The CIA denies it, but they just replaced the interim head of the National Clandestine Service because of her ties to torture and to one of President Bush’s black sites. For some reason, this has become a gender issue. She was the first woman to ever climb so high in the CIA, even if it was only for a three-month interim term. The word is that many women in the CIA are furious that she was demoted. That sentiment probably isn’t improved by the official line that they just found a better man to do the job.
Cognizant of these problems with appearances, the CIA was careful to announce at the same time the promotion of women to positions of authority and responsibility. Meroe Park, a Filipino-American, will be the new Executive Director of the CIA, and Deb Bonk will serve as the director’s chief of staff.
The name of the woman who was demoted and the name of the man who took her place as head of the Clandestine Service are both classified.
I understand that it’s tricky to manage the CIA, but there are a lot of people there that received a mulligan because it was recognized that the rotten orders came from the top. They should be thankful to have a job and some of them truthfully belong in prison. The women who was passed over is one of only two members of the CIA who signed off on the destruction of torture tapes. In ordinary life, that’s called obstruction of justice. It’s obscene that she is held in high regard by anyone, and the people crying over her fate should get some better values. It’s not about gender; it’s about torture.
Here’s how the CIA protects its image in Hollywood.
The things in that article seem pretty minor. And in fact the one thing we know the CIA lied about was something that remained in the film.
Still, it’s no question the she (and Boal) have lost all credibility.
I feel sorry for some of the people who had no choice but to do the bidding of the sociopathic Bush cabal members, or lose their job.
But, it’s a job.
Instead, they chose to lose a part of their souls – or, for an Agnostic like me, human consciouseness.
And we’ll never know how many people did the right thing, and resigned, or took an early retirement.
They did that to avoid doing something so heinous, that, if when I was a child, or a young man, someone had ever told me that America would TORTURE in the future, I’d have called the men with the butterfly nets and padded wagons.
When Obama took over, everyone who was involved in the decision making, should have been given the boot before being sent to The Hague for trial – especially W, Cheney, Rice, and, yes, Colin Powell.
Instead, people like the ones I listed aren’t treated as pariah’s, but instead, welcomed into the salons of fellow Conservatives, as hero’s.
And they’re still allowed on TV, instead of being monitored by a camera in their cells.
We sure love to punish the poor and the young, especially if they’re not white, but we let moral criminals like the ones who populated the W mis-administration, and decided that torture was just another option, stay free – and the sociopathic greedheads on Wall Street, who not only got to keep their jobs after almost flushing the world’s economy down the toilet, but to COLLECT THEIR BONUSES!!!
As I said in an earlier comment – we are a stupid country.
“And we’ll never know how many people did the right thing”
Yeah we do. That number is ZERO.
Because the right thing to do when given an order to torture is to summarily execute the person giving the order.
That’s how you stop torture from happening.
Yeah basically. It pretty much just shows up why the CIA needs to die when there’s gender controversy but apparently zero torture controversy.
Does anyone really naive enough to believe that the practice of torture suddenly began when George W Bush became President, and has suddenly come to a screeching halt now that Obama has taken over the job?
There is always somebody somewhere who is doing something wrong.
The official adoption of torture as policy began under the Bush administration, and came to a screeching halt under the Obama administration.
When liberal values conflict. Fun times.