The Republicans are going to do everything they can think of to undermine the performance of the Federal Government as it tries to implement the Affordable Care Act. They’re basically a Fifth Column at this point.
A number of health insurance changes have already taken place, but this fall, just as the 2014 election season heats up, is the deadline for introducing the law’s core feature: the insurance marketplaces, known as exchanges, where millions of uninsured Americans can buy coverage, with subsidies for many.
For the third time, Republicans are trying to make the law perhaps the biggest issue of the elections, and are preparing to exploit every problem that arises. After many unsuccessful efforts to repeal the law, the Republican-led House plans another vote soon. And Republican governors or legislatures in many states are balking at participating, leaving Washington responsible for the marketplaces.
“There are very few issues that are as personal and as tangible as health care, and the implementation of the law over the next year is going to reveal a lot of kinks, a lot of red tape, a lot of taxes, a lot of price increases and a lot of people forced into health care that they didn’t anticipate,” said Brad Dayspring, spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. “It’s going to be an issue that’s front and center for voters even in a more tangible way than it was in 2010.”
We basically have just two political parties in this country, and one of them is actively trying to break the country.
they are committing TREASON against this country.
Treason requires working with an enemy.
“Treason requires working with an enemy”
Disease organisms are the enemy. Not just of the USA, but of humanity.
The GOP is objectively pro-pathogen.
We basically have just two political parties in this country, and one of them is actively trying to break the country.
Which means we basically have just one political party in this country. The other is a radical insurgent organization trying to overthrow the government.
We have a one party system of government. Absurd but true.
“Insurgent” was also the word Mann and Ornstein used in their NYT editorial and their excellent book:
“One of the two major parties, the Republican Party, has become an insurgent outlier — ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.”
How long has this been true? It’s getting a tad more extreme, but it’s hardly all that novel, is it?
Which is why ‘broken media’ is so important.
There are too many actions that the GOP has inflicted on this country that have reached unprecedented levels of sabotage. There is no “tad” there.
They’ve been unprecedented since at least the Clinton Administration, no?
If you’re impression is that the level of sabotage might have been higher in the Clinton administration, I have to wonder what you’ve been reading.
It certainly hasn’t been the last week of Booman:
It certainly hasn’t been Mann and Ornstein:
I’m not sure why you’d think that ‘a tad more extreme’ means ‘lower.’
My point is that they’re saboteurs. They’ve been saboteurs for a long time. The reason they’re more extreme now is that it works.
Well, this is the limitation of text on intertubes. I apologize for any misunderstanding I contributed to. I’ll summarize.
“a tad more extreme” to me means a “little” more extreme. It can also be used in a sarcastic tone but you conclude the sentence saying not much has really changed. You questioned the idea that current actions are novel. I strongly disagree with this because there are measures and analyses that show that it is much more extreme in quantitative and qualitative measures. We are at historic highs of extremism and some of the dangers the insurgent “party” risk for the country are entirely new. (I responded with a poorly worded comment.)
And “unprecedented since at least the Clinton Administration” implies you think things might have been worse during the Clinton administration than now. I also disagree with that. I happen to agree with Ornstein in terms of how far we have to go to find anything like it:
Why is the media broken? A while ago, I came to a realization. The media isn’t broken. We are getting propaganda the rich want us to see. Actually, George Carlin covered that quite well.
In order to fix things, they must first, be broken.
Again, and again, and again – until the thing we’re trying to break, can’t ever be fixed again.
After Nixon, who did a pretty good job, you Libtards sent Carter to try to fix things.
And after Reagan and Bush I, who did a better job, you Libtards sent America’s first “Blah” President, Bill Clinton, to fix the things Reagan and Bush broke.
Then, in 2000, we had the SCOTUS send our very finest breaker-upper – AND HE DIDN’T BREAK IT COMPLETELY!!! Sure, he broke this country pretty damn good, and he broke the bank, but HE DIDN’T BREAK IT COMPLETELY!!!!!
And now, you Libtards second “Blah” President, is doing too good a job fixing what’s left.
So, you know, the next one of ours who gets in, he/she’ll stick a dagger so sharp, so quickly, into the heart of this great country that we love so much that we have to kill it to keep it from becoming some SocialistFascistCommunist hell-hole, that not even some GayAsianHispanicBlah female Libtard President will be able to fix what’s left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some Democrat should slip this into some legislation:
Citation of US Code is amended to read “eligibility shall begin at recording of birth certificate or naturalization papers” — effectively removing the age requirement for Medicare. “Congress shall appropriate sufficient funds to cover actuarially projected losses each year.” Effectively creating Medicare for All as a backup plan to undergird ACA and to replace it when the labyrinthine Baucuscare structure comes crashing down.
Movement in this direction should get the insurance lobby to put its thumb on the GOP hooligans.
“…forced into health care that they didn’t anticipate.”
The horror, the horror. Idiots..
That will be a great Republican campaign slogan next year: “ObamaCare doesn’t work. We made sure of it.”
“A lot of people forced into health care”
That is a sick mind at work.
He’s aiming to ramp up the resentment of the healthy and immature who would like their free ride to continue.
The GOP supports and rewards lots of antisocial attitudes. It’s like the 6th grade bully turned into a national political party.
OK, guys, we need a strategy to fix our brand with young people. Let’s hear some ideas.
Uh…young people hate health care?
Bingo. Political gold!
This wouldn’t happen if America had more guns.