Hey there.
No rant, no doom and gloom, no off the wall political prognostications, no outrage – not today. Many of you who are members of this site know that I have been writing for the front page since the latter part of 2005. I’m not the BHITP here (Big Human in the Pond) just a sidekick, because this is Booman’s blog, not mine, and for most of you he is the reason you stop by and read the content on a regular basis. We’ve had other front pagers over the life of this blog, better writers than I for the most part, but for some reason I’m the only one who has stuck. Call me one one little noodle on the ceiling of the Great Spaghetti Monster’s Kitchen, if you like.
I’ve been fortunate to contribute my two cents worth on a variety of matters during that time, and on my schedule, too (I always hated deadlines anyway). My stories have been posted uncensored and unedited (well except for the occasional spelling and grammar errors that I didn’t catch myself – thanks Martin). For everyone who enjoys my forays into the world of the progressive blogosphere, my thanks. For those who do not, well, that’s fine, too. I know better than most my flaws and faults as a political commentator.
Some of you (those who pay attention to such things) may have noticed that I have been posting here sporadically at best for the last – oh, six months or so. Many of you are also aware that I struggle with a rare chronic autoimmune disorder. I’ve spoken about it often, but if you are unaware of my condition, I’ve written about it on and off, usually in the context of our “greatest on earth, bestest ever” health care system. Here’s one with as good an explanation as any of my illness and its symptoms. There have been times in the past when I have had to pull back from writing for this blog for health reasons. This is another one of those times, I’m afraid.
My condition has been gradually worsening for some time, and the medications that I’m authorized by my insurance company to take – the main one being prednisone, a corticosteroid – have been less and less effective, and thus provide me with less and less relief. Prednisone, unfortunately, also has a number of negative side effects, among them mood swings and irritability. Time spent dealing with my health concerns, as well as my role as a caretaker for my disabled, cognitively impaired wife and as a stay at home father for my teenage daughter, have taken their toll on my ability to contribute as frequently as I did in the past.
As always, whenever this happens, I am deeply conflicted. I love being a part of this blog, and I am deeply and passionately concerned about the many issues we, collectively, as citizens of this country and the world, are facing in these ever more troubling times. However, when I am honest with myself, I have to admit that my recent writing on political matters has not met the standard of quality seen in my past work.
The stresses in my current life situation have had a deleterious effect on the my physical health and psychological state. My concentration and focus, whenever I write about current affairs, has diminished and it shows. I do not have the energy to fully engage the issues that concern me, and I lack the ambition to consistently provide a quality “work product” for you to read and hopefully discover something worthwhile. Hell, the rambling and disjointed nature of this post is a good example of my recent decline as a writer.
To be clear, I haven’t abandoned writing for this blog. However, I did want to explain the reasons why my name is not appearing as frequently at the top of the front page here as it once did. I will continue to post stories as long as Martin is willing to grant me that privilege, but for now those occurrences will be fewer and farther between. After my daughter goes off to college in the Fall, perhaps my stress level (one of the main triggers for my illness) will decline, my health issues will improve and my participation here will again increase. That’s what I’m hoping for, anyway.
On a final note, I encourage anyone who has an interest in writing for Booman Tribune to contact Martin directly. There are many good writers among the denizens of the Frog Pond, and I’m sure he would be more than willing to consider adding new people to the front page, since he has done so in the past when an opportunity has presented itself to him to add good writers with distinctive and fresh voices. Just click on the contact button in the Menu box that appears on the upper right hand side of this page. It certainly can’t hurt to ask if you have the itch to try your hand at this sort of thing.
Well, be seeing you (that’s not a good-bye I’ll have you note, just to be clear).
I’m so sorry to read this Steven. I’ve always been eager to read your next offering here, and will remain so. I can only wish you better health soon.
Take good care of yourself, and as you say, I’ll be seeing you.
I take it that you still are being denied Remicade because your insurance company refuses to authorize it?
Yep. That and other drugs that might help.
Here’s what I think about that.
The courage and stamina that you show in the face of your situation are outstanding. Of course. Do what you have to do to take care of you and yours.
Our thoughts are with you and your family.
I’ll always read you whenever you have the spoons to spare for writing, but by all means take care of yourself first.
Sorry to hear your health isn’t improving. I’m looking forward to seeing your work here again soon. Hoping for the very best for you and your family.
Steven, I have enjoyed your writing and point of view since I first landed here a few years ago. I have never met you, but I bet if we sat down there would be little time wasted in getting a conversation started. Your passion is obvious in your writing. And as much as I also enjoy writing, I understand the difficulty of consistently putting out something that is up to ones own personal standards. Time is always a constraint when it comes to writing, and when it is coupled with health and personal issues, priorities always have to be shifted. That is understandable.
Please know that you have many fans and followers, and we are all here because, in many ways, the issues we fight for are the same ones which are negatively impacting your life right now. That’s just the way we liberals are. Our inherent empathy is just not something that we wear for show or take out for special occasions. It is a way of life. And it something that we all carry with pride, as you have for a long, long time.
Take care, my friend. You will always have a warm welcome waiting here in this place.
I’ve been wondering–and worrying–and missing your voice here. I hope things turn around, and I’ll be thinking of you and yours.
As a fellow prednisone user (19 years now, and the long-term side effects aren’t fun) and sufferer of insurance companies and related maladies, Steven, I’m sure you know this, but health and family come first. Always. Take care of yourself so that we can enjoy many more of your posts in the future.
I and I’m sure others will try to pick up the slack where we can (so that poor Boo doesn’t have to do everything), but we need your voice. And, more, we need you healthier. Take care!
The stuff Steve needs costs $20,000/year. That’s why his insurance is balking. His doctor wants to prescribe it because he needs it, but he’s not getting it because profits.
Why did he pay for health insurance all those years?
I know that struggle very well. One of my meds alone (I have 29, total) runs 50k a year. It costs a fraction of that in other countries, but the manufacturer knows it can get away with anything in the US, because for those of us who need it to stay alive, we have no other options.
The US health care system is predicted on my body, and Steven’s, and everyone else with serious chronic conditions as being a profit center, nothing more or less. And if we wind up costing too much, it’s better business to let us die. Bastards.
Our local pharmacist, CabinGirl, found this for you. It’s the Patient Rebate Program for REMICADE®, and it will provide you with $6,000/yr towards the cost of treatment. That would be enough to do the three-month trial, I think. CabinGirl also gave you contact info when you originally posted about your need for Remicade. But the first link is probably more direct.
She also advises me that we could do a search of anti-TNF therapy in TRAPs studies and see if you can participate.
Call us if you want any help running down these leads.
I’m so sorry to hear the news that your health is worsening — and about your insurance co. denials of medication. Here is what I think about that. ()(&*+()#%$$#^G&(*O()) insurance companies!
Please take care of yourself. We will all send healing thoughts your way and look forward to reading your posts when you are able to write.
Take care Steven and come back to us when you can. Looking forward to your regular posts a few months down the road. All the best to you and your family.
Good luck. I always enjoy your posts, so if they are less frequent I’ll just savor them more.
Take care of yourself and your family.
Post when you can.
What everybody said. Take care and come back soon.
Every time you bring up your health issues I am in awe. For your family to persevere in the face of all the challenges they face is indicative of incredible strength and an inspiration.
I only wish we could do more for you.
Can I call you ‘one great big noodle’ instead for your presence on this blog? I can only wish and hope that something will change regarding your getting proper medications. Taking care of yourself and family always comes first.
I love everything you write and always have.
Steven, Prednisone can deplete your body’s magnesium. http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/magnesium-000968.htm
Magnesium deficiency can cause depression and suicidal thoughts. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16542786
I can personally attest to this. I urge you to take Magnesium Citrate or Magnesium Gluconate at the RDA level of 400mg.
Read the links. They are not internet fad links. They are from my alma mater, University of Maryland, and the National Institutes of Health. I found this out when researching Magnesium when my wife was prescribed Magnesium for headaches. In twenty four hours my suicidal thoughts disappeared. I didn’t become cheerful, but was able to shrug off all the crap happening around me.
Please. Please. Please try it or at least ask your Doctor if it’s OK. I care what happens to you, paisano.
I’ll second this. I take magnesium precisely because of my prednisone regimen. Though chances are Steven knows this, too.
Definitely take care of yourself – be well.