I think the biggest obstacle to immigration reform is not conservative opposition but the simple fact that John Boehner has no idea what he is doing. I’ve never seen anyone as incompetent with so much responsibility.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The same went for Dennis Hastert, no? Except it was Tom Delay who ran the show with an iron fist.
George W. Bush.
He’s like DiMaggio’s hitting streak or Wilt’s 100 point game. A record that will never be seriously challenged, let alone broken.
Well…there was always Butch II.
Hard to top that shit!!!
What’s that you say?
Bush II was just a frontman?
And what is Rep. Boner, really?
Just another frontman. Owned lock, stock and barrel by the UniParty/PermaGov.
Bet on it.
Say what you want about Bush, but he had capable people surrounding him who were capable of doing evil things on purpose. Boehner doesn’t even have that. He doesn’t really have anyone steering the ship. All he produces is inadvertent. Chaos and inaction and meaningless action all serve the conservative purpose to a degree, but we can’t really say that this is by design. It’s just a salutary consequence of incompetence.
Boehner doesn’t need help.
He has the DumboCrats.
Thanks for the memories. Don’t believe I ever saw that binoculars picture before, it’s priceless.
Boner’s a pisher.
In my lifetime, and I’m 55, the clear winner, was W!!!
And the problem was, the hand that was up that W puppet’s ass, was attached to a sociopathic, paranoid, evil imbecile.
So, together, we got “stupid, AND evil!!!”
The Republicans appear to be happy with the laws as they are written today, because it was a Republican Congress led by Newt Gingrich that gave us the current Immigration Law in 1996.
Border Security will be less of an issue if there is a guest worker program that allows person to cross the border legally.
Republican’s just want the status quo and will concede the 2016 election by failing to pass Immigration Reform.
The Democratic bill has their guest worker program – unlimited visas. They don’t really want guest workers. They want illegals that they can cheat and, in some cases, literally rape, with impunity.
Excuse me? More visas means fewer “illegals”, or as we PC folk put it the documented workers are not undocumented, that’s by definition. A bracero or guest worker program is institutionalized cheating of workers (not necessarily raping them); a more visas program is a way of protecting them from being cheated–and preventing their employers from using them to lower wages all round. If you object to cheating and rape you should sign on to Democratic proposals.
The “they” I was referring to were the Republicans. And submission of sexual favors in order to receive a paycheck (that has already been earned) was the rape I referred to. Many small businessmen actually brag about this.
Sorry, I really didn’t get it, that’s horrible. The point I always get obsessed with is just that visas are protection, against wage theft and rape too, and against lowering the prevailing wage for non-immigrants, and I thought you were arguing against more documented immigration.
Documented, illegal, whatever. What is wanted is UNLIMITED CHEAP LABOR.
The immigration bill produces more cheap labor. It’s the race to the bottom for the middle class. We equalize wage scales with Mexico by going to Mexico standards for labor costs.
And that is fucking disastrous for the “middle class” in the US. In 10 years, if this fucking piece of crap passes, the middle class will be all but finished.
I am in complete agreement, see my reply immediately above.
There are two sets of employers here. Farmers, ranchers and small businessman who want unlimited cheap and illegal labor that they can coerce, cheat, and sexually abuse.
And there is big business that wants unlimited cheap and legal labor that they can coerce, cheat, but rarely sexually abuse (but that happens too, only not as company policy). Big business doesn’t worry about H1-B’s getting permanent status because there is an ocean of willing immigrants in India and China to replace them. For big business, the larger the labor pool the better.
Others may think that you and I are talking “Yellow Peril”, but we have lived this and we know. I don’t give a damn about color and I’m reasonably sure you don’t either. What I care about is people willing to work in third world conditions for crap salaries.
In defense, laughingly, of Boehner, just how does one lead the TParty members?
Boehner’s answer has evolved into a walk through the doors, look around to see if the answer has arrived yet from someone else, turn around and beat it for the door.
I second this emotion.
Maybe John Boehner really is a terrible legislative leader. Maybe not.
I don’t think we can really say, because we haven’t had a chance to see how he would do with a legislative caucus that isn’t self-destructively irresponsible.
I don’t see Boehner’s personal talents of lack thereof as being nearly as important as the pack of lunatics he’s supposed to be leading.
The Black community is in a crisis right now. Why should we be concerned about immigration reform when we have so many problems of our own? Who can make the argument that this is more important than Black unemployment?
The black voter is not important to the democratic party any more. The only voter they are concerned about is the illegal voter. Of course, it will be some years to get the illegals to become citizens. In the meantime, the black voter is going to be thrown under the bus.
This is also the case with students, STEM/IT, and older workers. The H-1B and green card provisions are a total disaster, and will devastate college employment for years.
The Democratic Party is consumed with lust for the hispanic vote. The rest of the coalition is gonna be on food stamps before anyone gives a crap about them.
I disagree, the Democratic party has developed a winning coalition of African-Americans, Latinos, and others working together for each others issue. I don’t see how the African American voting block is being hurt by immigration reform. As most Latino’s and African Americans live in adjoining or same neighborhoods in the inner city. Making education, gun control, healthcare and jobs as issues that are important to both voting blocks.
Dataguy, I would have to agree. WE were told the same things about how NAFTA was going to be so great for the American worker and look what that got us. `
ADD into it that he’s probably drunk by 10:30 am…and that compounds things.