It’s highly amusing to watch Arizona Governor Jan Brewer crack the whip on her own party to compel them to expand Medicaid under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act. The Republicans control Arizona’s House of Representatives (36-24) and Senate (17-13). Getting those lunatics to vote for Obamacare hasn’t been easy.

Since January, Arizona Republican leaders have met Brewer’s call to expand Medicaid with hostility. The party chief in Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, compared Brewer to Judas in legislative remarks. Protesters brandishing signs blasting “Obrewercare” heckled her at rallies.

The Medicaid votes came in a special session called by Brewer with less than three weeks until the start of the new fiscal year. Brewer ordered the session June 11 because she was tired of “game playing” by opponents, [Brewer spokesman Matthew] Benson said. Her adversaries in the House protested by initially refusing to take their seats and sitting instead in the spectators’ gallery.

“She wanted Obamacare so badly that she could not wait to impose high taxes and a huge government program on the people of Arizona,” said Representative Adam Kwasman, a Republican from Oro Valley. “Shame on the members of this House and shame on the governor.”

Of course, Adam Kwasman is high on his own supply. It’s fun watching the GOP be force-fed their own bullshit.