Impressive. Nine people got shot in Philadelphia between late Friday night and late Saturday night. One fatality (so far) and one arrest. People are just getting lit up in the City of Brotherly Love. Overall, fifteen people have been shot so far this weekend. There was also another shooting on South Street near Society Hill, although no one seems to have been struck. Warm weather really seems to coincide with urban gun violence. I sure would have liked a bill that throws the book at straw purchasers. Background checks are nice, but these guns are flooding the cities and going into the hands of people who did not buy them at a licensed dealer or even a gun show. And the result is just an ongoing slaughter.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
No, Booman. You know what’s a scandal? That the totalitarian, all-powerful bike lobby is shoving this “sharing the road” commie bullshit down our throats. And you know what’s happened already? Someone already died from getting hit while on their bike. This is what happens when eco-terrorists come to NYC:
Totalitarian bike lobby is shredding our freedom to be surrounded by two-tons of metal, sayeth the WSJ
Disclaimer: like Atrios, if I were dictator, I would smash cars in a car crusher, and have never owned a car and only got a license for legal purposes.
Try drinking decaf.
Philadelphia freedom. Someone wrote a song about it once.
I’ve been unemployed for over 3 years, and if I was a greedy soul-less sociopath, I could make a ton of money bringing guns up from the South, into NY, PA, NJ, and CT.
But I’m not.
Our soul-less, cowardly, chicken-sh*t, sociopathic Conservatives – especially the politicians – insist on MORE guns, not less.
I’m sorry, Conservative losers, but you’ve got to be some really wussie candy-assed f*cking coward, to have to bring your assault weapon to Mickey D’s, to get a “happy meal” for your kid.
Money is virtue.
Guns are freedom.
Two great tastes that taste great together.
I’d go for it. And use the proceeds to run for Congress as a Republican.
A trifecta.
Don’t they test guns so that they won’t go off just because you dropped them?
Probably had a hair trigger or a cheap Saturday night special with no safety or the idiot had it cocked with a round up the spout.
I’m in favor of background checks, straw purchase laws, banning assault weapons etc. but let’s get real, the criminals are always going to find a way to get guns. Straw purchase law would not have stopped what happened in PA this weekend. It might make us FEEL better that something is being done but it’s not going to change most of this. These urban communities need urban investment incentives to encourage entrepreneurs and businesses to build and create jobs in these areas. The problem is hopelessness. People that have been locked out of the job market tend to find other ways to survive. Most of this crime is drug related.
Straw purchases in Philadelphia have been illegal for years, and earlier this year Gov. Corbett signed the Brad Fox law which carries a 5-year mandatory jail sentence for straw purchasers.
For second-time convictions only.
I didn’t say it was the best law; but never the less, straw purchases are illegal.
Yes, illegal, but not to the point that it creates real deterrence.
If big fines, a record, and possible jail time don’t deter, these are organized crooks, not just buddies or relatives.
Or really stupid!
Cmon bro, look at the draconian crack laws, did that “deter” people from selling crack? Again, I’m in favor of stepping up the laws but that’s really placing a band aid on a problem that requires a tourniquet. Until we get at the root of the problem, the violence will continue.
Near as I can tell in the Trib, we only had 2 or 3 shootings here in Chicago so far this weekend. It may be that shooting people has become passe and we’re now seeking more exotic thrills:
It should be noted that Rahm’s name was not mentioned in any reports.
Doesn’t that constitute animal abuse?
Even more specific – Don’t try to clean your weapon after imbibing Jack Daniels. Or did he drink his “cleaning solution”.
For Marines only – cleaning your gun after drinking is OK, just leave your weapon alone.