Talk about the NFL Draft, Nerd Prom, or whatever you want. CG and I have a date.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Have fun!
West VA triggers: I’m playing bass for Woody Pines tonight at the Purple Fiddle in Thomas.
Hope you’re not going to see the movie Upstream Color. It’s getting great reviews, but I and a few other friends thought it was horrible. Luckily, it doesn’t have a wide release.
Looking forward to the Wikileaks and Scahill’s Dirty War movies, though.
Heading to the Sycophant Prom, I take it? Don’t dress too nicely. And make sure to bring vegetables… 🙂
hmm, forgot all about WHCD, too busy watching Pirece Brosnan as James Bond in Die Another Day. I do love Daniel Craig as Bond, but Brosnan was half bad. Besides he was a way better Bond than singer, if you’ve seen Momma Mia, then you know what I mean…lol
Obama had a lot of good jokes tonight. I was laughing my ass off.
i loved that his intro was “All I do is win” and I loved the Speildberg “Obama” skit with “Daniel Day Lewis”
Welp, I’ve been watching some pretty good movies all evening and into the night. Just happened to stumble upon back to back goodness tonight. Never to be duplicated I bet.
Started with Pierce Brosnan as Bond in Die Another Day. Brosnan was a pretty good Bond, and a way better Bond than a singer (have ya heard him sing in Momma Mia…woof).
Next up was Under The Tuscon Sun starring Diana Lane and Italia! Love that movie, made me want to visit Italy just once when I first watched it, and even watching it now, it still makes me wanna go.
After that was Out of Africa. You can’t lose with Mery Strep and Robert Redford. Just gotta say that MAN Redford was easy on the eyes wasn’t he (not that he isn’t now, but young and in his prime…ding dong).
Lastly, I watched the original Stargate with Kurt Russell (i love Kurt Russell) and James Spsder (in is least “spader-ish” role/acting job, if ya know what I mean). Oh and of course that guy from the Crying Game movie. Would love to see a “where are they now” update on that guy.
Hmm, but alas all good things must come to an end, I gotsa go to work tomorrow, so I guess it would be a good idea to get some sleep.
“Oh and of course that guy from the Crying Game movie.”
Stephen Rea?
Or Jaye Davidson?
If you want Hosting for your Team! This is Hosting Venezuela. Thank you for all!