And so it begins. President Obama has made three simultaneous nominations for vacancies on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. One of the seats has been vacant since September 2005, when John Roberts was elevated to the Supreme Court. The Republicans claim that the DC Circuit is already adequately staffed and doesn’t need any new judges. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has even introduced a bill to remove one of its seats and move two others to different circuits. This is a naked attempt to maintain Republican parity on the court which just recently got to a 4-4 split of Republican and Democratic nominees when Sri Srinivasan was confirmed. Mr. Srinivasan is the first Obama nominee that the Republicans have allowed to join the DC Circuit in his entire presidency.
I wrote earlier about Harry Reid’s strategy for breaking the opposition to the president’s nominees. It begins with these three judges, who were all carefully chosen to be non-controversial and well-qualified. If the Republicans block a vote on them, Reid is going to use it as an excuse to change the filibuster rule as it applies to the advise and consent role that the Constitution gives the Senate. This will not only allow these three judges to be confirmed, but many more. And it will allow the swift confirmation of the rest of Obama’s cabinet and subcabinet.
The Republicans are in a tough spot. They may be able to forestall such a drastic move by making some kind of deal, but that will never happen if they simply continue to insist that the DC District doesn’t need any more judges so the president doesn’t have any right to have a vote on his nominees. There are still enough Democratic senators who don’t want to change the filibuster rule to make a deal possible, but they are waiting to see how these judges are treated. If they are blocked, Reid will have all the evidence he needs to persuade the few remaining doubters.
Reid doesn’t have any credibility on this issue, having made so many previous threats without following through. But he’s never had enough support in his caucus to change the rules before now. At this point it is clear. If these judges don’t get a vote, they will change the rules so that they can get a vote.
I can only imagine what Ted Cruz will ask during the Judiciary Committee hearings.
He probably will do more telling than asking.
“I hope you’re prepared to up your computer solitaire game because you’ll never see any cases.”
“Obama’s D.C. Circuit Picks Likely to Prompt GOP Outcry”
No kidding? An outcry? From the Republicans?
Really sticking your neck out on that one, Roll Call.
this isn’t hardball, it’s farce. The Repubs will obstruct, the Dems will cave, nothing will change.
We’ll see. Obama has a pretty good long-term view of things. He can’t fight on every front simultaneously with any hope of accomplishing much. So rather than posturing for people like us, he maneuvers carefully. If this analysis is correct, he’s setting the GOP up. Let’s see how it plays out.
Forgive me for thinking that the best case scenario is likely some bare minimum movement from the Republicans which gives the Dem hold outs some kind of plausible cover to continue to countenance Republican obstruction. Something like 2 out of the 3 judges getting a vote or some BS like that.
I’m betting 1 out of 3.
They confirm one, then say, ‘What? We confirmed one. Now you’re just being unreasonable.’ And that’s that.
I’m with you. Republicans allow one with a pledge to Reid that they will be more collegial in the future about other Senate business. Reid will come to the microphone and speak glowingly about how he so looks forward to working closely with his esteemed Republican friends in the Senate and that we have finally entered a new period of some serious legislating. Every liberal in the country will groan once again, smack their foreheads, puke on their shoes and curse our spineless leaders.
It ain’t like we haven’t seen this movie before.
This is a naked attempt to maintain Republican parity on the court which just recently got to a 4-4 split of Republican and Democratic nominees when Sri Srinivasan was confirmed.
Is this even true? Where is the proof that Srinivasan is a Democrat? Would he ever vote to check corporate, or government, power? And he got a unanimous confirmation vote? Given the GOP’s actions these past 5 years, why is that a good sign?
Calvin, the plain english of what I wrote is obviously true.
LOL!! Tell that to the GOP re: David Souter. I’m sure they’ll agree with you!!
David Souter was nominated by a Republican, which is your point. Would you care to dispute it?
The point being he was nominated by a GOPer, and ended up voting how? The base has been forever pissed at Poppy Bush for that pick!!
wish i could believe that harry will actually do anything.
i am perfectly capable of believing it when i see it, though. 🙂
“If they are blocked, Reid will have all the evidence he needs to persuade the few remaining doubters.” No, if they are blocked Reid will have all the evidence he needs to persuade you. And me. Any any other person who might be looking for evidence as a basis for making a decision.
Of course, he had all that evidence months ago. Years ago. And yet nothing changed.
It’s almost enough to make you think that maybe “evidence” doesn’t matter here. I would propose that “interest” trumps “evidence” every time and the Democrats have decided that it’s in their personal interest (their power, their fiefdoms) that they do not give a fvck.
Your views makes sense but harry is still the boy who cried wolf. Sadly, our democracy needs boxer harry. The same Dems will cave and 60 vote requirement will never be changed by these dems.
If the Republicans block a vote on them, Reid is going to use it as an excuse to change the filibuster rule as it applies to the advise and consent role that the Constitution gives the Senate. This will not only allow these three judges to be confirmed, but many more. And it will allow the swift confirmation of the rest of Obama’s cabinet and subcabinet.
Great one … late April Fool, right? Almost had me going there for a fraction of a second.
The giveaway was when you indicated that there might be some substance to something Harry Reid did.