About the guns used by the Tsarnaev brothers in their firefights with the police last Friday morning and evening:

Two U.S. officials say investigators in the Boston bombings have recovered only one handgun believed to have been used in a gun battle with police.

One official said the serial number on what they described as a 9 mm pistol was scratched off. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss details of the investigation still in progress….

Guess the story of one or both of those firefights will have to be sent to the rewrite department.  

The rightwing is going a bit nusto over the reports of the Tsarnaev’s receiving welfare:

Marathon bombings mastermind Tamerlan Tsarnaev was living on taxpayer-funded state welfare benefits even as he was delving deep into the world of radical anti-American Islamism, the Herald has learned. State officials confirmed last night that Tsarnaev, slain in a raging gun battle with police last Friday, was receiving benefits along with his wife, Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, and their 3-year-old daughter. The state’s Executive Office of Health and Human Services said those benefits ended in 2012 when the couple stopped meeting income eligibility limits. … In addition, both of Tsarnaev’s parents received benefits, and accused brother bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan were recipients through their parents when they were younger, according to the state.

Can we not recognize that the family entered this country legally as asylum seekers?  And such immigrants, unlike the working-their-asses-off undocumented immigrants, are entitled to government financial assistance.  Katherine Tsarnaev and her child were entitled to any of the meager social services any citizen of this country qualifies for.

One last item, John Kerry, Secretary of State, really is a jackass or has taken to using Sarah Palin glasses to see what’s going on in Russia.

“We just had a young person who went to Russia, Chechnya, who blew people up in Boston,” Kerry said. “So he didn’t stay where he went, but he learned something where he went and he came back with a willingness to kill people.”

Update [2013-4-24 20:38:51 by Marie2]:Officials: Boston suspect had no firearm when barrage of bullets hit hiding place IOW there was no suspect v. police firefight Friday evening. Just a whole lot of police shooting. With one or more of those fired bullets hitting Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Update: Interview with carjack victim Ninety minutes driving around with two stops to load stuff from the car and trunk of the brother’s car into the carjacked SUV. For two guys headed to Manhattan to blow up some more bombs, they were sure taking their time in getting out of town.