Steve Benen makes an observation:
Not only is this year’s deficit on track to be significantly smaller than [last] year’s, to the tune of about $200 billion, it’s also on pace to be even better than optimistic projections from February. Hell, we even ran a surplus in April.
All told, the U.S. federal deficit will be about $600 billion smaller than it was in President Obama’s first year in office, making this the fastest deficit reduction Americans have seen since World War II.
The Republicans might be able to take some share of the credit for these statistics, including that we just experienced the strongest job growth that we’ve seen in eight years. The problem is that the budget deficit is dropping because Obama raised taxes on people making over $400,000 a year. How revenues went up and job growth exploded immediately after taxes were raised on the rich is something that cannot be explained in the Republicans’ world. Raising taxes is supposed to kill jobs and dry up revenue collection.
The truth is, things would be much better if we hadn’t lost so many public sector jobs and if the Sequester wasn’t starving public investment. But John Maynard Keynes was gay, so whatever.
Was Keynes really gay? Aw, shucks. Can’t believe a word he said, then.
Like a three-dollar bill.
Interestingly, Brooksie doesn’t even mention what the immigration opponents are REALLY trying to restrict, and it sure as hell isn’t social conservatives, love affairs, social mobility etc.
What they REALLy want to restrict is “the Browns”, and I am NOT talking about the football team.
Also, liable to fry their brains, Freddie Mac is so profitable that it is paying the government a $7 billion dividend for the second quarter, which will delay the need for a debt ceiling hike for a few days.
this wound up in the wrong comment thread. I meant to comment in the Brooks post…
Budget deficit reduction brought to you largely by the sequester, which, as the Republicans insist, was Obama’s idea.
No, it’s not from the sequester because the sequester is killing jobs and slowing growth. The new money is coming from increased tax revenue and an improving economy that would be stronger if not for the sequester.
I think he knows that. He was being sarcastic about the GOP and their stupidity.
The sequester, which is fucking many of us, including yours truly, is also playing its part. I don’t know what the breakdown in contributions are, though.
A surplus in April? That shouldn’t surprise anybody. Something out of the ordinary happens every April–rhymes with Dax Tay?
So should this, from Nate Cohn:
Byron York is just wrong about his 2004 yearnings. Shit’s not going back.