It’s pretty bad when you send a man to Florida to do outreach to the Latino community on behalf of the Republican National Committee, and within months that man quits his job and becomes a Democrat because he discovers that the GOP is too racist. But that’s exactly what just happened. The man’s name is Pablo Pantoja, and it seems like the Heritage Foundation’s report on the immigration reform bill was the last straw. So, score another win for Jim DeMint.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’m not impressed. If it takes a paper on eugenics to convince this guy that GOP has been a party of racist hate mongers at least since FDR fed them their own hearts, while they have been proving to the world they are heartless bastards ever since, this guy’s not too bright.
Denial is a powerful thing.
Didn’t some researcher find that we don’t think? We just think we think.
That’s been around for a while, but perhaps reinforced recently.
In this case this former Gullible Old Party member was likely heavily influenced by the enormous pressure military leadership puts on their recruits. If the Democratic leadership had any guts they would gut half of the military leadership for openly encouraging extreme conservative religious and political views on their young troops at the same time they are undergoing military indoctrination.
“Denial” is a river in Egypt, and I hear there is a powerful Aswan Dam there, but it has no place in politics.
It’s a rich conservative thing. They value capitalism, low taxes, privatizing things, and markets above all else. As long as the GOP is good on these things, they’ll hand wave away the other stuff and pretend it doesn’t really exist. Or explain away the bigotry as the cost of getting the good stuff.
A lot of them live in that sort of bubble. Where the GOP is the American party entirely because of capitalism which is the most important and defining part of American exceptionalism. And if the price of capitalism is having to deal with the bigots, oh well! It’s noble in fact, you’re taking one to keep capitalism going!
This is how you get your Andrew Sullivans. Who was surrounded by upper class fellow Washingtonian conservatives in his bubble and didn’t realize just how batshit things were till the GOP ID came roaring to life and took over during the later Bush years, and then ran screaming from it.
I mean I get it to an extent. Most of the Republicans I know up here are like Romney or Christie. If I didn’t pay attention to politics and just looked at the locals I’d be under the impression the Republicans were sane. It’s only once you look beyond that you realize “holy crap these guys are crazy”. Once you realize that, and you realize that it’s only Democrats who actually cut spending and go after programs like social security, and that they are the party of well off urbanites like myself and say that 250k or even a million isn’t all that much money and that they sign free trade agreements that you realize “holy crap, I should vote Democratic”.
Truly this was the Most Amusing Thing of the current week for me. Hilarious.
Well, these morons should have realized that their “outreach” was bound to fail, when it started with nothing but an endless series of bitch-slaps.
But they are too stupid, ignorant, and xenophobic to realize that.
The fact that the GOP is rallying around a 2nd generation CUBAN-American for immigration issues is another glaring “do not GET it” clue.
But I guess “you have to go to the polls with the racist nativist morons you’ve got, rather than the …” oh, wait. Still a clusterfuck.
Real change comes from the heart and from the brain, so Republicans are screwed.
I feel bad for them.
electronic medical records
“What you’ve got is everything–and I mean everything–being run by the political arm. It’s the reign of the Mayberry Machiavellis.”
— John DiIulio, after he resigned from Bush’s office of faith-based initiatives.
the comedian Paul Mooney would say..
He got his Nigger Wakeup Call
and another hostage situation comes to a happy end …