Since it is Nerd Prom Day, it must be time for navel-gazing. Or, time to discuss the attempted preemptive strike Politico blasted at Mark Liebovich’s soon-to-be-released book This Town: The Way It Works in Suck Up City. It appears that Mike Allen is defecating bricks. The defense that he and Jim VandeHei have constructed reads more like they waived their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. At least, it reads that way when they aren’t using the “everybody does it” defense. Neither approach works since saying that everybody you know is at least as big of an asshole as you are is not really a defense. Liebovich’s book is about the culture of Washington. It is not about Mike Allen even if it turns out to be true that there is an entire chapter dedicated to him.
Perhaps the least shocking revelation in the piece is the fact that Tim Russert’s 2008 funeral was sullied by people who bargained for better seats and conducted inside deals between the eulogies. It appears that the spectacle was sufficiently unholy that it formed the inspiration for Liebovich’s book.
Two people familiar with the book said it opens with a long, biting take on Russert’s 2008 funeral, where Washington’s self-obsession – and lack of self-awareness – was on full display. The book argues that all of Washington’s worst virtues were exposed, with over-the-top coverage of his death, jockeying for good seats at a funeral and Washington insiders transacting business at the event.
“He’s at every single party, and NOW he takes the knife out?” protested one of Leibovich’s subjects. “And Russert’s funeral? People are appalled.”
They are appalled that Liebovich is appalled. Because he’s one of them. He was right there sharing the cocktail weinees, so who is he to talk out of school?
This is why the White House Correspondents Dinner invites such scorn. The culture surrounding it is rotten to the very core.
Shorter Mike Allen: Do not talk about Fight Club.
Perhaps the least shocking revelation in the piece is the fact that Tim Russert’s 2008 funeral was sullied by people who bargained for better seats and conducted inside deals between the eulogies.
All from the same d-bags who made a shitshow out of the Paul Wellstone funeral. They wouldn’t know self-awareness if it smacked them upside the head with a 2×4.
Oh, the butthurt of poor Jam Full-o-derhooey and Mike Alien-eyes!
You know, it took years for CNN to start to really stink.
Politico sucked right from the jump.
I so looked forward to it, too!
And then, first day – P-U!!!!!!!!!
You know who would have done a great job of writing about today’s DC MSM Villagers?
A young Gore Vidal.
We need a puke funnel.
Brokaw had no problem over the years while other celebrity dipsh*ts were there, but its Lindsay Lohan that puts him over the top?
Idda walked the minute I saw anyone from FOX!
Hell, Idda walked when I saw Greta Van Susteren, never mind poor LL.
Why do you think Brokaw had/has a problem with Lohan? It’s because she’s a public trainwreck. Brokaw loves him some Hollywood(he once hosted the LA evening news after all!!). What he prefers, because he’s always been a cranky old man, is celebs who keep their bad behavior, and indiscretions, behind closed doors.
No other ‘train wrecks’ ever show up?
If it wasn’t a nice Saturday afternoon here in Upstate NY, and I’m ready for my drink and dinner, I’d check that Goggle “Look Motor” on the intertubes, and check.
Yes, but Lohan is a seering example of the skewed system. She will never actually get in trouble like anyone else would, even a non-rich white person, for her transgressions.
He’s pissed because Lohan shows the truth of the elite culture that he’s a part of.
But Politico is the go-to medium for the White House staff in releasing trial balloons.
So here’s a really naive, uninformed question: Why hasn’t a competent, responsible news organization sprung up to fill the vacuum?
ProPublica is getting good work done, and its editorial choices have been decent. No accident that it is a start-up put together by journalists with a history of integrity.
If instead of “everyone does it” they said “this is the only way we can make a lot of money being reporters in this town” I would buy that. It’s venal but probably more honest.
Two people familiar with the book said it opens with a long, biting take on Russert’s 2008 funeral, where Washington’s self-obsession – and lack of self-awareness – was on full display. The book argues that all of Washington’s worst virtues were exposed, with over-the-top coverage of his death, jockeying for good seats at a funeral and Washington insiders transacting business at the event.
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