Let me see if I have this right.
Twenty Fifteen week-old male fetuses masturbate, ergo, they must feel pleasure, thus, they must feel pain, therefore, derp.
Science, people. Learn it.
Let me see if I have this right.
Twenty Fifteen week-old male fetuses masturbate, ergo, they must feel pleasure, thus, they must feel pain, therefore, derp.
Science, people. Learn it.
Why Do Anti-Abortionists Get Sonograms?
Seriously. If it’s god’s will that a sperm and ova unite to form a zygote that god then wills to become a fetus and finally a brand new infant, and no human intervention in that process, even to save the life of the woman, is acceptable, why waste time and money on sonograms?
Of all the possible answers to that question, who could have imagined the one that OB/GYN MD and US Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) provided:
“Fetus porn” definitely tops the pronouncements of all the other Republican politicians that exhibit way too many kinky thoughts about sex. Eat your heart out Santorum, Bachmann, and Palin.
Feck jobs, and the unemployed!
Feck Women’s Rights!!
Feck Human Rights!!!
Feck Civil Rights!!!!
We must protect that 15 week old boy, jerkin’ his tiny lil’
But if that 15 week-old girl is reaching down to her icky parts, we have to find a way to stop that! THAT’S DIGUSTING!!! IT’S IMMORAL!!! AND THAT MUST STOPPED, EVEN IF WE HAVE TO CUT THE WOMAN OPEN, AND PUT ON TINY HANDCUFFS!!!!!!
MALE ZYGOTES RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are, after all, not “THE STUPID PARTY” fer nothin’!!!!!!
What do you expect from us?
You want intelligence?
You want compassion?
Become Commie Pinko DemorcRATs, all y’all Heathen bastards.
Oh, and this feckin’ eedjit’s a OB/GYN.
Did Rand start a self-accredited school for OB/GYN’s, after starting his own Opthamologist School?
Did Rand start a self-accredited school for OB/GYN’s, …
I thought Rand’s old man(aka Crazy Uncle Liberty) was/is an OB/GYN.
Rand worked on eyeballs.
–and was self-licensed at that…. how drunk would I need to be to allow him to work on mine?
You can’t possibly get that drunk!
Hmm, why am I reluctant to give any credibility to the pseudo-scientific statements of a Republican congressman?
We will never reach peak wingnut. You only think it’s peak wingnut because your brain is incapable of imagining anything dumber than this. From experience, we know that there is something dumber to come, even if we can’t yet extrapolate exactly what that is.
It’s the wingnut event horizon.
I can imagine dumber. I am imagining a fetal pajama party as we speak.
I stand corrected – I now worry that you have been staring into the abyss for too many long years.
Unlike the wingnuts themselves, who have apparently been staring at zygote pornography.
The GOP has proven to be incapable of jumping the shark.
What do you call it when the motorcycle flies into the shark?
A pilot episode.
My favorite part is how only male babies might have their hands between their legs. Girl babies are too pure and chaste for that.
But of course that’s a reason not to abort girl babies either. Anything that can cherish its maidenly virtue can surely feel pain.
Making clear why fetuses are often born blind. :::rimshot:::
I had three boys all born with hairy palms. hmmmmmm
Fetuses masturbate, huh?
Does that mean there’s free porn in the womb? I had no idea. Somehow I missed out on that critical piece of information. All I did to pass the days was float around in there, upside down, and kick my mom every once in a while. And to think, I could have really been enjoying myself.
Yeah and if the womb fapping is so good–why do boys wait so long after being born to take it up again??
What – you don’t remember your purposeful life as a fetus?
Neither do I. It was not pleasure nor pain, but something about birthing boy babies.
Marsha Blackburn looks like she’s marching to the gallows, or perhaps advancing through a World War I no man’s land.
She’s just had this grim, resigned, dutiful expression on her face whenever she’d appeared on TV to talk about this bill.