And a nice short week to all, what with the holiday coming up. 😉
I had a lovely extended birthday celebration last week and into the weekend. And now I’m wishing I could just go back to sleep for a few more hours before the work week starts…
Hi FM! Its closing in on 90 here too and we seem to have a population explosion of sow bugs eating our marigolds and pansies, of all things. I thought they only ate dead stuff.
Yep I looked at the radar for your area and it looks as if y’all got a good soaking. Hopefully it clears out for y’all today and you can start drying out.
Too bad about continued rain there. But ya better appreciate while you can.
I checked our forecast and up until June 3rd only a 10% chance every now and then. Starting Wed. they’re predicting 90-91 degree weather everyday. I can see in Jul. and Aug. we’ll be hitting over 100F for a number of days.
Howdy, Whit. We’ve been a bit cool and overcast here but today is just gorgeous — upper 70s and sunny. Looks like the weather decided to enjoy the holiday. Hope you do too.
I feel like the first Eyes of the World was the best not because they never played it better but because they said, “Let’s go explore this,” and it was completely fresh and never explored before.
Still no phone or dsl since Saturday. Cable teevee came back after 8 hours but Verizon couldn’t give a crap about copper line customers. If I’m not on Fios there is no great need to initiate repair. They only just diagnosed the problem (fallen tree) yesterday. Repairs won’t happen until next week.
Wow, that’s amazingly bad service. I guess I’ll stop complaining about AT&T — I’ve never gone more than 3 days without service and that’s after huge storms.
That is very bad service. The question I’ve always had is after a certain amount of time will the company give you credit for the lost time.
In Texas after a bad storm, I had cable out for over three and a half weeks. I called the company about credit for that lost time and they said no. No explanation or anything – just no. Needless to say, after they said no I immidiately told them to cancel my service. That’s when they told me I had a one year contract and it would cost me more to cancel than to go the rest of the year. I guess they got so many complaints that they finally credited the customers.
I’ve been reading up on a lot of providers and so far verizon looks like it’s near the bottom. I wonder about not paying the last bill though. I’ve read for individual credit reports (which I know is different from non-payment like you’re talking about), that even though you’ve paid off the card, cancelling is the worst thing you can do. It seems like a lot of times no matter what you do these companies have you.
I’d be interested to know how this turns out. Good luck.
You know how everyone hates spam. Sometimes I wish I knew how to do something like that just for situations like this. Write something up to where it looks like it coming from more than one person and then turn it loose on the company you want to complain to. The only problem with that is the company might have 2 million subscribers and they get 8 million complaints. That might set them to thinking. 😉
Thanks everybody! We’re having a (mostly) unplugged vacation – no TV, radio, or internet. I’m checking in briefly from a hot spot outside an little library about 10 miles from our cottage. Headed now for lunch with our friends here who set up our cottage. Sailing on Grand Traverse Bay Sunday, weather permitting.
I’ve been doing that, and to the relevant state agency. Verizon is now required to respond to the agency in writing. No doubt that Verizon will receive a very firm slap on the wrist.
Just got back from a short stay in the hospital. Still having trouble with my legs and balance. Doing much better now, but still having trouble walking. Thank goodness I still have the walker. I guess I’ll use that until I can walk normally again.
Hope everyone has been doing good and have a good week ahead.
Nope no PT. The Dr. at the hospital is shifting me up to a neurologist to see what they can find. Just being home and being able to move around freely is a good start. Thanks for the good wishes.
Boran the closest I’d come to that is to be rolled in an iron bed over the finish line. Then again, being a very lazy person I guess that would be right down my alley. 🙂
Very nice picture. Took me a moment to realize there was a bee on the flower.
We had thunderstorms yesterday and last night with more predicted for today. Actually it’s getting to the time of year where I’m hoping it will keep raining on and off. I don’t want to get back into the drought season again.
Don’t forget tomorrow is the FFF, the theme is random. I haven’t been around due to a couple of big projects, one finishing, the next about to start, will have pics soon.
Feel better FM, welcome back ask, see you all tomorrow.
Hope everyone is doing fine. It’s another hot/sunny day here. Just the perfect day to sit inside with the A/C and read.
Other than reading I’ve been doing more sleeping than reading. I’m no stranger to taking naps, but deep sleep during the day is pretty odd for me. Oh well, I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Hope the rest of your W/E is fine and the upcoming week is very good.
Here’s my favorite elevation profile for an Indiana trail. The total elevation gain of all those ups and downs is similar to the elevation gain of hiking Mt. Marcy.
Yep, they’re here all right. Nary a parking spot to be found. There was a big birthday party at the micro brewery down the alley last night and they were still whooping it up in the street after the brewery closed. I’m sometimes tempted to yell, “Hey – STFU!” at ’em and then remember that was me in my younger days.
Hiya boran2! Had to take my system down for a couple of hours this morning to clear a gmail connect timeout issue that began 3 days ago. Had an incredible amount of trash on the hard drive to clean up. Got everything working now ~ yay!
Yesterday while Andi was up in Indianapolis with some high school and college friends, I went over to Cincinnati to see by mom and brother. As I was wheeling my mom into the restaurant for lunch, I looked up to see a very large bird gliding down toward the nearby Little Miami River. I thought it was a really big hawk until it banked and I saw its white tail feathers and head. The northern part of Cincy has a bald eagle. No pictures unfortunately and it happened so fast that Mom couldn’t find it before it dropped below the tree-line. But she liked the idea that something so wild is living so close to her nursing home.
And a nice short week to all, what with the holiday coming up. 😉
I had a lovely extended birthday celebration last week and into the weekend. And now I’m wishing I could just go back to sleep for a few more hours before the work week starts…
Welcome back to the states, ask!
Thanks CG. Check your FB, I found something I think you’d like.
I hope the clouds/fog don’t make you sorry to be here. 😉
Look for the cake!
The cake is awesome! I want one! 🙂
I guess we need a pic of it here:
That is so cool.
Also, belated welcome home.
Thanks! Almost recovered from the jet lag – slept till 5.10.
One word –> WOW!
physical therapy marketing
Afternoon everyone,
Happy belated B’day CB and welcome home Ask!
Boran ya’ll got clouds? When are they ever going to perfect weather control?
It’s hot down here today. We’ll probably hit 90F today and tomorrow. I hate summer!
Hi FM! Its closing in on 90 here too and we seem to have a population explosion of sow bugs eating our marigolds and pansies, of all things. I thought they only ate dead stuff.
Hiya ID,
I don’t think I know what a sow bug is. At least I don’t remember ever having heard of one.
Yep the heat is starting to get here. I shudder to think what it’s going to be like in July and August.
Stay cool.
They’re armored little critters that live under rocks, boards, our flower pots, etc. The intertubz say they’re actually crustaceans, rather than bugs.
Living habits similar to my former Republican Congresscritter.
Yeah – those crustaceans are certainly not kosher.
Morning all!
So so sad about the tornadoes and OK.
We’re expecting more hot weather, but no bad weather. I hope it calms down all over.
Everyone take care.
Good morning, FM! Sorry about the hot weather, but glad you’re not expecting tornadoes. I’m sad for the folks in Oklahoma.
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Good morning, what a lovely, tender green color!
A fine morning to you.
The colors of early spring are just wonderful and leaves are just silky soft. It’s my favorite time of year.
I totally agree. It’s nice to walk out there early in the morning and smelling the fresh air.
physical therapy business
This A.M. in Chance’s Garden.
Mrs. X planted Chance’s Garden as a memorial to Chance, seen on the FFF, after she passed. This is the gardens first full year after planting.
Those are gorgeous.
Love the gold and burgundy rings.
Beautiful pictures today Andi and Bob!
We’re having rain today, but nothing major.
Hope everyone has a good day ahead.
Thanks FM, everybody, Mrs. X deserves the credit I just snap the shot. I’ll pass on it on.
Well done, Mrs. X! Thanks for sharing, Bob.
Spider Wort
Morning Jim,
The deep shade of purple is very impressive. Very nice picture.
Hope you and everyone are having a good day.
They sort of look like African Violets. Great color.
Love that color!
RIP Bettie Page.
Very dark here in the Hudson Valley, with yet more rain coming after last night’s flood.
Hiya Boran,
Yep I looked at the radar for your area and it looks as if y’all got a good soaking. Hopefully it clears out for y’all today and you can start drying out.
Have a good one.
Thanks FM. Unfortunately, it’s here through Sunday. 🙁
Morning Boran,
Too bad about continued rain there. But ya better appreciate while you can.
I checked our forecast and up until June 3rd only a 10% chance every now and then. Starting Wed. they’re predicting 90-91 degree weather everyday. I can see in Jul. and Aug. we’ll be hitting over 100F for a number of days.
Have a good although soggy w/e. 🙂
Thanks FM. Soggy does not begin to describe things here. Hopefully it will begin to dry out tomorrow. I hope that it’s better by you.
Hiya Boran,
Yep I saw the radar where the clouds just seemed to stay there. Here’s to a dry tomorrow for ya.
There’s a strange orange object in the sky.
Probably the mother ship.
It is wonderful outside, a bit on the cool side, though at 49 this morning.
It could be the precursor of something good to come, like dry weather. Hope so.
Everyone have a good holiday.
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Very cool! You’ve got very clear water.
That’s because the creek bottoms are either rock or gravel.
Read Booman Tribune before Daily Kos – his links.
Heh ~ interesting.
First vacation in seven years! Woo hoo!
Damned! That’s a long wait. What will you do/where will you go?
We’re heading up to north-central Michigan. Got a lakefront cottage booked and will be sailing on the big lake part of the time. Hope to have some photos to share when we return.
That sounds fabulous!
But you live in a vacation town … doesn’t that mean you’re always on vacation?
Hah! Good point, Andi.
Hope you have a good time and great weather while in Michigan.
Thanks! We’re hearing from friends up there to be sure and bring rain gear. Hope there will be some sunny days as well.
Morning Everyone,
Hope everyone is having a good holiday. It will be hot down here and a very lazy day.
Howdy, Whit. We’ve been a bit cool and overcast here but today is just gorgeous — upper 70s and sunny. Looks like the weather decided to enjoy the holiday. Hope you do too.
Hiya Andi,
Yep we’ll be up into the high 80’s, but no rain predicted for the next 10 or more days.
Have a good one!
With no rain in sight, George should be happy. Enjoy!
The way George hates water and baths, I know he’s happy for no rain. 🙂
I did have a good one. Hope you did too.
It was a good day but pretty boring in way.
It’s beautiful here in the Hudson Valley, at least for now.
Hiya Boran,
Hope it stays that way today for you.
Miracle rescue of newborn in Jinhua, China
I feel like the first Eyes of the World was the best not because they never played it better but because they said, “Let’s go explore this,” and it was completely fresh and never explored before.
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Chased a squirrel up that tree?
Nope — then he’d been looking up at the tree, dancing around, barking, and totally not noticing the squirrel had jumped to another tree.
Good morning!
Hope everyone is fine today. Same as usual down here, it’ll be hot.
Take care.
Still no phone or dsl since Saturday. Cable teevee came back after 8 hours but Verizon couldn’t give a crap about copper line customers. If I’m not on Fios there is no great need to initiate repair. They only just diagnosed the problem (fallen tree) yesterday. Repairs won’t happen until next week.
Hey boran,
Our corporate overlords will do as they please. Anything for the bottom line.
That’s how it’s gotten with everything. We have at least one 2-day power outage a year because profits are more important than service.
I hope you get a nice surprise in the form of restored service soon.
Wow, that’s amazingly bad service. I guess I’ll stop complaining about AT&T — I’ve never gone more than 3 days without service and that’s after huge storms.
I suspect that this is a further attempt at movtivation to get us to move to Fios service.
Hiya Boran,
That is very bad service. The question I’ve always had is after a certain amount of time will the company give you credit for the lost time.
In Texas after a bad storm, I had cable out for over three and a half weeks. I called the company about credit for that lost time and they said no. No explanation or anything – just no. Needless to say, after they said no I immidiately told them to cancel my service. That’s when they told me I had a one year contract and it would cost me more to cancel than to go the rest of the year. I guess they got so many complaints that they finally credited the customers.
Hope you’re back up and running soon.
I’m thinking of dumping verizon and simply not paying the last bill.
I’ve been reading up on a lot of providers and so far verizon looks like it’s near the bottom. I wonder about not paying the last bill though. I’ve read for individual credit reports (which I know is different from non-payment like you’re talking about), that even though you’ve paid off the card, cancelling is the worst thing you can do. It seems like a lot of times no matter what you do these companies have you.
I’d be interested to know how this turns out. Good luck.
Thanks Whit. I’ll keep you informed.
They will give you a credit if you call and complain. I’ve done it a couple of times.
You know how everyone hates spam. Sometimes I wish I knew how to do something like that just for situations like this. Write something up to where it looks like it coming from more than one person and then turn it loose on the company you want to complain to. The only problem with that is the company might have 2 million subscribers and they get 8 million complaints. That might set them to thinking. 😉
From the Great Lakes…
View from our cottage

Mrs. ID beachcombing at sunset, Point Betsie light, Michigan

Wow- gorgeous! I can’t wait for the sailing.
Have a great time!
Beautiful. Reminds me of Danish (or other Baltic) beaches. Enjoy!
Hiya ID,
For not having a vacation in several years you picked a very nice spot. Makes me long to visit the beach.
Have a good time.
Looks like a beautiful spot!
Looks like you are having a gorgeous vacation.
Thanks everybody! We’re having a (mostly) unplugged vacation – no TV, radio, or internet. I’m checking in briefly from a hot spot outside an little library about 10 miles from our cottage. Headed now for lunch with our friends here who set up our cottage. Sailing on Grand Traverse Bay Sunday, weather permitting.
Hiya ID,
Glad you’re having a relaxing vacation and are (mostly) unplugged. I’ve never been sailing, but I hear it’s great after you learn how.
Enjoy and have a good time.
Oh and get that life jacket on. 🙂
Sounds great. Hope the weather is perfect for sailing Sunday. You’re mostly missing rain (and storm this morning) here at home.
I hate to complain but it was almost 100 degrees today and 39 degrees a week ago. I’m so confused.
Wow … and yuck.
I’d take 39 over 100 any time. Hope those hot temps don’t last long.
Still hot today. I was truly wiped after cutting the lawn yesterday.
For a cool-down, check my picture diary over at GOS. (I screwed up the html in my draft and too lazy to redo to post here.)
Tranquility – A Picture Diary
Thanks. That was a beautiful diary.
Thanks for that link. I really enjoyed it.
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Great pose. 😉
Now Verizon is saying Wednesday to restore our phone and dsl, out since 5/25. #verizonsucks
I hope you are going to complain loudly and long to them and everybody you know. That’s just terrible service.
I’ve been doing that, and to the relevant state agency. Verizon is now required to respond to the agency in writing. No doubt that Verizon will receive a very firm slap on the wrist.
No doubt. Hope you get a sizable credit from them at the very least.
Had a nice breakfast in the Conservatory Garden this morning:
That looks like a very fine way to start your day.
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Amazing detail!
Afternoon all!
Just got back from a short stay in the hospital. Still having trouble with my legs and balance. Doing much better now, but still having trouble walking. Thank goodness I still have the walker. I guess I’ll use that until I can walk normally again.
Hope everyone has been doing good and have a good week ahead.
Sorry to hear that, FM. I noticed you were away a few days. Hope things improve and that you regain more mobility soon!
Thanks Ask. Yep it’s a drag not being able to move around very well, but at least I’m moving around. 🙂
Will you be getting any physical therapy? I hope that you’re out and about soon, FM.
Hiya Boran,
Nope no PT. The Dr. at the hospital is shifting me up to a neurologist to see what they can find. Just being home and being able to move around freely is a good start. Thanks for the good wishes.
I hope they figure what is wrong soon so you don’t have a repeat.
Hi Andi,
You’re not the only one hoping I don’t have a repeat. 🙂
Sorry to hear you’ve been down. Hope you will be back dancing soon.
Hi ID,
Dancing! Are you kidding? I want to run a marathon, or climb the mountain to Machu Picchu, or still better learn to hang glide.
Oh if only the body would do what the mind wants. 🙂
Hope you have a good rest of the week.
Take care.
See you in the ironman competition. 😉
Boran the closest I’d come to that is to be rolled in an iron bed over the finish line. Then again, being a very lazy person I guess that would be right down my alley. 🙂
Looking for the good stuff:
Cloudy, but comfortable day. Out to the park!
Morning Ask,
Very nice picture. Took me a moment to realize there was a bee on the flower.
We had thunderstorms yesterday and last night with more predicted for today. Actually it’s getting to the time of year where I’m hoping it will keep raining on and off. I don’t want to get back into the drought season again.
Have a good rest of the week and enjoy the park.
Lovely shot. Our zinnias are just a couple of inches tall at this point.
Don’t forget tomorrow is the FFF, the theme is random. I haven’t been around due to a couple of big projects, one finishing, the next about to start, will have pics soon.
Feel better FM, welcome back ask, see you all tomorrow.
Thanks Bob!
Thanks for the reminder — I’ll be sure to be there.
Just in time for vacation photos!
Looking forward to it!
Now that I look at that subject line it looks like something a troll would write.
Anyway interesting story on NPR, but I bet the whole story was written around the last line. Warning it may induce an earworm.
Just consumed a lot of fresh, locally grown asparagus while in Michigan. Guess I should check my BP and see if its down;-)
It’s beautiful here in the Hudson Valley!
Absolutely gorgeous in the city as well.
Good afternoon all.
Hope everyone is doing fine. It’s another hot/sunny day here. Just the perfect day to sit inside with the A/C and read.
Other than reading I’ve been doing more sleeping than reading. I’m no stranger to taking naps, but deep sleep during the day is pretty odd for me. Oh well, I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Hope the rest of your W/E is fine and the upcoming week is very good.
Take care
Hay FM! You are the unchallenged master of slackitude.
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Double vision! Very nice!
And doubly green.
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A steep climb. 😉
And if there was a trail it would go straight up it because we don’t need no stinking switchbacks around here.
You Indianans are tough folks.
Here’s my favorite elevation profile for an Indiana trail. The total elevation gain of all those ups and downs is similar to the elevation gain of hiking Mt. Marcy.
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We’re world class hill jacks 😉
We finally have internet service again, from a different provider. Our former Verizon service went out on 5/25. It has been a long time.
Glad you’re back up to speed. I suppose Verizon is too busy maintaining their NSA gateway to fiddle with poor individual consumers.
Heh. Either that or they are attempting to intentionally drive folks off the old copper lines and onto the more expensive Fios service.
Although a little slow at times, we’ve had really good service over copper with our DSL. Of course we’re only a half block from the ATT&T exchange…
Morning Everyone,
Been off the net for a little while. My keyboard got trashed.
Hope everyone is doing fine.
Good to see you, FM!
Hiya Boran,
Thanks for the slackderly comment above. I do admit I do work really hard at slacking. 😉
And an extremely worthy endeavor it is.
Welcome back!
Great flog, lets keep it going.

28 Image stitch.
Large size here…lots of detail.
That’s gorgeous. And amazing “sewing” too.
Thanks Andi! 🙂
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Shades and limbs .. 180º .. can’t tell if it’s mirrored though, would need stars or direction due north.
That is such a cool photo.
Took me a second. Looks like a painting.
Very nice!
I agree with Bob, it looks like a picture. Very nice indeed.
Hope everyone has a good week ahead.
OK whose out there. I want to talk!
Dang – sorry I wasn’t around. I had to accompany Mrs. ID out of town for her ongoing adventures in dentistry tour.
Sorry ID I wasn’t around.
I hope Mrs. ID is doing well.
I know denstry (sp)is a really hard thing.
I hope she is doing OK.
Hi FM – thankfully the painful part of her dental adventures are mostly over. Hope you’re feeling better these days.
A little late (just a tad) but here I am.
’bout time!
Apparently not since Whit isn’t here to talk to me. 😛
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Love that! Perfectly composed!
Thanks. It’s always nice when things grow in just the right spot for photos.
Heh. Mother nature was cooperating that day.
Lovely scene!
We went over to the park for a hike yesterday. It was pretty empty — hope that means that all the tourists were in town spending money.
Yep, they’re here all right. Nary a parking spot to be found. There was a big birthday party at the micro brewery down the alley last night and they were still whooping it up in the street after the brewery closed. I’m sometimes tempted to yell, “Hey – STFU!” at ’em and then remember that was me in my younger days.
Damn fine flower.
Fine dam flower.
Just thought I’d stop in and feed the crickets. And the cicadas.
Hiya boran2! Had to take my system down for a couple of hours this morning to clear a gmail connect timeout issue that began 3 days ago. Had an incredible amount of trash on the hard drive to clean up. Got everything working now ~ yay!
Oh, and TFSMIF!
Another beautiful warm day here in the Hudson Valley. Off to the market.
Yesterday while Andi was up in Indianapolis with some high school and college friends, I went over to Cincinnati to see by mom and brother. As I was wheeling my mom into the restaurant for lunch, I looked up to see a very large bird gliding down toward the nearby Little Miami River. I thought it was a really big hawk until it banked and I saw its white tail feathers and head. The northern part of Cincy has a bald eagle. No pictures unfortunately and it happened so fast that Mom couldn’t find it before it dropped below the tree-line. But she liked the idea that something so wild is living so close to her nursing home.
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You could dedicate that one to Family Man;-)
The slackmeister!
Took the day off. Hold all my calls.
That’s the slack-atude.
We’ve got a legacy to uphold here.
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Beautiful starburst!
Mom nature was being kind again — giving me yet another opportunity to shoot a really common flower (clover this time) in an interesting way.
I’m thinking that natural skill had a little something to do with it.
Thanks! Though, unlike painting, you can’t shoot what isn’t there. 🙂
Ah, but you’re finding what others might not see.
Gloom here in the Hudson Valley with scattered gloom predicted for tomorrow.
Intermittent sunniness here ~ will try to shove some your way.
Got to hear my brother and some of his old 1970s band mates live in concert last night. Ah, the nostalgia.
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Now that looks like fun!
This is cool, if terrifying.
The gloom and drizzle continues here in the Hudson Valley. Time for a new café?
Wow ~ 200 comments! Its pretty gloomy here too. Still, after the drought and heat last summer, I’m not complaining ~ yet.
I noticed that CabinGirl hasn’t been around much lately. Guess we’ll see if the mention of needing a new cafe will make her appear.
I guess it’s time…the gloom here is just awful, and it’s my stay cation week.
Sorry I haven’t been around, the Finny and CBs have been keeping me super busy and is in the process of giving up his regular nap time. (nooooooo!)
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