I think the reason that J-Rube is so unhappy with the conservative right is that she perceives that they are positioning themselves in a way that will consign them to one catastrophe after another in national elections. I thinks she’s right. I understand. J-Rube isn’t on board with the social conservatism of the right. She wants them to win primarily because she thinks the right will do a better job protecting Israel. That’s her prerogative. But if she really thinks that Rand Paul is a better friend of Israel than Ted Cruz, she’s sadly mistaken.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Only peripherally relevant but damn, how I long for the day- if it ever comes- when our foreign policy will be run entirely with the enlightened best interest of THIS country in mind.
She wants them to win primarily because she thinks the right will do a better job protecting Israel.
I see her as one of those journalistic Neocon hacks for whom this is the one, constant, eternal summum bonum. I can’t imagine any circumstance where she would favor the interests of her home country over those of Israel; in her world the United States’ sole reason for existing is to protect the Jewish State.