that inconsistency right there. The other important inconsistency that we should pay attention to is the mother’s description of FBI mannerisms and conversation with the suspects and the family when they were visiting them for the last three to five years. That fits exactly the recruitment style of the intelligence community. When you go to the suspects, and one moment you’re saying “We know you’re decent, we know you’re doing nothing wrong, we know you’re good”, and the next minute they’re saying “You can be dangerous”, right after receiving that information from the Russian government, to threaten them with that information for what purpose – to recruit them as informants or for other agendas.
Tsarnaev brothers’ mother: My sons are innocent, this is a setup
Since mid-1990’s, the US directly, or through Turkey has been arming, training, managing, orchestrating not only Chechens but also other factions in the region – and we are looking at Central Asia and the Caucasus. And of course the Russian government is fully aware of this.‘FBI incompetent to ignore Russia’s warning over Chechen brothers’
Link provided by a reader here @Booman on another thread …
Earlier I had written about George Bush and Condoleeza Rice, their foreign policy views on the Afghan-style “freedom fighters” in Chechnya. Too bad Presdent Obama is following the Neocon playbook in strong support for the overthrow of Assad in Syria. Giving Al-Qaeda fighters a foothold in Al-Sham, Saudi King must be pleased by signing another huge contract for the US Military-Industrial complex. It’s the economy stupid!
Parts taken from my latest diary – No Sympathy for Boston from Dagestan.
Don’t blame me, it’s not a domestic unrest but a military campaign armed and funded by foreign powers. How would you react if Cuban revolutionaries joined forces south of the Rio Grande and started a military urban warfare. After some weeks, French mercenaries upped the unrest along the Canadian frontier …
My point is and has been the Obama administration cq. Hillary Clinton advocated the overthrow of the ruler of a sovereign state. After Libya, the UN Security Council vetoed further miltary support by western neo-colonial powers for the FSA. IMO rightly so. The facts on the ground has vindicated my position. In the meantime there are 80,000 lives lost, a multiple wounded and millions displaced persons. A nation like Turkey is a disgrace to have as NATO partner, look at how the Syrian refugees suffer within their borders as the jihadists travel freely to and fro. Remember how Assad and the Syrian people accepted the Iraqi refugees after the US invasion started!
I don’t want to be blunt, but don’t come with such a poor argument just for the support of Obama. Many nations will suffer the blow-back of this fools errand in Syria and finally the state of Israel is beginning to see the consequences of the new power brokers in the Middle-East.
Tamerlan slit the throat of a friend of his and two others two years ago.
On 9/11/2011. One year later, 9/11/2012, Dzhokhar became a US citizen. Those seem to be two verified facts. May not be any more meaningful than the load of crapola that has been released in the past week.
Plenty that appears sketchy about the family — is it really so difficult to nail down when the parents entered and left this country? — However, Russia officials haven’t presented any information linking the brothers or anyone else in the family to Chechen nationals and/or Muslim “freedom fighters.” Even if they had, how the hell does that tie in with bombing the Boston Marathon?
Remember similar support from Tony Blair and Gordon Brown to change dialogue back to George Bush’s War on Terror. Plot was in the “earliest” planning stages. There was no imminent threat … yes of course Esseghaier, a Tunesian national, is linked to Al Qaeda in Iran. Look at the … oops Al Qaeda in Iraq flag on his LinkedIn profile.
Pls. don’t do this to me, I’m still stuck with the Kennedy assassinations, MLK, etc.
Easy access to a website with quite a few scenes before and after blast near finish line. Someone needs to answer many questions …
Subject: FBI handlers, CRAFT International
What is Craft International Private Military Forces doing at the Boston Marathon with a squadron of men and an unmarked black SUV that’s fully equipped.
YouTube video Suspects & Black Backpacks ! Boston Marathon Bombing Event!
Was he carrying his copy of The Muslim Terrorist’s Bomb Making Handbook for Kids?
Answers to this should not be optional. Particularly considering that Bauman, who was injured at bomb site 1, said it was a man wearing a black baseball cap that set the black backpack down. Photo of Craft Intl guy at that site — but not of Tam.