Has the Republicans’ obsession with faux-scandals distracted them from opposing immigration reform?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Has the Republicans’ obsession with faux-scandals distracted them from opposing immigration reform?
No!! Why would it? When was Congress last in session, anyway?
If the scandals are distracting anyone, it’s the GOP rubes throughout the country. And it would be easier to make the case that this was the real GOP plot than that it has to do with taking down Clinton in 2016. OTOH, recent history tells us the GOP hissy fits and attacks on a DEM POTUS served to distract liberals from policy matters as they focused on saving their embattled POTUS. Clinton signed such truly dreadful legislation. OTOH, the GOP has gotten most of what it’s wanted except for killing off Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid which even they know is still a bridge too far (to nowhere). So, the faux scandals seem more about distraction from the do-nothing Congress.
Any push back should be only from the Republicans no Democrat wants to be on the wrong side of Immigration Reform it will not be good the Dems. or President Obama.
I predict a bill will pass with the open door for workers that business wants but without any meaningful reform for those brought here as children by their parents or illegals who have been here for decades.
Even in the Middle Ages, a serf who escaped his manor and hid out in a town for a year without being caught was considered a townsman. I’m not proposing amnesty after a year, but a decade without criminal behavior (including Social security fraud) should qualify and of course kids who have grown up here are as American as any second generation American.
Ex-Obama Aides Cashing In
The Republicans are very half-hearted about the real scandals because they involve Republican sacred cows.
What do these former aides think they are being paid the five-figure speaking fees for? Apperances are no longer important even for Democrats. A thoroughly corrupted system.
Great! Just Great! (And Shirley Jackson Lee no less, for shame.) Do these people have any sense of what their speaking engagement signals? Or are they just counting the bucks and the world be damned?
Recent review of strained Russia-Azerbaijan relations.
The days of US business and politicians supporting an oil rich corrupt dynasty continues.
Not to mention what it signals about the Keystone XL pipeline decision.
Jackson-Lee is from Houston. She almost has to support the local industry enough to avoid becoming a target. A lot of her constituents have not choice but to work for oil companies.
I guess this is what “most transparent administration” is coming to mean.
I think the scandals are meant as distractions so everyone would be looking at the scandals while the Republicans acquiesce on immigration reform and some nominations.
I hope you are right, the end result being immigration reform and another progressive victory. I am still pessimistic, however, every time I remember that 40-some percent of the voting population vote for these bigoted religious extremists and hateful greedy people who don’t seem to mind the bigots so much. Don’t underestimate their ability to hate many many things at a time and to cause trouble for those of us trying to do good on many fronts (like reducing pollution, protecting women’s reproductive and workplace rights, LGBT rights, economic injustice, improving our diplomatic standing, etc etc).