U.S. about to announce Syria has used chemical weapons and crossed Obama’s red line!
Is this a case of wagging the dog to get media off the NSA spying scandel?
Assad government used chemical weapons on rebels, US officials ‘conclude’
Will Obama act and prevent Assad’s forces from clearing Aleppo of foreign fighters and FSA rebels. France has urged President Obama to act on their evidence [both sides] used chemical weapons to some extent. Will Obama go to the UN Security Council?
Headline is accurate, it’s a developing story in Washington DC and around the globe. Obama has changed his mind and will supply military aid to Syrian rebels. He decided no US boots on the ground and will not call for a no-fly zone. Coming days Obama will travel to Europe and meet world’s leaders in a G8 conference. Undoubtedly Obama decided to act after Assad’s forces got a boost from Hezbollah fighters and made strategic gains by pushing rebels out of Qusayr.
White House press briefing with Ben Rhodes
Following is the statement issued by the White House in the name of Benjamin J. Rhodes, deputy national security adviser.
“At the President’s direction, the United States Government has been closely monitoring the potential use of chemical weapons within Syria. Following the assessment made by our intelligence community in April, the President directed the intelligence community to seek credible and corroborated information to build on that assessment and establish the facts with some degree of certainty. Today, we are providing an updated version of our assessment to Congress and to the public.”
My earlier comment – McCain Writes Obama’s War Scenario.
Senators McCain, Graham demand no-fly zone in Syria
(TheHill) – Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Thursday that President Obama needs to do more than just supply weapons to the rebels in Syria.
“Every bone in my body knows that simply supplying weapons will not change the equation,” McCain said on the Senate floor. “The president better understand that just supplying weapons will not change the balance.”
Graham said it’s in U.S. interests to stop Assad to help stabilize the region.
“We can shoot planes down without having boots on the ground. My biggest fear about the war in Syria is that the chemical weapons fall in the hands of terrorists. … Mr. President, you choose wisely today. We support you, but the goal is not to support the rebels but to win the war.”
McCain also called on Obama to address the nation to explain why this action was so important.
Obama’s “decision” makes McCain look like a true warrior who marches ahead of his troops into battle …
Syria Has Used Chemical Arms on Rebels, U.S. and Allies Find
(NY Times) – WASHINGTON — American and European intelligence analysts now believe that President Bashar al-Assad’s troops have used chemical weapons against rebel forces in the civil war in Syria, an assessment that will put added pressure on a deeply divided Obama administration to develop a response to a provocation that the president himself has declared a “red line.”
President Obama said in April that the United States had physiological evidence that the nerve gas sarin had been used in Syria, but lacked proof of who used it and under what circumstances. He now believes that the proof is definitive, according to American officials.
But a flurry of high-level meetings in Washington this week only underscored the splits within the Obama administration about what actions to take to quell the fighting.
Does Bill Clinton remember Lord Owen from the Bosnia history lessons? Some people learn, some do not … Hillary and Bill Clinton belong to the latter.
Cross-posted from my diary.
at this point, I wonder if it’s even possible for a president to keep us out of non-stop war. When Washington decides its prestige is on the line, look what happens.
Once he put a red line out there, it was going to get crossed one way or another.
I’d like to know if Obama is orchestrating this because he’s finally changed his mind or if he has simply been cornered.
It was a “Breaking News” headline on CNN International, but I couldn’t find any news links yet except for Russia Today news item.
Later I found the NY Times story with “leaked insider information” from the White House. So it just may be more Dangerous Warmongering, what do you think?
Debka (yeah, I know) is pitching this decision as Obama not intervening in Syria. Sounds to me like he is potentially letting the insurrection fold.
More 11 dimensions? Obama has to show he favors intervention in order to not intervene? (That’s how it’s been working with Iran, right?)
Just trying to get the TNC and FSA to Geneva. It’s our only hope at this point.
This is bs — the Assad regime isn’t stupid (or crazy like Gaddafi) and doesn’t need to use nerve gas.
Not buying that this is only coincidental to Liz Sly’s WAPO freakout and Bill Clinton’s latest finger wagging.
We have heard this same crap for close to seventy years now — and even if we can’t smell the stench, at some point people get bored with a franchise’s sequels.
Me either. Not buying it.
Warmongering by Turkey after Israeli air strikes inside Syria in February. After repeated accusations, some intelligence agencies came forward telling the world they had “proof” chemical weapons were used by Assad’s forces.
Some links from my recent diary – Key City Qusayr Fallen to Assad’s Forces.
Why haven’t we read this news item in the WPM – Western Propaganda Media?
Posted earlier @BooMan Tribune – Syrian Opposition Forces Caught with Sarin Gas in Turkey.
Beyond the millions of deaths caused by US intervention policy in recent three decades, what does the world do for the real humanitarian crisis?
Opinions of just a few days now part of history and/or fiction …
There is NO conclusive evidence Assad’s forces used sarin gas causing the deaths of 100-150 persons. None of the earlier propaganda video’s and statements from rebels claimed this number of deaths. Pinocchio award range 5.
Colin Powell holding a model vial of anthrax at UN Security Council (Wikipedia)
Former speechwriter and now National Security Advisor to President Obama … speaking about known unknowns:
Just as Hillary gave her support to George Bush to invade Iraq in 2003 and Bill Clinton gives support to President Obama, the great British magician Tony Blair is also expressing support … Thus all old colonial powers are aligned to give support to the
Syrian peopleforeign fighters to overthrow President Assad. John Kerry concedes today a political solution is beyond reach, war it will be!The surprise win in Iran’s election of a new president, should make the political option the number one priority. Israel’s nemesis Ahmadinejad is gone and can’t be used as cover to attack the state of Iran. My diary – – Iranian Surprise in Presidential Election – Rohani Wins!!.
Depends on your comprehension of political statements where Kerry looks for a butt-out and puts blame on
foreign fightersHezbollah and Assad’s lack of commitment – read General Salem Idriss interview with CNN’s Amanpour. The words and conditions are identical. When the FSA has the advantage, we’ll place our conditions on the table and won’t negotiate with the Assad puppets. We need weapons immediately, or we’ll be defeated by the dogs of Assad.John Kerry wasn’t aware of the surprise election result in Iran, which illustrates once again the democratic fiber of the Shia population are centuries ahead of the medieval Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia or the Salafists rebels who run the countries in the Arab Uprising. Kerry postpones Mideast visit amid Syria talks.